Argentaria Europaea foenus in terris eurone utentibus adauxit [European currency gained value for consumers using Euro]
Foenus usque ad 1,25 centesimas ab argentaria Europaea adauctum est,[The value of Europe's currency has increased to 1.25 dollars]
postquam per biennium singulae centesimae pecuniae pretium servaverat.
[after it had previously retained the monetary price of a single dollar for two years.]
Argentariae praesidens Johannes Claudius Trichet ita dixit inflationem moderatum iri et foenus etiam nunc parvi pretii esse.
[The president of the Treasury, Jean- Claude Trichet said on the matter that measured inflation had occurred and that the current value of currency was low.]
Cum Germani argentariae deliberationem probaverint,
[While the Germans approved of the currency's situation,]
gravibus difficultatibus opprimentur Hibernia, Lusitania et Graecia,
[Spain <Hispania>, Portugal and Greece are now being burdened by serious challenges]
ingenti aere alieno oneratae.
[since they owe a huge amount of debt.]
Johannes Claudius Lusitanos hortatur, ut auxilia ex Unione Europaea postulent.
[Mr. Trichet has called upon the Portuguese to demand assistance from the European Union.]
Scripsit Herimannus Novocomensis - 08/04/2011 00h49, Written by Herman Novocomens