Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Roman Epitaphs B 190
Remains of the Appian Way in Rome, near Quarto Miglio [photo: Wikipedia, Appian Way]
B 190
Adeste amici,
[Come forth, my friends,]
fruamur tempus bonum,
[let's enjoy a good time,]
epulemur laeti,
[let's dine happily,]
vita dum parva manet,
[while our short life yet remains,]
Baccho madentes, hilaris sit concordia.
[soaking ourselves in Wine, let there be merry harmony.]
eadem fecerunt hi cuncti dum viverent,
[All these men did the every same things, when they were alive,]
dederunt acceperunt,
[they gave, and received,]
dum essent, fruniti sunt.
[while they existed, they were enjoyed.]
et nos antiquorum emitemur tempora.
[and let us too let the world know about the ages of our ancestors.]
vive dum vivis,
[live, while you have the chance to live,]
nec quidquam denegaveris
animo indulgere,
[and don't refuse to indulge your mind in anything,]
quem commodavit deus.
[which god makes a comfort for us.]