
Friday, March 18, 2011

Adalbertus, The Greatest Faith Possible

 Adalbertus Ranconis de Ericinio [Adalbertus] 
1320-1388 c. AD France
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Medieval Era)

[Concening the Greatest Faith written by the Director Adalbero]
Ms. Valenc. 354 (F° 110 r°)

(Praesul)          Regi Rotberto sic praesul Adalbero plaudit.
1 [And so, the director Adalbero applauds King Rotbert.]
    Lauduntis tam parva domus tua regna salutat.
2 [His family, so very small, welcomes your reign.]
    A divis venerantur opes et his satiantur ;
3 [Your wealth will now be favored by the heavens and will make them happy.]
    In Domino pauper quae sunt caelestia sume.
4 [Even if you are a poor man, take upon things in the Lord that are heavenly.]
    Quod si sermo labat, sanctum quoque pneuma rogabo :
5 [but if normal speech fails me, I will call upon the Holy Spirit too:]

    Vlla melos lira non posset ferre sonorum,
[No lyre could possibly bring such sweet tunes of song]

    Si bene corda manu docta non percuteretur.
[if not strickenly completely by a hand experienced in the string.]

    Ars occulta ;
[The skill is secret;]

 secreta Dei sic non caperentur,
[God's secrets thusly should not be taken,]

    Archanum quoddam tres si non sanctificarent,
[if three characters could not make holy a certain object of antiquity,]

    Filius ille patris si non in carne veniret.
[and unless the Son of the Father himself could not appear in the flesh.]