
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Terence, Andria

Publius Terentius Afer [Terence]
195-159 BC
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Republican Era)



INCIPIT ANDRIA TERENTI [So begins Terence's Andria]
ACTA LVDIS MEGALENSIBVS [Put on at the Megalensian Games]
M. FVLVIO M'. GLABRIONE AEDILIB. CVRVLIB. [For the aediles of curule rank Marcus Fulvius and Marcus Glabrio]
EGERE L. AMBIVIVS TVRPIO L. HATILIVS PRAENESTINVS [Played by Lucius Ambivivus and Lucius Hatilius from Praeneste]
MODOS FECIT FLACCVS CLAVDI [Flaccius Claudius performed the music]
TIBIS PARIBVS TOTA [Everything was played to a pair of pipes]
FACTA PRIMA [The Greek version was first written by Menander]
M. MARCELLO C. SVLPICIO COS. [Performed during the consul years of Marcus Marcellus and Gaius Sulpicius]

PERSONAE [characters]

PROLOGUS [prologue]
SIMO SENEX [Simo the old man]
SOSIA LIBERTVS [Sosia the freedman]
DAVOS SERVOS [Davos the slave]
MYSIS ANCILLA [Mysis the slave woman]
PAMPHILVS ADVLESCENS [The young man Pamphilos]
CHARINVS ADVLESCENS [The young man Charinos]
BYRRIA SERVOS [Burria the slave]
LESBIA OBSTETRIX [Lesbia the midwife]
GLYCERIVM MVLIER [Glycerium the wife]
CHREMES SENEX [Chermes the old man]
CRITO SENEX [Crito the old man
DROMO LORARIVS [Dromo the charioteer]

G. SVLPICI APOLLINARIS [Introduction by Gaius Sulpicius Apollinaris]

Sororem falso creditam meretriculae
Genere Andriae, Glycerium, uitiat Pamphilus
[Disguising himself as Andria, Pamphilos has a sexual affair with Glycerium, the sister of a courtesan,]

Grauidaque facta dat fidem, uxorem sibi
Fore hanc;
[and after knocking her up, he proposes to her so as to make her his wife;]

namque aliam pater ei desponderat,
Gnatam Chremetis, atque ut amorem comperit,
Simulat futuras nuptias,
[By this token, his father had already bethroted his daughter of Chremes to this man, and as soon as he finds out the love affair, he pretends to plan a future wedding,]

cupiens suus
Quid haberet animi filius cognoscere.
[since he desires to know what his son had in mind.]

Daui suasu non repugnat Pamphilus.
[Pamphilos does not refuse Davos' advice.]

Sed ex Glycerio natum ut uidit puerulum
Chremes, recusat nuptias, generum abdicat.
[But Cremes, as soon as he sees the young boy born from Glycerium, refuses the marriage, and disowns his son in law.]

Mox Pamphilo, aliam dat Charino coniugem.
[Sooner or later though, he gives her to Pamphilus, and another wife to Charinos.]


Poeta quom primum animum ad scribendum adpulit,
[The poet who first sets his mind to writing,]

id sibi negoti credidit solum dari,
[he believed that it alone should be of importance to him]

populo ut placerent quas fecisset fabulas.
[that he had made stories that were pleasing to the people.]

verum aliter evenire multo intellegit;
[but otherwise he understands by far how it will turn out;]

nam in prologis scribundis operam abutitur,           5
[you see, a man does abuse to his play by writing the prologue]

non qui argumentum narret
[not when he tells the set of his story's events]

sed qui malevoli
veteris poetae maledictis respondeat.
[but when he replies to the criticisms of an old and ill-wishing poet.]

nunc quam rem vitio dent quaeso animum adtendite.
[Now pay attention, I beg you, to the issue that causes their criticism.]

Menander fecit Andriam et Perinthiam.
[Menander wrote the 'Andria' and 'Perinthia']

qui utramvis recte norit ambas noverit:               10
[any one who rightly knows, should know that he wrote both.]

non ita dissimili sunt argumento,
[So they do not have a different plot]

 [s]et tamen
dissimili oratione sunt factae ac stilo.
[in any event, they were made in a different mode of speech and style.]

quae convenere in Andriam ex Perinthia
fatetur transtulisse atque usum pro suis.
[The things that happened in the Andria are those he is said to have takenfrom the Perinthia, and so the case remains for his own works.]

id isti vituperant factum
[These are the kinds of fellows who cast spite upon this act]

 atque in eo disputant       15
contaminari non decere fabulas.
[and they dispute that it is improper for the stories to be mixed in the one tonight.]

faciuntne intellegendo ut nil intellegant?
[Do they act like they understand, so that they don't?]

qui quom hunc accusant,
[Wherefore they who accuse this man here,]

 Naevium Plautum Ennium
[also accuse Naevius, Plautus, and Ennius]

quos hic noster auctores habet,
[who are authors from whom ours takes his cue]

quorum aemulari exoptat neglegentiam                20
[and whose negligence he wishes to emulate]

potius quam istorum obscuram diligentiam.
[more than the hard work of unknown writers.]

de(h)inc ut quiescant porro moneo
[So now I advise that the people here be quiet,]

 et desinant
male dicere,
[and stop talking shit]

malefacta ne noscant sua.
[unless they should wish to hear about their own foul deeds.]

[Show us love]

adeste aequo animo
[come with no bias]

 et rem cognoscite,
[and understand the situation]

ut pernoscatis ecquid <spei> sit relicuom,            25
[so that you truly know whether

posthac quas faciet de integro comoedias,
[afterwhich, whatever comedies he might make anew,]

spectandae an exigendae sint vobis prius.
[let them be first and foremost watched and played before you all.]

ACTVS I [Act 1]

Simo Sosia

SI. Vos istaec intro auferte:
[You there, bring those things inside.]

[Now go away.]

-- Sosia,

ades dum:
[Come here now.]

 paucis te volo.
[I want to you talk to you for a bit.]

SO. dictum puta:
[Think about what you say:]

nempe ut curentur recte haec?
[Do you mean things that things like these have been taken care of?]

SI. immo aliud.
[Why, in fact, something else.]

 SO. quid est    30
quod tibi mea ars efficere hoc possit amplius?
[What more can my skills manage to accomplish for you than this?]

SI. nil istac opus est arte ad hanc rem quam paro,
[There's no need for anything more than the matter I'm now preparing,]

sed eis quas semper in te intellexi sitas,
[but only for those that I've come to understand have been put in your hands,]

fide et taciturnitate.
[with loyalty and refusal to blurt out.]

SO. exspecto quid velis.
[I await the thing you wish for.]

SI. ego postquam te emi,
[Well, after I bought you,]

 a parvolo ut semper tibi    35
apud me iusta et clemens fuerit servitus
[since the time you were a young squirt, you know that my house's always been just and merciful to you.]

feci ex servo ut esses libertus mihi,
[I turned you from a slave, so that you could my freedman,]

propterea quod servibas liberaliter:
[so that you would freely do service:]

quod habui summum pretium persolvi tibi.
[one of the greatest costs I've had to pay on your behalf.]

SO. in memoria habeo.
[I do remember.]

SI. haud muto factum.
[I've not changed our arrangement.]

SO. gaudeo     40
si tibi quid feci
[I'm glad to hear I've do something for you,]

 aut facio quod placeat, Simo,
[or rather, that I do anything that might please you, Simo,]

et id gratum <fui>sse advorsum te habeo gratiam.
[I thank you for having this reason for gratitude, by your account.]

sed hoc mihi molestumst;
[but something like this pisses me off;]

nam istaec commemoratio
quasi exprobratiost inmemoris benefici.
[you see, a reminder like this is kinda like criticism of an unrecognized favor.]

quin tu uno verbo dic quid est quod me velis.           45
[but come now, really you, tell me the deal about what it is you want me to do.]

SI. ita faciam.
[Ok, I do it.]

hoc primum in hac re praedico tibi:
[But first, I'll now say this to you about the matter:]

quas credis esse has non sunt verae nuptiae.
[the marriage that you

SO. quor simulas igitur?
[So why the hell are you pretending so?]

 SI. rem omnem a principio audies:
[Just listen to the whole scheme from the beginning:]

<eo> pacto et gnati vitam et consilium meum
[By that token, you will know my son's life, and my decision,]

et quid facere in hac re te velim.             50
[and why I want to involve you in my plot.]

nam is postquam excessit ex ephebis, Sosia,
[you see, Sosia, ever since he grew up from his coming of age,]

~liberius vivendi fuit potestas~
[and and his life became more freely,]

 (nam antea
qui scire posses aut ingenium noscere,
[you see, how could you know beforehand, and understand his character,]

dum aetas metus magister prohibebant?
[while his age, his fear, and his teacher stand in the way?]

 SO. itast.)
[That's the case.]

SI. quod plerique omnes faciunt adulescentuli,          55
[But very often, all the young teens act,]

ut animum ad aliquod studium adiungant,
[in any way they can join their character and some passion of theirs,]

 aut equos
alere aut canes ad venandum aut ad philosophos,
[be it horses, or gambling, or dogs, or going hunting, or following philosophers around,]

horum ille nil egregie praeter cetera
[so he, among them, wasn't feeling any tremendously stranger passion beyond the rest,]

et tamen omnia haec mediocriter.
[and, in fact, all of these kinds are rather moderate.]

[I was glad for him.]

SO. non iniuria;
[That's no offense;]