
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sallust, Letter to Caesar *possibly spurious

Gaius Sallustius Crispus [Sallust] *Pseudo-Sallust
86-35 BC Rome
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Republican Era/Golden Age of Latin Literature)


I. Scio ego, quam difficile, atque asperum factu sit, consilium dare regi aut imperatori,
[It is I who know how difficult and bitter it might be in the action, to give counsel to a king, or leader of the state,]

 postremo cuiquam mortali, cuius opes in excelso sunt:
[and especially to any mortal man, whose wealth is in abundance:]

 quippe quum et illis consultorum copiae adsint;
[why, I pray there are a large groups of counsels for those very men;]

 neque de futuro quisquam satis callidus satisque prudens sit.
[and I pray that someone not be too aware of the future, or too wise in his judgment.]

 Quinetiam saepe prava magis, quam bona consilia prospere eveniunt:
[In fact, ill advice comes about, more often than good advice turns out prosperously:]

quia plerasque res fortuna ex lubidine sua agitat.
[that's because fortune stirs up all kinds of affairs, as it sees fit:]

Sed mihi studium fuit adolescentulo rempublicam capessere:
[But, ever since I was a young man, my goal was to take over the republic:]

atque in ea cognoscenda multam, magnamque curam habui:
[and I held a great deal, a great care to gaining knowledge about these things: ]

non ita, uti magistratum modo caperem,
[not so that I could only take over a political office,]

quem multi malis artibus adepti erant;
[which many many have gained, from their ill practices;]

 sed etiam uti rempublicam domi, militiaeque, quantumque armis, viris, opulentia posset, cognitam haberem.
[but rather so that I could make our republic famous at home and abroad, as much as it could manage from its arms, its men, and its opulence.]