
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Summary of Wrongdoing (Mentio de malfactoria)

Author unknown
c. 1008 A.D.
Proto-Portuguese/Vulgar Latin
Trans RMBullard

[1] H(ec) [est] mentio de malefactoria q(u)am rex donn(us) Sanci(us) fec(it) donno Laurẽcio F(er)nandi (et) p(re)cep(it) fac(er)e q(uo)d ei fecit [2] Velasc(us) Men(en)di.
[This a brief summary of the misdeed done by the Lord King Sancho against Lord Laurenzo Fernando, and follows with the deed done to him by Velasco Menendo.]

In p(r)imis accepit ei LXXXa. modios int(er) pane (et) uinũ et XXV int(er) archas (et)  [3] cupas
[First of all, he received 80 orders of bread and wine, and 25 bowls and cups from him]

 et X. scutos et, culcitres (et) II plumacios et int(er) scannos (et) lectos XI et calda-
[on top of 10 shields, 2 mattress, 2 pillows, 12 stools and beds, and pots]

[4] rias (et) m(en)sas (et) scutellas (et) uasos muitos (et) capellos de ferro (et) porcos decẽ (et) oues (et) capras
[and curtains, tables, trays, and numerous vases, iron goblets, plus 10 pigs, sheep, and goats,] 

 [5] et XV m(o)r(a)b(itino)s, q(ui) leuauer(unt) de suis hominib(us) q(ui) spectauer(unt) et multa, alia arma.
[and 15 young idlers, who stood up from their crowds of men and saw many things, weapons included.]

 Sup(er) hoc depo- [6] pulauer(unt) ei LXX.a casalia,
[On top of this, they afterwards robbed 70 coins from his storage]

unde est p(er)ditũ p(re)sentẽ fructu (q(uo)d in eis habebat
[from whence the loss came from the current profit that he possessed among such things]

(et) q(uo)d debet euenire.
[and that ought to be resolved.]

[7] (et) C homines d(e) maladia,
q(u)i ita p(er)dider(unt).
[And this concerns 100 fellows who happened to die thusly regarding from plague.]

Deinde miser(unt) ignẽ in sua q(u)intana de Cuina
[And then there were the people who suffered from a fire in their village in Cuina]

 (et) cre- [8] mauer(unt) eã totã
[and everything was burned up]

 q(uia) pré igne nichil ibi remansit.
[to such an extent that the nothing remain there on account of the fire.]

 Et dirribauer(unt) de ipsa turre
[and there were those who leapt down from the city town]

 q(u)antã potuer(unt) [9
[or so they could to the best of their ability]

] (et) q(uo)d n(on) potuer(unt) miser(unt) in eã ignẽ
[and neither coudl they do anything other than suffer in this fire]

q(u)i eã findidit,
[which damaged these things]

 q(uo)d nũq(u)am potest e(ss)e em(en)data.
[and in which at no point could be put out]