Duo cadavera in electrificina Japonica comperta esse [2 dead bodies found in Japanese power plant]
Corpora exanimata duorum operariorum vehementi maris motu occisorum in electrificina nucleari comperta sunt:[The lifeless bodies of two workers, killed by the violent tsunami from the sea, were discovered in the electric power plant.]
materia radioactiva purgata et propinquis reddita sunt.
[They were cleaned of radioactive material and returned to their relatives.]
Quamquam LX corpora exanimata recepta sint, de sedecim milibus incolûm nihil hucusque constat.
[Although 60 dead bodies have been found, the number of wounded and missing has reached up to 16,000.]
Interea operarii societatis, quae electrificinam dirigit, liquorem iodo radioactivo pollutum ex secundo reactorio effusum intercludere conantur:
[Meanwhile, workers of the company that produces electricity are attempting to shut off the leak of liquid polluted with radioactive waste <ions> from a second reactor.]
ad hoc adsequendum resina polymerica utuntur,
[They are using a polymeric resin to accomplish this goal,]
sed piscinae radioactivae aquarum plenae impediunt ne opus periculosum perficiatur.
[but pools of radioactive water must not be allowed to fill up, or the work will become more dangerous.]
Imago adposita locum illum demonstrat.
[The image above shows the aforementioned area.]
Auctoritates negant incolis damna adventura esse, si liquor in mare dispergatur.
[Authorities are denying that harm will come to inhabitants, if the liquid disperses into the sea.]
Japoniae minister primarius Naotus Kan in zonam populo interdictam helicoptero se contulit, confirmans regimen omnibus viribus affectis opem laturum esse.
[The prime minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, traveled by helicopter to the area, now restricted to the public, and declared that his administration solve the issue to the best of its abilities.]
Scripsit Herimannus Novocomensis - 03/04/2011 21h36