Sunday, May 8, 2011
Roman Epitaph B 52
Remains of the Appian Way in Rome, near Quarto Miglio [photo: Wikipedia, Appian Way]
B 52
Hospes, quod deico paullum est, asta ac pellege.
[Traveller, because I speak only a little, stand here and read it through.]
Heic est sepulcrum hau pulcrum pulcrai feminae.
[This is the not very beautiful tombstone of a beautiful woman.]
Nomen parentes nominarunt Claudiam
[Her parents named her Claudia.]
Suom mareitum corde deilexit souo.
[She brought joy to her husband's heart.]
Gnatos duos creauit.
[She gave birth to two children.]
Horum alterum
in terra linquit,
[She leaves behind only one of these among the living,]
alium sub terra locat.
[she places the other beneath the ground.]
Sermone lepido, tum autem incessu commodo.
[She had a charming way of speaking, although incessant, it was still a pleasure.]
Domum servavit.
[She served her house.]
Lanam fecit.
[She made the clothing.]
[So I spoke.]
[Now go away.]