Francis Bacon
1561-1626 AD
translated by RmBullard
Latin [Modern Era]
ILLUSTRISSIMO ET EXCELLENTISSIMO PRINCIPI CAROLO, PRINCIPI WALLIAE, DUCI CORNUBIAE, COMITI CESTRIAE ETC. [To the most illustrious and excellent Prince Carolus of Wales, Commander of Cornubia, ally of Cestria, and other titles]
EXCELLENTISSIME PRINCEPS, [Most excellent prince,]
Ut in parte recognoscerem debitum infinitum quo celsitudini vestrae obstrictus sum, operam dedi ut honorem exhiberem memoriae regis illus Angliae qui ex progenitoribus regis patris vestri, et vestri ipsius, fuit postremus.
1 [I have made an attempt to recognize the eternal debt to which I have been tied, by your high power, and to put on display the honor of that well-known king of England, a man who has at last set himself apart from the forefathers of your fatherland and yourself.]
Cui regi utraque unio quodammodo attribui possit, quandoquidem illa rosarum in ipso consummata fuit, illa vero regnorum fundata et inchoata.
2 [It can be once and for all be bestowed to this king, in one way or another, even as those well-known roses of events have already been enacted, and his kingdom has been firmly established and hailed.]
Quinetiam tempora eius celebrari merentur.
3 [Let me not forget to mention how deservedly his generation should be celebrated.]
Vir enim prudens fuit et rex egregius, tempora nihilominus sua turbida et mutationum et eventum rariorum plena.
4 [You see, he was a prudent fellow, and a renowned king, despite the fact that his own time period was tempestuous and plagued by catastrophes and strange events.]
Etenim in temporibus idem usuvenit quod in viis, ut alia sint magis acclivia et declivia, alia vero pagis plana et aequabilia.
5 [And still, he nevertheless was a servant for his period of time, since, even as there are some ups and downs, you must handle those events with a sense of equanimity and justice.]