
Friday, April 1, 2011

Alfonsi, On Clerical Discipline

Petro Alphonsi [Alfhonsi]
12th c. AD Spain
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Medieval Era)



Dixit Petrus Alfunsus, servus Christi Ihesu, compositor huius libri:
[So said Peter Alfonsus, a servant of Jesus Christ, and composer of this book:]

Gratias ago Deo, qui primus est sine principio,
[I give thanks to God, who existed first, without a beginning]

 a quo bonorum omnium est principium,
[whence came the origin of all things good]

 finis sine fine,
[a boundary without end]

 totius boni complementum,
[the likeness of complete goodness,]

 sapiens qui sapientiam et rationem præbet homini,
[the Knowing One who provide wisdom and reason to man,]

qui nos sua aspiravit sapientia
[who inspired us with His wisdom]

et suaerationis admirabili illustravit claritate
[and shined upon us with the wonderful clarity of his Reason]

 et multiformi sancti spiritussui ditavit gratia.
[and enriched us in some in ways with the kindness of his holy spirit.]

Quia igitur me licet peccatorem Deus multimoda vestire dignatus est sapientia,
[And so, because God evidently deems me, a sinner, worthy to dress up his many-formed wisdom,]

 ne lucerna mihi credita sub modio tecta lateat,
[let not the lamp entrusted to me not hide my roofs under the bushel,]

eodem spiritu instigante ad multorum utilitatem hunc librum componere admonitussum,
[with the very same spirit giving me incentive to go good for many people, it is must advisable for me to compose this book]

ipsum obsecrans ut huic mei libelli principio bonum finem adiungat meque custodiat,
[since I refer to the very man who promises that it will accompany a fine ending to the beginning of my little book and keep watch over me,]

 ne quid in eo dicatur quod suae displiceat voluntati.
[lest something be said in this thing that might bring him displeasure.]


Deus igitur in hoc opusculo mihi sit in auxilium,
[Therefore may God come to my aid in the writing of this little book]

 qui me librum hunc componere et in latinum transferre compulit.
[who compelled me to write this book and translate it into Latin.]

 Cum enim apud me saepius retractando humanae causas creationis omni modo scire laborarem,
[You see, since I should in every way know the reasons for man's creation by more often drawing back within myself,]

 humanum quidem ingenium inveni ex praecepto conditoris ad hoc esse deputatum,
[indeed, I discovered that man's intelligence was assigned for this purpose according to the demand of our Creator]

 ut quamdiu est in saeculo
[such that as long as one lives in this century]

 in sanctae studeat exercitatione philosophiae,
[let him be devoted in the exercise of holy philosophy,]

 qua de creatore suo meliorem et maiorem habeat notitiam,
[by which he might have better and greater understanding of his own creator,]

et moderata vivere studeat  continentia
[and he might be eager to live in moderate temperance]

 et ab imminentibus sciat sibi praecavere adversitatibus
[and he might know how to avail himself from imminent hostilities]