Gaius Julius Caesar [Julius Caesar or Caesar]
100-44 BCE *assassinated by the Republicans
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Republican Era/Golden Age of Latin Literature)
[1] Litteris C. Caesaris consulibus redditis aegre ab his impetratum est summa tribunorum plebis contentione, ut in senatu recitarentur;
1 [Even before Gaius Caesar's letters had scarcely returned to the consuls, they ordered through the decree of the tribunes of the plebeians, that they be read aloud in the Senate;]
ut vero ex litteris ad senatum referretur, impetrari non potuit.
2 [They could not honestly order that he, instead of his letters, be recalled to the Senate.]
Referunt consules de re publica [in civitate].
3 [The consuls call people back to the city for the sake of the republic.]
L. Lentulus consul senatu rei publicae se non defuturum pollicetur, si audacter ac fortiter sententias dicere velint;
4 [The current consul, Lucius Lentulus, promises that he will not falter to conduct the will of Senate and State, and he yearns to make his opinions known so boldly and forcefully.]
sin Caesarem respiciant atque eius gratiam sequantur, ut superioribus fecerint temporibus, se sibi consilium capturum neque senatus auctoritati obtemperaturum:
5 [He wants the senators to look back upon Caesar and follow his kindness, just as they had done so in past times--he wants him to take their advice and be tempered by the Senate's authority;]
habere se quoque ad Caesaris gratiam atque amicitiam receptum.
6 [He is also willing to accept Caesar's goodwill and kindness.]
In eandem sententiam loquitur Scipio:
7 [Scipio reiterates the very same sentiment:]
Pompeio esse in animo rei publicae non deesse, si senatus sequatur;
8 [He thinks that if Pompey follows the commands of the Senate, he not fail to be on the same side as our Republic;]
si cunctetur atque agat lenius, nequiquam eius auxilium, si postea velit, senatum imploraturum.
9 [and that if he delays or fails to act seriously, the Senate will not be available to provide him any support he asks for, if he should seek it afterward.]