
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tibullus, Carmina 1.2

Albius Tibullus [Tibullus]
55-19 BCE 

Trans RMBullard
Latin (Augustan Era/Imperial Era)


Adde merum vinoque novos conpesce dolores,
[Break out the good stuff, and droan your new travails with wine]

     Occupet ut fessi lumina victa sopor,
[so that sleep can seize the defeated eyes of an exhausted fellow,]

Neu quisquam multo percussum tempora baccho
[and don't let anybody trouble his temples, now thoroughly broken by much partying,]

infelix dum requiescit amor.
[so long as his unsuccessful love settles back down.]

Nam posita est nostrae custodia saeva puellae,               5
[You see, a cruel custodian has been assigned to watch my girlfriend,]

     Clauditur et dura ianua firma sera.
[and a sturdy door has been closed shut on this cruel night.]

Ianua difficilis domini, te verberet imber,
[You door, belonging to a touchy owner, would that a rainstorm beat you through,]

     Te Iovis imperio fulmina missa petant.
[I hope that thunderbolts sent by the command of Jove aim for you.]

Ianua, iam pateas uni mihi, victa querelis,
[You door, just open for me alone, once you've been won over by my complaints,]

     Neu furtim verso cardine aperta sones.               10
[and don't you begin to creak when I open you in stealth and your hinges are turned.]

Et mala siqua tibi dixit dementia nostra,
[And if by chance my insanity speaks curses to you,]

[forgive me:]

capiti sint precor illa meo.
[I pray those things be tossed at my own head.]

Te meminisse decet,
[It's only right to remind you,]]

quae plurima voce peregi
     Supplice, cum posti florida serta darem.
[the things that I've done, with the tone of a supplicant, when I used to give wreathes sown of flowers to your post.]

Tu quoque ne timide custodes, Delia, falle,               15
[And you, Delia, don' t try to trick your guards in timid fashion,]

     Audendum est:
[bravery is called for:]

 fortes adiuvat ipsa Venus.
[Its is Love who favors the bold.]

Illa favet, seu quis iuvenis nova limina temptat,
[She helps them out, whether a young man is trying some new doorstep,]

     Seu reserat fixo dente puella fores;
[or his girlfriend is re-locking the doors and fixing the bolt back in its place;]

Illa docet molli furtim derepere lecto,
[It is She who teaches how to secretly sneak out of a soft bed,]

     Illa pedem nullo ponere posse sono,               20
[and She, how to manage to set one's foot down without making a sound,]

Illa viro coram nutus conferre loquaces
[and She, how to distract her husband with talkative maids,]

     Blandaque conpositis abdere verba notis.
[and how to hide one's words in charming code upon the notes he has composed.]

Nec docet hoc omnes,
[Nor does she teach this to everyone,]

sed quos nec inertia tardat
[but only those men she does not delay with sluggishness]

     Nec vetat obscura surgere nocte timor.
[and whom fear to wake up in the dark night holds back.]

En ego cum tenebris tota vagor anxius urbe,               25
[Look it is I, who wander about nervous, through the shadows of our whole city,]

     * * *
Nec sinit occurrat quisquam,
[and she does not allow anyone to bump into me,]

qui corpora ferro
[who would hack my body with a blade,]

aut rapta praemia veste petat.
[or search for plunder once they've stolen my clothes off me.]

Quisquis amore tenetur,
[Anyone can be seized by passion,]

 eat tutusque sacerque
[so let him go as he pleases, safe and holy:]

insidias non timuisse decet.               30
[It's not right to have already grown afraid of treachery.]

Non mihi pigra nocent hibernae frigora noctis,
[The chills of the winter night don't hurt me in lazy fashion,]

     Non mihi, cum multa decidit imber aqua.
[not for me, even as a rainstorm fell upon me with a great deal of water.]

Non labor hic laedit,
[This labor does me no harm,]

reseret modo Delia postes
[and just now, Delia could be unlocking the doors,]

     Et vocet ad digiti me taciturna sonum.
[and she might silently signal to me with her finger.]

Parcite luminibus,
[Avoid the lights,]

seu vir seu femina fiat               35
[whether there be a man, or a woman, on the way:]

celari volt sua furta Venus.
[Venus wishes her schemes to be hidden.]

Neu strepitu terrete pedum
[Don't a drag along the noise of your feet,]

neu quaerite nomen
[and don't call out your name]

     Neu prope fulgenti lumina ferte face.
[and don't bring light near from a shining torch.]

Siquis et inprudens adspexerit,
[And if any hapless person shall've glanced at you,]

occulat ille
[that that same fellow look,]

     Perque deos omnes se meminisse neget:             
[and then deny, with an oath to all the gods, that he doesn't recall it:]

Nam fuerit quicumque loquax,
[You see, anyone shall've become a chatterbox,]

 is sanguine natam,
     Is Venerem e rapido sentiet esse mari.
[but some people think that Venus was born from the swift sea, and others from blood.] 

Nec tamen huic credet coniunx tuus,
[And yet, that husband of yours will still not believe]

 ut mihi verax
     Pollicita est magico saga ministerio.
[that a truth-telling sorceress had promised to provide magical assistance.]

Hanc ego de caelo ducentem sidera vidi,               45
[I myself saw her lead the stars down from the sky,]

     Fluminis haec rapidi carmine vertit iter,
[the journey of its speedy flow turns things like these over by song,]

Haec cantu finditque solum
[and only by chanting does she strike things like these]

 Manesque sepulcris
[and entice ghosts from their tombs]

 et tepido devocat ossa rogo;
[and calls back their bones from their warm funeral pyre;]

Iam tenet infernas magico stridore catervas,
[Already she grips Hell's chains with her magical screech,]

     Iam iubet adspersas lacte referre pedem.               50
[and now she orders scattered ghosts to carry their step back, with an offering of milk.]

Cum libet, haec tristi depellit nubila caelo,
[When she's so inspired, she punches down clouds like these from the gloomy sky,]

     Cum libet, aestivo convocat orbe nives.
[when so inspired, she gathers snow in a summer sky.]

Sola tenere malas Medeae dicitur herbas,
[She only is said to hold possession of the evil herbs owned by Medea,]

     Sola feros Hecates perdomuisse canes.
[she only is said to have fully placated the ferocious hounds of Hecate.]

Haec mihi conposuit cantus,
[She prepared spells for me,]

 quis fallere posses:               55
[should who be someone who should not notice:]

     Ter cane,
["chant three times,]

 ter dictis despue carminibus.
["spit down three times after you've spoken your spells."]

Ille nihil poterit de nobis credere cuiquam,
[That fellow shall not've managed to believe anything when it comes to myself,]

     Non sibi,
[not for his own sake,]

 si in molli viderit ipse toro.
[even if he himself should see it lying upon his gentle bed.]

Tu tamen abstineas aliis:
[And yet, it will be you who shall remove yourself from others:]

 nam cetera cernet
[you see, he shall see all other things,]

de me uno sentiet ipse nihil.               60
[but that same fellow shall perceive not a single thing when it comes to me.]

Quid, credam?
[What makes me believe this?]

 nempe haec eadem se dixit amores
     Cantibus aut herbis solvere posse meos,
[There's no doubt in my mind, that same woman declared that she could break the power of our love with either spell or potions,]

Et me lustravit taedis,
[and she lit upon me with torches,]

 et nocte serena
     Concidit ad magicos hostia pulla deos.
[and while the night was calm, she invoked the gods of magic to dark acts of violence.]

Non ego, totus abesset amor, sed mutuus esset,               65
[It was not I who was praying that all love had forsaken me--instead it was still shared by both sides,]

 nec te posse carere velim.
[so let me never wish to be able to manage without you.]

Ferreus ille fuit,
[That was one iron-hearted man,]

 qui, te cum posset habere,
     Maluerit praedas stultus et arma sequi.
[who, when he could have had you, preferred, like a dolt, to pursue the spoils of battle and warfare.]

Ille licet Cilicum victas agat ante catervas,
[Granted, I hope that man I speak of leads the Cilician pirates defeated and in chains before him]

     Ponat et in capto Martia castra solo,               70
[and that he settles his war camps on captured soil,]

Totus et argento contextus,
[as he covers himself too completely in silver,]

totus et auro
     Insideat celeri conspiciendus equo,
[and he sits upon his swift steed, impossible not to notice from his full adornment of gold,]

Ipse boves mea si tecum modo Delia possim
     Iungere et in solito pascere monte pecus,
[so long as I now, join at your side, my lady Delia, and tend to my flocks upon my local mount,]

Et te, dum liceat, teneris retinere lacertis,               75
[and, as long as it is possible, to hold your back in tender embraces,]

     Mollis et inculta sit mihi somnus humo.
[and my sleep is soft and unforced upon the ground.]

Quid Tyrio recubare toro sine amore secundo
     Prodest, cum fletu nox vigilanda venit?
[What good is it to lie in a bed of fancy Tyrian sheets, with no happiness in love, when the night comes to watch over one's weeping?]

Nam neque tum plumae nec stragula picta soporem
     Nec sonitus placidae ducere posset aquae.
[You see, at that point, neither your fancy pillows or your colorful blinds could induce shut-eye, nor the sounds of gentle fountains lead you to sleep.]

Num Veneris magnae violavi numina verbo,
[Come now, have I dishonored the divine powers of Love by word]

     Et mea nunc poenas inpia lingua luit?
[and now my tongue is paying the price for my impiety?]

Num feror incestus sedes adiisse deorum
     Sertaque de sanctis deripuisse focis?
[Tell me, am I thought to have broken into the inner sanctuary of the gods sacrilegiously and then to have a stolen the garlands down from over the sacred hearths?]

Non ego, si merui, dubitem procumbere templis               85
     Et dare sacratis oscula liminibus,
[As I see, if I am deserving, let me not hesitate to throw myself down in the temples and kiss the thresholds that have been consecrated,]

Non ego tellurem genibus perrepere supplex
     Et miserum sancto tundere poste caput.
[let me, for my sake, not hesitate to crawl down upon the ground on my knees, a supplicant, and smash my woeful head upon the holy pylon.]

At tu, qui laetus rides mala nostra, caveto
     Mox tibi:
[But you, sir, who giddily laugh at my troubles, watch yourself, and soon:]

 non uni saeviet usque deus.               90
[no god will exact rage against a single person.]

Vidi ego, qui iuvenum miseros lusisset amores,
[I can tell you I've witnessed it, as a man who had played around with the woeful love affairs that befit young chaps,]

     Post Veneris vinclis subdere colla senem
[I've seen an old man put his own neck under the Love's chains,]

Et sibi blanditias tremula conponere voce
[and try to flirt, though with a trembling voice]

     Et manibus canas fingere velle comas,
[and wish pull out his gray hairs with his hands,]

Stare nec ante fores puduit
[and he didn't not find it embarrasing to stand before the doors of a house]

caraeve puellae               95
     Ancillam medio detinuisse foro.
[or, in the middle of the marketplace, to have pulled aside the house slave of his beloved girl.]

Hunc puer, hunc iuvenis turba circumterit arta,
[A young boy here, a young man there, a tight crowd would ring around him]

     Despuit in molles et sibi quisque sinus.
[till the point that he despised pretty girls and any of their embraces for him.]

At mihi parce, Venus:
[But, Love, spare me:]

 semper tibi dedita servit
     Mens mea:
[Always does my mind serve you, since it first surrendered:]

 quid messes uris acerba tuas?
[Why do you bitterly burn your own harvests?]