
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dante, Ecloga I

Dante Alighieri [Dante]
1265-1321 AD Italy 

Trans RMBullard
Latin (Medieval Era)

    Pieridum vox alma,
[Sweet voices of the muses]

 novis qui cantibus orbem
    mulces lethifluum,
[you who sooth the forgetful flowing world with strange song]

vitali tollere ramo
    dum cupis,
[while you desire to lift up from a living branch]

evolvens triplicis confinia sortis
    indita pro meritis animarum, sontibus Orcum,
    astripetis Lethen, epiphoebia Regna beatis;
[with tripartite sorts do you roll out, renowned for the merits of living souls, and the innocent ones down in the Underworld,]

    tanta quid heu semper iactabis seria vulgo,
[alas, why will you cast out such great and serious things in public,]

    et nos pallentes nihil ex te vate legemus?
[and for our part, shall we read from the bard, while we shuddering not on your account?]

    ante quidem cythara pandum delphina movebit

[indeed, before Davus shall stir his Cytharian dolphins]

 et ambiguae Sphingos problemata solvet,
[and shall solve the riddles of the devious Sphinx,]

    Tartareum praeceps quam gens idiota figuret,
[as might the private clan form the dropoff of Tartaros,]

    et segreta Poli vix experata Platoni:
[and the Polus' mysteries, almost not accessible to Plato:]

    quae tamen in triviis nunquam digesta coaxat
    comicomus nebulo, qui Flaccum pelleret orbe.
[these same things did the hairy-browed fellow bellow upon his cloud, that is, the one who pushed Flaccus off the globe, and these things have never been divulged on the street corners.]

    non loquor his, immo studio callentibus, inquis;
[I won't speak in this manner, that is, with a passion of those on the street, as you say;]

    carmine sed laico.
[but rather in the song of the church.]

 clerus vulgaria temnit,
[The clergy despises the language of the common folk]

    etsi non varient,
[and even though it changes not,]

 quum sint idiomata mille.
[whose expressions number up to a thousand.]

    praeterea nullus quos inter es agmine sextus,
    nec quem consequeris Coelo, sermone forensi
[and besides, no one ever written in the speech typical of the marketplace, not even a 6th of you is in row, no anyone whom you've inquired of God,]

 quare, censor liberrime vatum,
[wherefore, one most easily becomes a critic of bards,]

    fabor, si fandi paulum concedis habenas.
[I say, even if you somewhat yield the reins in your way of speaking.]

    nec margaritas profliga prodigus apris,
[and do not wastefully thow pearls before swine <lit. boars>]

    nec preme castalias indigna veste Sorores.
[nor press the Sisters of the Castalian spring with an unworthy robe.]

    at precor ora cie, quae te distinguere possint,
[Instead, I pray for these faces that can give you distinction,]

    carmine vatisono,
[in a song with bard's tune]

sorti communis utrique:
[and in any event, of the common type]

    et iam multa tuis lucem narratibus orant.
[and already do many things pray for the light than comes from your fables.]

    dic age quo petiit Iovis armiger astra volatu:
[come, tell how armored Jove sought the stars in his flight:]

    dic age quos Flores, quae Lilia fregit Arator:
[do tell the Flowers and the Lilies that the Plowman shattered]

    dic Phrygias damas laceratas dente molosso:
[tell how the Phrygian deer were torn to pieces by the teeth of hound] 

    dic Ligurum montes,
[Speak of the peaks of Liguria]

et classes Parthenopaeas
[and the Parthenopaean galleys]

    carmine, quo possis Alcidae tangere Gades,
[in a song in which you might be able to touch Alcida's hometown of Cadiz]

    et quo te refluus relegens mirabitur Ister,
[and by which the Ister, as it flows back and leaves you behind, will become an object of wonder,]

    et Pharos,
[and Pharos]

et quondam regnum te noscet Elissae.
[and that kingdom of Elissa that, once upon a time, knew you.]

    si te fama iuvat,
[If fame pleases you]

 parvo te limite septum
    non contentus eris,
[You will not content yourself with the small limit of fences]

 nec vulgo iudice tolli.
[nor in public to be raised by the judge.]

    en ego iam primus, si dignum duxeris esse,
[behold it is I who now am first, if you should take me as a worthy person,]

    clericus Aonidum,
[the cleric of the Aones,]

 vocalis verna Maronis,
[the common houseslave of sonorous Maro,]

    promere gymnasiis te delectabor ovantum
    inclita Peneis redolentem tempora sertis;
[I will surely be delighted to publish you in the palaestrae of men who give ovation, as you make blossom the renowned ages with Peneian garlands;]

    ut praevectus equo sibi plaudit praeco sonorus
[such that, the sonorous criar, carried forth upon his steed, now applauds,]

    festa trophaea ducis populo praetendere laeto.
[announcing that the festive trophies of his commanders to the happy folk.]

    iam mihi bellisonis horrent clangoribus aures.
[already do my ears shudder at the crash that war causes.]

    quid pater Apenninus hiat?
[Why does Father Apennine gape?]

 quid concitat aequor
    Tirrhenum Nereus?
[Why does Nereus stir up the Tyrrhenian Sea?]

 quid Mars infrendet utroque?
[Why does Mars smash together on both sides?]

    tange chelyn,
[Touch the swallow,]

 tantos hominum compesce labores.
[gather such great labors of men.]

    ni canis haec,
[Lest you sing these things,]

alios ad te pendendo poetas,
    omnibus ut solus dicas,
indicta manebunt:
[as you alone say to all men, there will remain obligations for you to rely upon other poets,]

    si tamen Eridani mihi spem mediane dedisti,
[if however you gave me the hope of Eridanus]

    quod visare, notis me dignareris amicis,
[since you thought it me worthy to be seen by distinguished friends,]