
Monday, July 25, 2011

Aurelius Victor, Illustrious Romans

Sextus Aurelius Victor [Aurelius Victor]
320-390 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Late Imperial/Christian Era)

1 1 Proca, rex Albanorum, Amulium et Numitorem filios habuit,
[Proca, king of the Albans, had sons, Amulius and Numitor,]

 quibus regnum annuis vicibus habendum reliquit
[to whom he assigned his kingdom to possess in alternating years]

 [ut alternia imperarent].
[so that they could each share power.]

 Sed Amulius fratri imperium non dedit
[But Amulius did not cede control of power to his brother,]

 et ut eum subole privaret,
[and so that he could deprive him of descendunts,]

filiam eius, Rheam Silviam, Vestae sacerdotem praefecit,
[he appointed his daughter Rhea Silvia to be priestess of Vesta,]

 ut virginitate perpetua teneretur,
[so that she could be held in custody in permanent virginity,]

quae a Marte compressa Remum et Romulum edidit.
[although she, once she was seduced by Mars, gave birth to Romulus and Remus.]

2 Amulius ipsam in vincula compegit,
[Amulius locked her up in chains,]

 parvulos in Tiberim abiecit,
[and he threw the little boys into the Tiber]

quos aqua in sicco reliquit.
[but the water left them on dry land.]

 3 Ad vagitum lupa accurrit eosque uberibus suis aluit.
[A she-wolf ran up to their crying and breast-fed them with her teats.]

Mox Fauatulus pastor collectos Accae Laurentiae coniugi educandos dedit.
[Soon a shepherd<Faustulus> gathered him up, and gave them over to his wife Laurentia to raise them.]

4 Qui postea Amulio interfecto Numitori avo regnum restituerunt;
[Afterwards, they killed Amulius and restored the kingdom to Numitor;]

 ipsi pastoribus adunatis civitatem condiderunt,
[they too founded a city with the shepherds they collected,]

 quam Romulus augurio victor,
quod ipse XII, Remus VI vultures viderat, Romam vocavit;
which Romulus victoriously called Rome after his augury, that is, when he saw 12 vultures and Remus only 6.]

 et ut eam prius legibus muniret quam moenibus,
[and so that he could fortify it with laws before walls,]

 edixit, ne quis vallum transiliret;
[he declared that nobody would be allowed to cross his wall;]

 quod Remus irridena transilivit
[but Remus, in jest, jumped over it,]

et a Celere centurione rastro fertur occisus.
[and it is said that he was killed with a rake by a centurion named Celer.]

2 1 Romulus asylum convenis patefecit
[Romulus opened an safe haven for travellers]

 et magno exercitu facto,
[and after he organized a large army,]

 cum videret coniugia deesse,
[as soon as he realized that he lacked wives,]

 per legatos a finitimis civitatibus petiit.
[he made requests from the neighboring cities by sending ambassadors.]

 2 Quibus negatis ludos Consualia simulavit,
[But when these are turned down, he pretended to hold festival games in honor of the Consualia,]

 ad quos cum utriusque sexus multitudo venisset,
[at which a crowd of people, both men and women, had come,]

 dato suis signo virgines raptae sunt.
[and after he gave the signal to his men, their maidens were carried off.]

 Ex quibus cum una pulcherrima cum magna omnium admiratione duceretur,
[Then, out of these women, the one, most beautiful woman was being sought with great bewilderment of all,

 Talassio eam duci responsum est.
[the call was for her to be given to Talassius.]

 3 Quae nuptiae quia feliciter cesserant,
[Because this ceremony turned out happily,]

institutum est, ut in omnibus nuptiis Talassii nomen iteretur.
[it became custom that Talassius' name be repeated at all wedding ceremonies.]

 Cum feminas finitimorum Romani vi rapuissent,
[Since the Romans seized the women of their neighbors by force,]

 primi Caeninenses contra eos bellum sumpserunt.
[the first to fight a war against them were from Caene.]

Adversus quos Romulus processit
[Romulus faced these men head on]

et exercitum eorum ac ducem Acronem singulari proelio devicit.
[and he defeated their army and general, Acro, in a single battle.]

 4 Spolia opima Iovi Feretrio in Capitolio consecravit.
[He dedicated the rich plunder to Jove the Assailant, on the Capitol.]

 Sabini ob raptas bellum adversus Romanos sumpserunt.
[The Sabines waged war against the Romans to regain their stolen women.]

 5 Et cum Romae appropinquarent,
[And when they approached Rome,]

Tarpeiam virginem nacti,
[they seized a maiden named Tarpeia,]

 quae aquae causa sacrorum hauriendae descenderat,
[who had came out in order to draw water for holy ceremony,]

 ei T. Tatius optionem muneris dedit,
[and Titus Tatius gave her the offer of reward,]

si exercitum suum in arcem perduxisset.
[if she led their army all the way to the citadel.]

6 Illa petiit, quod illi in sinistris manibus gerebant,
[She asked for things that they were wearing upon their left arms,]]

videlicet anulos et armillas;
[meaning their rings and arm bands;]

quibus dolose repromissis Sabinos in arcem perduxit,
[but these things were paid in grievous fashion after she led the Sabines all the way to the citadel,]

 ubi Tatius scutis eam obrui praecepit;
[where Tatius ordered that she be pummelled by their shields;]

 nam et ea in laevis habuerant.
[you see, they had also been holding these things in their left arms as well.]

 7 Romulus adversus Tatium qui montem Tarpeium tenebat,
[Romulus, who was holding the Tarpeian Mount against Tatius,]

 processit et in eo loco,
[sallied out in that very place]

ubi nunc forum Romanum est
[where the Roman Forum now lies]

, pugnam conseruit:
[and he began the battle:]

 ibi Hostus Hostilius fortissime dimicans cecidit,
[there, Hostus Hostilius, after fighting as bravely as he could manage, died,]

 cuius interitu consternati Romani fugere coeperunt
[upon whose fall the Romans, now in dire straits, began flee,]

. 8 Tunc Romulus Iovi Statori aedem vovit,
[Then and there, Romulus promised a temple to Jove the Stayor,]

 et exercitus seu forte seu divinitus restitit.
[and he regained his forces, either by his courage or by divine will.]

 9 Tunc raptae in medium processerunt
[Then and there, the kidnapped woman sallied forth into the very center]

 et hinc patres inde coniuges deprecatae pacem conciliarunt.
[and they, appealing to their fathers, on one side, and their husbands on the other, gained the peace.]

 10 Romulus foedus percussit
[Romulus hammered out a treaty]

 et Sabinos in urbem recepit,
[and he welcomed the Sabines into his city,]

 populum a Curibus, oppido Sabinorum, Quirites vocavit.
[he calls them, being a people from Cures, the city of the Sabines, Quirites.]

 Centum senatores a pietate patres appellavit.
[He called his 100 senators "fathers" out of their piety.]

11 Tres equitum centurias instituit,
[He established three centuries of knights,]

 quas suo nomine Ramnes, a Tito Tatio Tatienses, a luci communione Luceres appellavit.
[which he called after his own name, Ramnes, Tatienes, after Titus Tatius, and Luceres by the light of their sacred hearth.]

 12 Plebem in triginta curias distribuit
[He divided the common folk between 30 curiae]

 easque raptarum nominibus appellavit.
[and he named these after the stolen Sabine women.]

 13 Cum ad Caprae paludem exercitum lustraret,
[When he marched his army to the swampland of Caprae,]

nusquam comparuit;
[he never stopped.]

unde inter patres et populum seditione orta Iulius Proculus, vir nobilis, in contionem processit
[from there, Julius Proculus, a noble-born man, rising among the senators and the people, by using sedition, campaigned in election]

et iureiurando firmavit Romulum a se in colle Quirinali visum augustiore forma,
[and, after making the necessary oath under law, he claimed that Romulus had appeared to him upon the Quirinal Hill in a more divine form,]

cum ad deos abiret;
[before he began to make his journey away to the gods;]

eundemque praecipere,
[and he said that he dropped down,]

ut seditionibus abstinerent, virtutem colerent;
[so that they could stay off from treason, and cherish his courageous deeds;]

futurum, ut omnium gentium domini exsisterent.
[and predicted that they would stand out as the masters of all nations.]

Huius auctoritati creditum est.
[They gave credence to this man's authority.]

Aedes in colle Quirinali Romulo constituta, ipse pro deo cultus et Quirinus est appellatus.
[A temple was built to Romulus on the Quirinal hill, and the hill was renamed the Quirinus in honor of the god.]

Post consecrationem Romuli, cum diu interregnum esset et seditiones orirentur, Numa Pompilius, Pomponii filius, Curibus, oppido Sabinorum, accitus,
[After Romulus' consecration, when there was a long intermission between kings, and seditions began to arise, Numa Pompilius, the son of Pomponius, was born in Cures, a town of Sabines,]

cum addicentibus avibus Romam venisset, ut populum ferum religione molliret,
[and when he had come to Rome, inspired by the predictions of his forefathers that he could sooften a ferocious people with religion,]

sacra plurima instituit.
[he set up a great many sacred rites.]

Aedem Vestae fecit,
[He constructed the Temple of Vesta,]

virgines Vestales legit, flamines tres, Dialem Martialem Quirinalem, Salios, Martia sacerdotes, quorum primus praesul vocatur, XII instituit,
[he chose the Vestal Virgins, three flamen priest, the chief priest for Mars Quirinalis, and he established twelve priests for Mars, the first of whom was called the Praesul,]

pontificem maximum creavit,
[he created the position of Pontifex Maximus,]

portas Iano gemino aedificavit.
[and he built the gates of the twin-headed Janus.]

Annum in XII menses distribuit additis Ianuario et Februario.
[He divided the year into twelve months after adding January and February.]

Leges quoque plures et utiles tulit,
[He also passed a great deal of useful laws,]

omnia quae gerebat, iussu Egeriae nymphae, uxoris suae, se facere simulans.
[all things which, when he executed, he pretended that he was acting under the instruction of his wife, a nymph named Egeria.]

Ob hanc tantam iustitiam bellum ei nemo intulit.
[Because of his just standing, so highly reputed, no one waged war against him.]

Morbo solutus in Ianiculo sepultus est,
[After he succumbed to an illness, he was buried in the Janiculum,]

ubi post annos arcula cum libris a Terentio quodam exarata;
[where, over the years, his tomb, along with his books, were dug by a man named Terentius;]

qui libri, quia leves quasdam sacrorum causas continebant, ex auctoritate patrum cremati sunt.
[these books were burned on the authority of the Senate, because they contained certain peculiar explanations for our sacred rituals.]

Tullus Hostilius, quia bonam operam adversum Sabinos navaverat, rex creatus bellum Albanis indixit,
[Tullus Hostilius, after he was appointed king, declared war on the Albans, because he had made much progress against the Sabines,]

quod trigeminorum certatione finivit.
[and this war turned into a three-way struggle.]

Albam propter perfidiam ducis Mettii Fufetii diruit,
[He managed to sack Alba, thanks to the devious trick of his general, Mettius Fufetius,]

Albanos Romam transire iussit.
[and he ordered the Albans to emigrate to Rome.]

Curiam Hostiliam constituit.
[He constructed the Curia Hostilia.]

Montem Coelium urbi addidit.
[He added the Caelian Hill to the city.]

Et dum Numam Pompilium sacrificiis imitatur,
[And although he followed Numa Pompilius's rituals in sacrifices,]

Elicio litare non potuit, fulmine ictus cum regia conflagiavit.
[he could not give homage to Elicius, since he set fire to the royal palace after being struck by a lightning bolt.]

Cum inter Romanos et Albanos bellum fuisset exortum,
[As soon as war had arisen between the Romans and Albans,]

ducibus Hostilio et Fufetio placuit rem paucorum certamine finire.
[it pleased the commanders Hostilius and Fufetius to finish the affair using a contest of only a few men.]

Erant apud Romanos trigemini Horatii,
[Living among the Romans, there were the triplets, the Horatii brothers,]

tres apud Albanos Curiatii;
[and among the Albans, three brothers known as the Curiatii;]

quibus foedere icto concurrentibus statim duo Romanorum ceciderunt,
[as soon as the bout started and they rushed upon each other, they managed to kill two of the Roman brothers immediately,]

tres Albanorum vulnerati.
[although all three of the Alban ones were now wounded.]

Unus Horatius quamvis integer,
[Only one Horatius was alive and well, however,]

quia tribus impar erat,
[and because he could be no match against three men,]

fugam simulavit
[he pretended to flee]

et singulos per intervalla, ut vulnerum dolor patiebatur, inaequentes interfecit.
[and he slayed each one of them, no match in man-to-man combat, at individual stages, so that each would have to suffered the grief of their wounds the longer,]

Et cum spoliis onustus rediret,
[And when he returned, laden with the spoils of victory,]

sororem obviam habuit,
[he happened to encounter his sister,]

quae viso paludamento sponsi sui, qui unus ex Curiatiis erat, flere coepit.
[who, after seeing the bloody slaughter of her husband, who was one of the Curatii brothers, began to weep.]

Frater eam occidit.
[Her brother killed her.]

Qua re apud duumviros condemnatus ad populum provocavit;
[For that act, after he was condemned to death in court of the duumviri, he appealed to the people;]

ubi patris lacrimis condonatus ab eo expiandi gratia sub tigillum missus;
[whereby, saved by the tears of his father, he was sent as a ritual to expiate himself to walk under a wooden plank;]

quod nunc quoque viae superpositum Sororium appellatur.
[and that plank, now placed upon the road, is called the Sister's Board.]

Mettius Fufetius, dux Albanorum, cum se invidiosum apud cives videret,
[Mettius Fufetius, the commander of the Albans, when he saw that he was growing unpopular among his citizens,]

quod bellum sola trigeminorum certatione finisset,
[since the war had finished only after a three-year period,]

ut rem corrigeret, Veientes et Fidenates adversum Romanos incitavit.
[so that he could rectify the situation, he provoked the cities of Veii and Fidenae against the Romans.]

 Ipse ab Tullo in auxilium arcessitus aciem in collem subduxit, ut fortunam sequeretur.
[After being summoned by Tullus as back-up, he himself fled from the battle line down the hill, hoping that fortune would follow.]

Qua re Tullus intellecta magna voce ait suo illud iussu Mettium facere.
[For that, Tullus claimed, in a loud and self-conscience voice, that Mettius did that on his command.]

Qua re hostes territi et victi sunt.
[For that reason, his enemies grew terrified and were defeated.]

Postera die Mettius cum ad gratulandum Tullo venisset,
[On the following day, when Mettius had come to congratulate Tullus,]

iussu ipsius quadrigis religatus et in diversa distractus est.
[on order, he was tied down by all four limbs to his four-horse chariot, and was torn to pieces in different directions.]

Ancus Marcius, Numae Pompilii ex filia nepos, aequitate et religione avo similis, Latinos bello domuit.
[Ancus Marcius, the grandson of Numa Pompilius on his daughter's side, and similar in his sense of moderation and religious piety, conquered the Latins in war.]

 Murcium et Ianiculum montes urbi addidit,
 [He added the Murcium and Janiculum as hills to the city,]

nova moenia oppido circumdedit.
[and he built new walls around the town.]

Silvas ad usum navium publicavit.
[He designated the forests for the construction of ships.]

Salinarum vectigal instituit.
[He established the tax of the Salinares.]

Carcerem primus aedificavit.
[He was the first to build a jail.]

Ostiam coloniam maritimis commeatibus opportunam in ostio Tiberis deduxit.
[He founded the colony of Ostia with maritime seafarers, as it was in a prime location on the port harbor of the Tiber.]

Ius fetiale, quo legati ad res repetundas uterentur, ab Aequiculis transtulit,
[He introduced Fetial Law from the Aequiculi, which men in command used for cases of corruption,]

quod primus fertur Rhesus excogitasse.
[although Rhesus is said to have been the first to think the idea up.]

His rebus confectis intra paucos dies immatura morte praereptus non potuit praestare qualem promiserat regem.
[When he had finished these accomplishments, he did not manage to designate whom he had selected to be king, as he was stolen away only a few days later by an untimely death.]

Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Demarati Corinthii filius, eius, qui Cypseli tyrannidem fugiens in Etruriam commigravit.
[Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, the son of a Corinthian man, Demaratos, who was fleeing the tyranny of Cypselos, moved to Etruria.]

Ipse Lucumo dictus, urbe Tarquiniis profectus Romam petiit.
[His original name was Lucumo; soon as he set out from the city of Tarquinii, he headed for Rome.]