
Friday, April 8, 2011

Alfani, Promemoria

Domenico Alfani
16th c. AD. Italy
Trans RmBullard 
 Italian [Renaissance Era]

                  Recordo a voi, Meneco,
[I recall from you, Meneco]

 che me mandiate li istranboti de Riciardo
[how you are sending me Riciardo's documents*? ]

 di quella tempesta che ebbe andando i[n] uno viagio,
[right at the time that he was about to leave upon a trip]

e che recordiate a Cesarino a che me manda quella predica
[and that you recall from Cesarino tthat he sent me that announcement]

e recomandatime a lui;
[and drop my name to him]

ancora ve ricor[d]o che voi solecitiate madona Atala[n]te
[and even still do I remember that you made a request to my lady Atalante,]

che me manda li denari,
[so that she send me some money]

 e vedete d'avere oro;
[and you see whether or not she has gold;]

e dite a Cesarino che ancora lui li recorda e soleciti;
[and tell Cesarino that he still remembers and makes the request]

e, se io pos[s]o altro ecc., voi avisatime ecc.
[and, if I, for my part, can do anything else, please let me know and so on.]