
Thursday, March 31, 2011

St. Ghislain, A Song to Night

Gislenus Bultelius
1555-1611 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Renaissance Era)


Heu quam lenta dies, quam sera crepuscula Noctis
Adueniunt !
[Alas, how slow the day is, how late the sunsets of Night arrive!]

Iam me tam mora longa necat.
[Now, so long a delay now kills me.]

Quam Sol lentus abit, caussas qui tollit amoris !
[how slow does the sun leave, which raises the reasons of love!]

Ibi me Loysa prato
Medio iubet sedere,
[In that place does Louisa bid me to sit in the Persian meadow,]

(20) Liquidaque uoce carmen
Tenero canens Amori,
[while she sings in crisp tune a song to soft Love,]

Nemus omne personare
Volucrum facit canoris
[the entire forest comes alive with the measured chirping of birds]

renidet aër;
[the air grows bright again]

(25) Violae rosaeque rident;
[The violets and roses smile;]

Strepit unda murmurillans,
[A whispering wave of water echoes]

Cytharaeque concinentis
Numeros modosque dulces
Iterans recantat Echo.
[And repeating the rhythms and sweet beats of Venus singing alongside, Echo sings in response.]

(30) Ego mi uidebar unus
Homines beatus inter
Alios beatiores,
[For my part did I used to think myself along, blessed, among the more blessed of men,]

Placide in sinu recumbens
[as I lay back slumbering peacefull in the lap of my mistress]

Ioui nec ipsi
(35) Superis nec inuidebam,
[neither Jove nor the divine gods themselves did I use to envy,]

Culices repente cum me
Strepitu molestae et oris
Pupugere telo acuto
[when without warning, did pestering mosquitos sting about the face, with their buzzing and sharp daggers]

Placidumque somnum ocellis

(40) Animoque propulere.
[and beat the gentle sleep right out of my eyes, and my mind.]

Fugit illico Loysa,
[Louisa runs away now,]

Fugiunt rosae et corollae
[the roses and violet crowns now flee away,]

meque rursus
Variis patere curis
(45) Video,
[and I find myself back again, suffering from my myriad of woes]

Loysa quarum
Mihi caussa fonsque sola est.
[of which Louisa is the cause, and the fount, for me.]

Iterum timet repulsam
[And again, my mind fears her, now beaten back]

focusque in imis
Mihi perfurit medullis,
[and fire rages deeply in the depths of my bones,]

(50) Lacrumisque rursus ora
Gemituque corda turgent.
[My face swelled back again with tears, and by heart from groaning.]

Culices Dii Deaeque
Faciant perire,
[May the Gods and Goddesses make the pests go away]

Mihi qui meum abstulerunt,
[the ones who stole my slumber away from me,]

(55) At enim furens nec ursus,
Leo nec lupusque fatum
Mihi triste praeparabat.
[but you see, neither the raging Bear, nor the Lion, nor the wolf were preparing some sad outcome for me.]

Clytio sed ista lex est
Data, credo, fato ut illi,
[instead, this kind of law was granted by Clytius, as for specifically for that fate,]

(60) Nec imago falsa somni,
Animum dolore uero
Queat obrutum leuare.
[nor can the false image of sleep alleviate the mind when it's been overwhelmed by grief.]

Tamen, o Loysa flaua,
Mihi sola spes amorque es,
[Nevertheless, o fair-haired Louisa, you alone are my hope, and my love,]

(65) Tua prima nostra flama,
Tua et ultima es futura,
[You first were my first flame, and you will be my very last,]

Mihi nullus a Loysae
Alius calescet ignis.
[Let no other fire grow hot for me, unless it belongs to Loiusa.]