
Friday, March 18, 2011

Albertano, Speeches (Sermones)

Albertanus Bresciae [Albertano]
1195-1251 AD, Italy
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Medieval Era)

 Sermo factus super illuminatione et super spirituali et corporali refectione et que sunt necessaria in refectione.
1 [I have finished a speech on enlightenment, and spiritual and bodily fulfilment, and the things necessary for fulfilment.]

Orate Deum, fratres, ut, ministerio sue sanctitatis, per me, servum suum inutilem atque indignum, ministret vobis hodie aliquidutilitatis.
2 [Fellow monks, pray to God that, through the aid of his holiness, he aid you all in any way whatsoever today, alongside myself, who is his useless and unworthy servant.]

Fratres mei, more solito hic congregati, propositum nostre congregationis inspiciamus, circa illud aliqua utilia pertractantes.
3 [My fellow monks, gathered here according to our usual custom, let us examine the purpose of our congregation, as we draw anything useful concerning it.]

Propositum certe nostre congregationis triplicem habet causam.
4 [Certainly, the purpose of our congregation has three reasons.]

 Quarum prima est illuminatio;
5 [The first of these is enlightenment.]

nam consuevimus hic congregari ad collationem faciendam,
[Let me explain: we've grown accustomed to be assembled here for the purpose of making a contribution,]

ut oleum ematur de quo sacer iste locus illuminetur.
[and why? So that oil can be bought by whose use a holy kind of place like this might be enlightened.]

 Secunda causa est spiritualis reffectio,
[The second reason is spiritual restoration,]

 quam hic a fratribus cum devotione suscipere consuevimus.
[something which we've grown accustomed to take upon ourselves from our brothers here, with a sense of devotion,]

Tercia est corporalis reffectio,
[The third rejuvenation is bodily,]

 quam hic cum caritate debemus sumere.
[which we ought here to undertake with care.]

De quibus singulariter despiciamus.
[Let us look down upon these things in unison.]

Circa illuminationem scire oportet
[Concerning enlightment one ought to know]

 quod, qui aliis lumen volunt prebere, in se lumen debent habere.
[that, whoever wishes to provide light to others, ought to have the light in their own possession.]

Nam, sine lumine, homo quasi cecus dicitur
[You see, without light, a man is said to be as if blind,]

 et "si cecus ceco ducatum prestet, ambo in foveam cadunt,"
[and 'if a blind man becomes a leader of a blind man, both will fall into the ditch," ]

 ut in Evangelio Veritas ipsa testatur.
[just as Truth itself is testifies in the Gospel.]

 Ut ergo verum lumen habeamus
[Therefore, so that I can possess the true light,]

aliisque possimus conferre,
[and pass it on to others,]

sciendum est quod,
[one must know that]

sicut in lumine nostro corporali consueto quatuor intervenire debent, videlicet:
[thusly, four things ought to apparently intervene in our own body's enlightenment, once it has grown accustomed,]

 ignis et oleum atque aliquod corpus purum,
[fire, and oil, and some pure body too,]

in quo oleum infundatur
[in which the oil can be poured,]

 et accendi possit,
[and can be lit aflame,]

 et ipsa accensio, ita et in lumine verospirituali predicta quatuor intervenire debent.
[and this very thing will be lighting, and so in true, spirtual light, four thoughts ought to come to mind.]

Ignem namque habere debemus,
[and so, we ought to possess fire,]

 hoc est Deum in cordibus nostris portare eiusque memoriam habere atque illius amore calefieri.
[this signifies the act of bringing God in our hearts, and holding a memory of him, and growing warm from his love.]

 Et quod Deus ignis sit bene testatur Beatus Paulus, in Epistula ad Hebreos, dicens:
[and Blessed Paul recalls that the God was indeed fire, in his Letter to the Hebrews, as he says:]

"Et enim Deus noster ignis est consumens."
["And you see, our god is Fire burning.]

Consumit enim omnia nostra peccata.
[You see, he burns all of our sins.]

 Hic enim est ignis,
[you see, this one is fire]

qui Apostolos inflamavit adque illuminavit in pascha Pentecostes.
[whoever inflamed the Apostles and shed light upon the Pentacostals on Easter.]

 Hic etiam est ignis,
[This one is fire,]

qui apparuit Moysi in rubro.
[when it appeared in ruddy Moysis]

Hec est columna ignis
[The fire was the row]

, que eduxit populum Israeliticum per desertum.
[that lead the people of Israel through the desert.]

Hic insuper est ignis habens carbones desolatorios,
[Here, from above, is the fire that holds pitiless coals]

 qui dissolvunt corda nostra ad benefaciendum,
[which loosened away our hearts to do good]

de quibus dicit Propheta:
[about which things says the Prophet:]

"Sagitte potentis acute,
[Sharp are the arrows of power,]

 cum carbonibus desolatoriis."
[when accompanied by pitiless coals]

 Hii sunt carbones,
[These are the coals]

quos debemus inicere super capita inimicorum nostrorum,
[which we ought to cast upon the heads of our enemies]

 ut ait Beatus Paulus, in Epistula ad Romanos:
[as said Blessed Paul in his Letter to the Romans]

"Si esurierit inimicus tuus, ciba ilium:
["If you foe has grown hunger, feed him]

si sicierit, potum da illi.
[should he ever grow thirsty, give him water.]

 Hoc enim faciens,
[you see, by doing this]

 carbones ignis congeris super capud eius."
[you pile up the coals of fire upon his head.]