
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Owen, Poem: Venus

John Owen (Iohannes Audoenus)
1564-1622 AD
Trans RMBullard 
Latin [Modern Era]

Select epigrams


    Principium dulce est, at finis amoris amarus;
[The beginning is sweet, but the end of a love affair is bitter;]

         laeta venire Venus, tristis abire solet.
[Venus usually comes happily, but leaves in grief.]

    Flumina quaesitum sic in mare dulcia currunt;
[The sweet rivers run their path thusly into the sea;]

         postquam gustarunt aequor, amara fluunt.
[After they splash into the sea, they flow bitterly.]


    De vita et Venere [Life and love]

    Omnis ad extremum properet licet actio finem;
[The whole flow freely propelled itself to the very farthest boundary.]

         oderunt finem vita Venusque suum.
[Both life and Love hate limits to themselves.]


    Homo [Man]

    Cor, nisi cura, nihil;
[The heart is nothing, without its cares;]

caro nil, nisi triste cadaver;
[Flesh is nothing, without its sad corpse;]

         nasci, aegrotare est; vivere, saepe mori.
[to grow is to ail; often to live, is often to die.]


    Ad Ponticum [To Ponticus]

    Saepe rogas, 'Quot habes annos?'
[You often ask, 'How many years have you lived?']

 respondeo: 'Nullos.'
[I reply, 'none']

         Quomodo? quos habui, Pontice, non habeo.
[How is this so? Ponticus, those I have lived, I no longer have.]