
Friday, March 11, 2011

Catullus, Poem 11

Gaius Valerius Catullus
84-54 BCE (over 2,000 years ago)
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Golden Age)

Furi et Aureli, comites Catulli/sive in extremos penetrabit Indos/litus ut longe resonante Eoa tunditur unda/sive in Hyrcanos Arabasve molles/seu Sagas sagittiferosve Parthos/sive quae septemgeminus colorat aequora Nilus/sive trans altas gradietur Alpes/Caesaris visens monimenta magni/Gallicum Rhenum horribile aequor ultimosque Britannos/omnia haec, quaecumque feret voluntas caelitum, temptare simul parati/pauca nuntiate meae puellae non bona dicta;
(Furius and Aurelius, comrades of Catullus, if it will reach into the farthest Indus, where the long shore is pounded by the eastern wave, or into the Hyrcani or rolling Arabia, or Sagas or the arrow-bearing Parthia, or that water which the seven-mouthed Nile colors, or if it steps across the high Alps, beholding the monuments of great Caesar, Gaul, the shuddering water of the Rhine, and farthest Britain, all these places, to whevever the desire of the celestial gods should carry, to try as soon as it is prepared, announce not a few good words to my lady;)

cum suis vivat valeatque moechis/quos simul complexa tenet trecentos/nullum amans vere, sed identidem omnium/ilia rumpens;
(let her live and do well with her male-sluts, those three hundred men whom she embraces, not truly loving a single one, but at the same time shattering the crotches of them all;)

nec meum respectet, ut ante, amorem/qui illius culpa cecidit velut prati/ultimi flos, pratereunte postquam/tactus aratro est.
(She will not respect my love, like before, which has fallen because of her fault, like a flower of the farthest meadow, after it has been plucked by a passer-by.)