Saturday, April 16, 2011
April 16, 2011 Gotovina ad custodiam condemnatus
[Likewise, Gotovina and Markac were convicted of "acts of evil."]
cuius actionis erat propositum,
[about which action it had previously been proven,]
ut omnes Serbi e regione Krajina expellerentur.
[that all of the Serbs had been forcefully expelled from the region of Krajina.]
Nihilo minus iudex, cum sententiam diceret, Franjum Tudjman, praesidem Croatiae defunctum, auctorem horum scelerum appellavit.
[Nevertheless, the judge, when he pronounced the sentence, called the deceased president of Croatia, Franjus Tudjman, the original author of these crimes.]
Sed patroni reorum nuntiaverunt se huic iudicio intercessuros,
[But the attorneys of the defendants announced that they would seek an appeal to this verdict,]
quia iudices omnia argumenta sua neglexissent:
[since the judges had not taken into consideration all of their arguments.]
quaecumque Gotovina fecisset, cum legibus militaribus congruere.
[They claimed that whatever acts Gotovina had previously done were in accordance to military law.]
Gotovina, cum regionem Krajinam Serbis expulsis recuperasset, summus praefectus factus est.
[Gotovina, when he had recaptured the region of Krajinam and driven the Serbs out, was then promoted to top commander.]
In eo bello plus DC cives Serbici occisi sunt, plus CL milia vi sunt expulsi.
[More than 600 Serbian civilians were killed in this war, while more than 150,000 of them were driven out by force.]
Mense Iulio anno MMI Gotovina fugae se mandavit.
[In July 2001 Gotovina ordered them into exile.]
Ea causa diu prohibebat, ne de Croatia Unioni Europaeae asciscenda ageretur.
[For a long time, the situation prevented the European Union from interceding in the matters of Croatia.]
Tamen etiamnunc multi sunt, qui censeant ad Krajinam „liberandam“ omnem vim adhibitam iustam ac legitimam fuisse.
[Nonetheless, there are still many people who believe that force taken to "liberate" Krajina was justified and legitimate.]
Recuperatio Krajinae pro liberatione nationali habetur.
[The recapturing of Krajina was held up as a symbol of national liberation.]
Zagrabiae, in platea „Ban Jelacic“, per magnum quadrum televisificum multitudo sententiam iudicum percipere potuit.
[A crowd of people in Zagrabia, in the Ban Jelacic plain, was there to receive the judges' sentence on a large television screen.]
Sententia dicta turba fremuit;
[The crowd roared with the sentence was declared;]
nonnullis lacrimae obortae sunt, in iis multi veterani eius belli.
[Many people broke down in tears, among them many veterans of this very war.]
Et ecclesia catholica et prima ministra Jadranka Kosor poposcerant, ut praefecti liberarentur.
[Both the Catholic Church and the prime minister, Jadranka Kosor, had beforehand demanded that the commanders be freed.]
Praeter ceteros Gotovina in Croatia heros nationalis habetur, quod integritatem rei publicae servaverit.
[Apart from the others, Gotovina was seen as a national hero in Croatia for protecting the sovereignty of his commonwealth.]
Iam pridie mille fere veterani illius belli pro praefectis reclamaverant :
[The day before, nearly a thousand veterans of that conflict protested in support of the commanders:]
taciti, vestitu pristino militari induti per mediam Zagrabiam ierunt.
[they quietly marched through the center of Zagrabia, dressed in their old military uniforms.]
Deinde in aede cathedrali res divina habebatur.
[At the time, the matter was also proclaimed a divine miracle by the national church.]
Iam antea episcopi catholici gregem suum hortati erant, ut pro praefectis precarentur.
[Beforehand, the Catholics <?> have urged their congregation to come out in support of the commanders.]
Etiamnunc, anno XVI. post bellum finitum, centenae civium caedes nondum sunt vindicatae.
[Even now, in the year 2011 and with the war over, hundreds of civilians have yet to find justice for their deaths.]
Scripsit Volfgangus Austriacus - 16/04/2011 12h13, Written by Wolfgang Austriac, translated by RMBullard