Gaius Valerius Catullus
84-54 BCE (over 2,000 years ago)
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Golden Age/Republican Era)
PAENE insularum, Sirmio,
[Little smidgeon of islands, Sirmio]
[and a little orb of islands,]
quascumque in liquentibus stagnis
marique uasto fert uterque Neptunus,
[which both sides of Neptune's seas bring in its flowing pools, and vast expanse,]
quam te libenter quamque laetus inuiso,
[I come to see you, as pleased as I am joyful]
uix mi ipse credens Thuniam atque Bithunos liquisse campos
et uidere te in tuto.
[while scarcely believing I would see the Thunia too, to have poured across the fields of Bithynia, and to see you safe and sound.]
o quid solutis est beatius curis,
[o, what is more blessed than when your cares are loosened,]
cum mens onus reponit,
[when your mind sets down its burden,]
ac peregrino
labore fessi uenimus larem ad nostrum,
[and we arrive, worn out, from the journey of another place to the shrine of our own home,]
desideratoque acquiescimus lecto?
[and we find rest in the bed we sought after?]
hoc est quod unum est pro laboribus tantis.
[this is something which by itself can make up for such great toils.]
salue, o uenusta Sirmio,
[greetings, o charming Sirmio,]
atque ero gaude
[and rejoice with your joyful master,]
uosque, o Lydiae lacus undae,
[and you, o lake of Lydian water]
ridete quidquid est domi cachinnorum.
[laugh whenever your home become the subject of mockers.]