
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica

Gaius Valerius Flaccus
1st c. AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)


Prima deum magnis canimus freta pervia natis
fatidicamque ratem,
[I now sing of the first sea voyages made by the great sons of the gods, and their fate-spoken galley,]

Scythici quae Phasidis oras
ausa sequi
[the one which, daring to pursue the shores of Scythian Phasis,]

 mediosque inter iuga concita cursus
rumpere flammifero tandem consedit Olympo.
[and between the packed-in mountain chains, did it finally break the middle of its course to fiery Olympus.]

      Phoebe, mone,
[Apollo, advise me,]

 si Cumaeae mihi conscia vatis                    5
stat casta cortina domo,
[if the chaste Cumaean bard stands in her house, by her cauldron, now aware of my presence]

si laurea digna
fronte viret,
[if she grows green with the laurel fit for her brow,]

 tuque o pelagi cui maior aperti
[o you, to whom a greater story of the open sea belongs,]

Caledonius postquam tua carbasa vexit
Oceanus Phrygios prius indignatus Iulos,
[after the Caledonian Ocean troubled your fine linen, when beforehand he deemed the Iuli of Phrgia unworthy,]

eripe me populis et habenti nubila terrae,                    10
[snatch me away from the people and to the one that reigns the clouds of the world,]

sancte pater,
[holy father,]

 veterumque fave veneranda canenti
facta virum:
[and safeguard he who sings about the venerable deeds of older generations of men:]

 versam proles tua pandit Idumen,
[You own descendents spread out in story Idumes, now poured out,]

namque potest,
[and thusly can he,]

 Solymo nigrantem pulvere fratrem
spargentemque faces et in omni turre furentem.
[about his brother, who turned black from the dust of Solymus, and passing out the battle torches, did he rage about upon his tower.]

ille tibi cultusque deum delubraque genti                    15
[Let this be that well-known man to establish cults of worship to and shrines of the gods for the people,]

 cum iam, genitor, lucebis ab omni
parte poli
[while, o father, you shall already shine from every region of the sky,]

neque erit Tyriae Cynosura carinae
certior aut Grais Helice servanda magistris.
[nor will the Cynosura, belonging to Tyre's keel, be more sure, or Grais of Helice to be protected by her instructors.]

seu tu signa dabis
[either you shall give omens]

seu te duce Graecia mittet
et Sidon Nilusque rates:
[or with you as your guide, Greece, and Sidon, and Niles will send its galleys:]

nunc nostra serenus                    20
orsa iuves,
[now you, who are serene, will bring joy to our bears,]

 haec ut Latias vox impleat urbes.
[so that this kind of speech might fill the cities of Latium.]

         Haemoniam primis Pelias frenabat ab annis,
[Pelias used to bemoan Haemonia, from the very first years,]

iam gravis et longus populis metus.
[already was fear stern and long for his peoples.]

illius amnes
Ionium quicumque petunt,
[Each of his rivers sought the land of Ionia,]

 ille Othryn et Haemum
atque imum felix versabat vomere Olympum.                    25
[and that one, in a happy state, used to turn over Othrys and Haemos, and the very height of Olympus with his plough.]

sed non ulla quies animo fratrisque paventi
progeniem divumque minas.
[But there was no peace and quiet present in his mind, which feared the offspring of his brother, and threats from the gods.]

 hunc nam fore regi
exitio vatesque canunt
[you see, the bards sing that the former would bring upon the king's destruction]

 pecudumque per aras
terrifici monitus iterant;
[and they, terrified, pass there warnings through the altars of wild beasts;]

super ipsius ingens
instat fama viri
[and the tremendous glory of this very man reach to heights above,]

 virtusque haud laeta tyranno.                    30
[and his good qualities was no source of joy to tyrant.]

ergo anteire metus iuvenemque exstinguere pergit
[and so fear continues to proceed forth, and to stamp out the youth, Jason,]

letique vias ac tempora versat,
[and he traverses the paths and periods of his own destruction,]

sed neque bella videt Graias neque monstra per urbes
[but he sees neither any wars, nor monstrous sights throughout the cities of Greece:]