Thomas Campion [Campion]
1567-1620 c. AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Renaissance Era)
MAGNAE BRITANNIAE PRINCIPEM [In honor of the highest and most successful Charles, the Prince of Great Britain]
Ludicra qui tibi nunc dicat, olim (amplissime princeps),
[He who now enriches you with profits, my most endowed prince, once upon a time,]
grandior ut fueris,
[so that you could grow greater,]
grandia forte canet,
[may he sing great things and forcefully]
quaeque genus celebrare tuum et tua lucida possunt
facta, domi crescunt, sive patrata foris.
[Everything, your high birth, and your light, can celebrate your deeds, they grow large at home, unless accomplished abroad.]
at tenues ne tu nimis (optime) despice Musas: 5
[but, for you part, don't despise the gentle Muses, your excellency,]
pondere magna valent, parva lepore iuvant.
[great things grow strong from their weight, small things are pleasing from their charm.]
regibus athletae spatiis grati esse solebant
apricis, nani ridiculique domi.
[In their sunny fields, athletes are usually great for kings, but they are dwarfs and idiots at home.]
magnus Alexander magno plaudebat Homero,
suspiciens inter praelia ficta deos; 10
[Alexander the Great used to clap his hands for mighty Homer, imagining the gods among phony battles;]
Caesar, maior eo, Romana epigrammata legit,
[More than he, did Caesar read Roman epigrams,]
sceptigera quaedam fecit et ipse manu.
[and he himself made certain statues bear scepters in their hands.]
talia sed recitent alii tibi (maxime princeps);
[but, greatest prince, let other people recite things like these;]
tu facias semper maxima, parva lege.
[may you always do the greatest things, using little recourse of the law.]
enecat activam quia contemplatio vitam 15
[Because long contemplation kills off an industrious life,]
necnon ingeniosa, fovet.
[brief contemplation, but still ingenious, makes it all the better.]
Nuper cur natum libro praepono priori?
[Why do I now newly set my son to a book from the past?]
princeps est aequum principe stare loco.
[The best thing is the same as when you find yourself at the start.]
Nec sua barbaricis Galeno scribere visum est,
[It did not seem right for Galenus to write his own things to barbarians,]
in mensa nullum qui didicere modum;
[since he was a man who learned no meaning of measure on his desk.]
nec mea commendo nimium lectoribus illis
[Nor do I advise too much my own writings to those readers]
qui sine delectu vilia quaeque legunt.
[who chose any old cheap things with no intention of delight.]
In coenam immunis propter ioca salsa vocatur
[Now Nerva is called, unharmed, to dinner on account of his salty wit.]
suum fas est lingere quemque salem.
[So it is the best thing for everyone to lap up his own salt.]
Aurum nauta suis Hispanus vectat ab Indis,
[The Spanish sailors transports gold to his own lands from India,]
et longas queritur se subiise vias.
[and he complains how he had to endure long journeys.]
maius iter portus ad eosdem suscipit Anglus,
[An English port supplied a greater journey to these very same fellows,]
ut referat fumos, nuda tabacca, tuos:
[so that one could bring back your smokes, your raw tobacco:]
copia detonsis quos vendit Ibera Britannis, 5
[these are what one sells from Spanish resources to the clean-face British,]
per fumos ad se vellera callíde trahens.
[while he happily lugs his wool in exchange for 'smoke'.]
nec mirum est stupidos vitiatis naribus Anglos
olfacere Hesperios non potuisse dolos.
[It's no wonder that the witless Brits, with their faulty noses, cannot have ever learned how to sniff out the tricks of the Spanish.]
Thursday, March 31, 2011
St. Ghislain, A Song to Night
Gislenus Bultelius
1555-1611 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Renaissance Era)
Heu quam lenta dies, quam sera crepuscula Noctis
Adueniunt !
[Alas, how slow the day is, how late the sunsets of Night arrive!]
Iam me tam mora longa necat.
[Now, so long a delay now kills me.]
Quam Sol lentus abit, caussas qui tollit amoris !
[how slow does the sun leave, which raises the reasons of love!]
Ibi me Loysa prato
Medio iubet sedere,
[In that place does Louisa bid me to sit in the Persian meadow,]
(20) Liquidaque uoce carmen
Tenero canens Amori,
[while she sings in crisp tune a song to soft Love,]
Nemus omne personare
Volucrum facit canoris
[the entire forest comes alive with the measured chirping of birds]
renidet aër;
[the air grows bright again]
(25) Violae rosaeque rident;
[The violets and roses smile;]
Strepit unda murmurillans,
[A whispering wave of water echoes]
Cytharaeque concinentis
Numeros modosque dulces
Iterans recantat Echo.
[And repeating the rhythms and sweet beats of Venus singing alongside, Echo sings in response.]
(30) Ego mi uidebar unus
Homines beatus inter
Alios beatiores,
[For my part did I used to think myself along, blessed, among the more blessed of men,]
Placide in sinu recumbens
[as I lay back slumbering peacefull in the lap of my mistress]
Ioui nec ipsi
(35) Superis nec inuidebam,
[neither Jove nor the divine gods themselves did I use to envy,]
Culices repente cum me
Strepitu molestae et oris
Pupugere telo acuto
[when without warning, did pestering mosquitos sting about the face, with their buzzing and sharp daggers]
Placidumque somnum ocellis
(40) Animoque propulere.
[and beat the gentle sleep right out of my eyes, and my mind.]
Fugit illico Loysa,
[Louisa runs away now,]
Fugiunt rosae et corollae
[the roses and violet crowns now flee away,]
meque rursus
Variis patere curis
(45) Video,
[and I find myself back again, suffering from my myriad of woes]
Loysa quarum
Mihi caussa fonsque sola est.
[of which Louisa is the cause, and the fount, for me.]
Iterum timet repulsam
[And again, my mind fears her, now beaten back]
focusque in imis
Mihi perfurit medullis,
[and fire rages deeply in the depths of my bones,]
(50) Lacrumisque rursus ora
Gemituque corda turgent.
[My face swelled back again with tears, and by heart from groaning.]
Culices Dii Deaeque
Faciant perire,
[May the Gods and Goddesses make the pests go away]
Mihi qui meum abstulerunt,
[the ones who stole my slumber away from me,]
(55) At enim furens nec ursus,
Leo nec lupusque fatum
Mihi triste praeparabat.
[but you see, neither the raging Bear, nor the Lion, nor the wolf were preparing some sad outcome for me.]
Clytio sed ista lex est
Data, credo, fato ut illi,
[instead, this kind of law was granted by Clytius, as for specifically for that fate,]
(60) Nec imago falsa somni,
Animum dolore uero
Queat obrutum leuare.
[nor can the false image of sleep alleviate the mind when it's been overwhelmed by grief.]
Tamen, o Loysa flaua,
Mihi sola spes amorque es,
[Nevertheless, o fair-haired Louisa, you alone are my hope, and my love,]
(65) Tua prima nostra flama,
Tua et ultima es futura,
[You first were my first flame, and you will be my very last,]
Mihi nullus a Loysae
Alius calescet ignis.
[Let no other fire grow hot for me, unless it belongs to Loiusa.]
1555-1611 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Renaissance Era)
Heu quam lenta dies, quam sera crepuscula Noctis
Adueniunt !
[Alas, how slow the day is, how late the sunsets of Night arrive!]
Iam me tam mora longa necat.
[Now, so long a delay now kills me.]
Quam Sol lentus abit, caussas qui tollit amoris !
[how slow does the sun leave, which raises the reasons of love!]
Ibi me Loysa prato
Medio iubet sedere,
[In that place does Louisa bid me to sit in the Persian meadow,]
(20) Liquidaque uoce carmen
Tenero canens Amori,
[while she sings in crisp tune a song to soft Love,]
Nemus omne personare
Volucrum facit canoris
[the entire forest comes alive with the measured chirping of birds]
renidet aër;
[the air grows bright again]
(25) Violae rosaeque rident;
[The violets and roses smile;]
Strepit unda murmurillans,
[A whispering wave of water echoes]
Cytharaeque concinentis
Numeros modosque dulces
Iterans recantat Echo.
[And repeating the rhythms and sweet beats of Venus singing alongside, Echo sings in response.]
(30) Ego mi uidebar unus
Homines beatus inter
Alios beatiores,
[For my part did I used to think myself along, blessed, among the more blessed of men,]
Placide in sinu recumbens
[as I lay back slumbering peacefull in the lap of my mistress]
Ioui nec ipsi
(35) Superis nec inuidebam,
[neither Jove nor the divine gods themselves did I use to envy,]
Culices repente cum me
Strepitu molestae et oris
Pupugere telo acuto
[when without warning, did pestering mosquitos sting about the face, with their buzzing and sharp daggers]
Placidumque somnum ocellis
(40) Animoque propulere.
[and beat the gentle sleep right out of my eyes, and my mind.]
Fugit illico Loysa,
[Louisa runs away now,]
Fugiunt rosae et corollae
[the roses and violet crowns now flee away,]
meque rursus
Variis patere curis
(45) Video,
[and I find myself back again, suffering from my myriad of woes]
Loysa quarum
Mihi caussa fonsque sola est.
[of which Louisa is the cause, and the fount, for me.]
Iterum timet repulsam
[And again, my mind fears her, now beaten back]
focusque in imis
Mihi perfurit medullis,
[and fire rages deeply in the depths of my bones,]
(50) Lacrumisque rursus ora
Gemituque corda turgent.
[My face swelled back again with tears, and by heart from groaning.]
Culices Dii Deaeque
Faciant perire,
[May the Gods and Goddesses make the pests go away]
Mihi qui meum abstulerunt,
[the ones who stole my slumber away from me,]
(55) At enim furens nec ursus,
Leo nec lupusque fatum
Mihi triste praeparabat.
[but you see, neither the raging Bear, nor the Lion, nor the wolf were preparing some sad outcome for me.]
Clytio sed ista lex est
Data, credo, fato ut illi,
[instead, this kind of law was granted by Clytius, as for specifically for that fate,]
(60) Nec imago falsa somni,
Animum dolore uero
Queat obrutum leuare.
[nor can the false image of sleep alleviate the mind when it's been overwhelmed by grief.]
Tamen, o Loysa flaua,
Mihi sola spes amorque es,
[Nevertheless, o fair-haired Louisa, you alone are my hope, and my love,]
(65) Tua prima nostra flama,
Tua et ultima es futura,
[You first were my first flame, and you will be my very last,]
Mihi nullus a Loysae
Alius calescet ignis.
[Let no other fire grow hot for me, unless it belongs to Loiusa.]
Terence, Andria
Publius Terentius Afer [Terence]
195-159 BC
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Republican Era)
INCIPIT ANDRIA TERENTI [So begins Terence's Andria]
ACTA LVDIS MEGALENSIBVS [Put on at the Megalensian Games]
M. FVLVIO M'. GLABRIONE AEDILIB. CVRVLIB. [For the aediles of curule rank Marcus Fulvius and Marcus Glabrio]
EGERE L. AMBIVIVS TVRPIO L. HATILIVS PRAENESTINVS [Played by Lucius Ambivivus and Lucius Hatilius from Praeneste]
MODOS FECIT FLACCVS CLAVDI [Flaccius Claudius performed the music]
TIBIS PARIBVS TOTA [Everything was played to a pair of pipes]
FACTA PRIMA [The Greek version was first written by Menander]
M. MARCELLO C. SVLPICIO COS. [Performed during the consul years of Marcus Marcellus and Gaius Sulpicius]
PERSONAE [characters]
PROLOGUS [prologue]
SIMO SENEX [Simo the old man]
SOSIA LIBERTVS [Sosia the freedman]
DAVOS SERVOS [Davos the slave]
MYSIS ANCILLA [Mysis the slave woman]
PAMPHILVS ADVLESCENS [The young man Pamphilos]
CHARINVS ADVLESCENS [The young man Charinos]
BYRRIA SERVOS [Burria the slave]
LESBIA OBSTETRIX [Lesbia the midwife]
GLYCERIVM MVLIER [Glycerium the wife]
CHREMES SENEX [Chermes the old man]
CRITO SENEX [Crito the old man
DROMO LORARIVS [Dromo the charioteer]
G. SVLPICI APOLLINARIS [Introduction by Gaius Sulpicius Apollinaris]
Sororem falso creditam meretriculae
Genere Andriae, Glycerium, uitiat Pamphilus
[Disguising himself as Andria, Pamphilos has a sexual affair with Glycerium, the sister of a courtesan,]
Grauidaque facta dat fidem, uxorem sibi
Fore hanc;
[and after knocking her up, he proposes to her so as to make her his wife;]
namque aliam pater ei desponderat,
Gnatam Chremetis, atque ut amorem comperit,
Simulat futuras nuptias,
[By this token, his father had already bethroted his daughter of Chremes to this man, and as soon as he finds out the love affair, he pretends to plan a future wedding,]
cupiens suus
Quid haberet animi filius cognoscere.
[since he desires to know what his son had in mind.]
Daui suasu non repugnat Pamphilus.
[Pamphilos does not refuse Davos' advice.]
Sed ex Glycerio natum ut uidit puerulum
Chremes, recusat nuptias, generum abdicat.
[But Cremes, as soon as he sees the young boy born from Glycerium, refuses the marriage, and disowns his son in law.]
Mox Pamphilo, aliam dat Charino coniugem.
[Sooner or later though, he gives her to Pamphilus, and another wife to Charinos.]
Poeta quom primum animum ad scribendum adpulit,
[The poet who first sets his mind to writing,]
id sibi negoti credidit solum dari,
[he believed that it alone should be of importance to him]
populo ut placerent quas fecisset fabulas.
[that he had made stories that were pleasing to the people.]
verum aliter evenire multo intellegit;
[but otherwise he understands by far how it will turn out;]
nam in prologis scribundis operam abutitur, 5
[you see, a man does abuse to his play by writing the prologue]
non qui argumentum narret
[not when he tells the set of his story's events]
sed qui malevoli
veteris poetae maledictis respondeat.
[but when he replies to the criticisms of an old and ill-wishing poet.]
nunc quam rem vitio dent quaeso animum adtendite.
[Now pay attention, I beg you, to the issue that causes their criticism.]
Menander fecit Andriam et Perinthiam.
[Menander wrote the 'Andria' and 'Perinthia']
qui utramvis recte norit ambas noverit: 10
[any one who rightly knows, should know that he wrote both.]
non ita dissimili sunt argumento,
[So they do not have a different plot]
[s]et tamen
dissimili oratione sunt factae ac stilo.
[in any event, they were made in a different mode of speech and style.]
quae convenere in Andriam ex Perinthia
fatetur transtulisse atque usum pro suis.
[The things that happened in the Andria are those he is said to have takenfrom the Perinthia, and so the case remains for his own works.]
id isti vituperant factum
[These are the kinds of fellows who cast spite upon this act]
atque in eo disputant 15
contaminari non decere fabulas.
[and they dispute that it is improper for the stories to be mixed in the one tonight.]
faciuntne intellegendo ut nil intellegant?
[Do they act like they understand, so that they don't?]
qui quom hunc accusant,
[Wherefore they who accuse this man here,]
Naevium Plautum Ennium
[also accuse Naevius, Plautus, and Ennius]
quos hic noster auctores habet,
[who are authors from whom ours takes his cue]
quorum aemulari exoptat neglegentiam 20
[and whose negligence he wishes to emulate]
potius quam istorum obscuram diligentiam.
[more than the hard work of unknown writers.]
de(h)inc ut quiescant porro moneo
[So now I advise that the people here be quiet,]
et desinant
male dicere,
[and stop talking shit]
malefacta ne noscant sua.
[unless they should wish to hear about their own foul deeds.]
[Show us love]
adeste aequo animo
[come with no bias]
et rem cognoscite,
[and understand the situation]
ut pernoscatis ecquid <spei> sit relicuom, 25
[so that you truly know whether
posthac quas faciet de integro comoedias,
[afterwhich, whatever comedies he might make anew,]
spectandae an exigendae sint vobis prius.
[let them be first and foremost watched and played before you all.]
ACTVS I [Act 1]
Simo Sosia
SI. Vos istaec intro auferte:
[You there, bring those things inside.]
[Now go away.]
-- Sosia,
ades dum:
[Come here now.]
paucis te volo.
[I want to you talk to you for a bit.]
SO. dictum puta:
[Think about what you say:]
nempe ut curentur recte haec?
[Do you mean things that things like these have been taken care of?]
SI. immo aliud.
[Why, in fact, something else.]
SO. quid est 30
quod tibi mea ars efficere hoc possit amplius?
[What more can my skills manage to accomplish for you than this?]
SI. nil istac opus est arte ad hanc rem quam paro,
[There's no need for anything more than the matter I'm now preparing,]
sed eis quas semper in te intellexi sitas,
[but only for those that I've come to understand have been put in your hands,]
fide et taciturnitate.
[with loyalty and refusal to blurt out.]
SO. exspecto quid velis.
[I await the thing you wish for.]
SI. ego postquam te emi,
[Well, after I bought you,]
a parvolo ut semper tibi 35
apud me iusta et clemens fuerit servitus
[since the time you were a young squirt, you know that my house's always been just and merciful to you.]
feci ex servo ut esses libertus mihi,
[I turned you from a slave, so that you could my freedman,]
propterea quod servibas liberaliter:
[so that you would freely do service:]
quod habui summum pretium persolvi tibi.
[one of the greatest costs I've had to pay on your behalf.]
SO. in memoria habeo.
[I do remember.]
SI. haud muto factum.
[I've not changed our arrangement.]
SO. gaudeo 40
si tibi quid feci
[I'm glad to hear I've do something for you,]
aut facio quod placeat, Simo,
[or rather, that I do anything that might please you, Simo,]
et id gratum <fui>sse advorsum te habeo gratiam.
[I thank you for having this reason for gratitude, by your account.]
sed hoc mihi molestumst;
[but something like this pisses me off;]
nam istaec commemoratio
quasi exprobratiost inmemoris benefici.
[you see, a reminder like this is kinda like criticism of an unrecognized favor.]
quin tu uno verbo dic quid est quod me velis. 45
[but come now, really you, tell me the deal about what it is you want me to do.]
SI. ita faciam.
[Ok, I do it.]
hoc primum in hac re praedico tibi:
[But first, I'll now say this to you about the matter:]
quas credis esse has non sunt verae nuptiae.
[the marriage that you
SO. quor simulas igitur?
[So why the hell are you pretending so?]
SI. rem omnem a principio audies:
[Just listen to the whole scheme from the beginning:]
<eo> pacto et gnati vitam et consilium meum
[By that token, you will know my son's life, and my decision,]
et quid facere in hac re te velim. 50
[and why I want to involve you in my plot.]
nam is postquam excessit ex ephebis, Sosia,
[you see, Sosia, ever since he grew up from his coming of age,]
~liberius vivendi fuit potestas~
[and and his life became more freely,]
(nam antea
qui scire posses aut ingenium noscere,
[you see, how could you know beforehand, and understand his character,]
dum aetas metus magister prohibebant?
[while his age, his fear, and his teacher stand in the way?]
SO. itast.)
[That's the case.]
SI. quod plerique omnes faciunt adulescentuli, 55
[But very often, all the young teens act,]
ut animum ad aliquod studium adiungant,
[in any way they can join their character and some passion of theirs,]
aut equos
alere aut canes ad venandum aut ad philosophos,
[be it horses, or gambling, or dogs, or going hunting, or following philosophers around,]
horum ille nil egregie praeter cetera
[so he, among them, wasn't feeling any tremendously stranger passion beyond the rest,]
et tamen omnia haec mediocriter.
[and, in fact, all of these kinds are rather moderate.]
[I was glad for him.]
SO. non iniuria;
[That's no offense;]
195-159 BC
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Republican Era)
INCIPIT ANDRIA TERENTI [So begins Terence's Andria]
ACTA LVDIS MEGALENSIBVS [Put on at the Megalensian Games]
M. FVLVIO M'. GLABRIONE AEDILIB. CVRVLIB. [For the aediles of curule rank Marcus Fulvius and Marcus Glabrio]
EGERE L. AMBIVIVS TVRPIO L. HATILIVS PRAENESTINVS [Played by Lucius Ambivivus and Lucius Hatilius from Praeneste]
MODOS FECIT FLACCVS CLAVDI [Flaccius Claudius performed the music]
TIBIS PARIBVS TOTA [Everything was played to a pair of pipes]
FACTA PRIMA [The Greek version was first written by Menander]
M. MARCELLO C. SVLPICIO COS. [Performed during the consul years of Marcus Marcellus and Gaius Sulpicius]
PERSONAE [characters]
PROLOGUS [prologue]
SIMO SENEX [Simo the old man]
SOSIA LIBERTVS [Sosia the freedman]
DAVOS SERVOS [Davos the slave]
MYSIS ANCILLA [Mysis the slave woman]
PAMPHILVS ADVLESCENS [The young man Pamphilos]
CHARINVS ADVLESCENS [The young man Charinos]
BYRRIA SERVOS [Burria the slave]
LESBIA OBSTETRIX [Lesbia the midwife]
GLYCERIVM MVLIER [Glycerium the wife]
CHREMES SENEX [Chermes the old man]
CRITO SENEX [Crito the old man
DROMO LORARIVS [Dromo the charioteer]
G. SVLPICI APOLLINARIS [Introduction by Gaius Sulpicius Apollinaris]
Sororem falso creditam meretriculae
Genere Andriae, Glycerium, uitiat Pamphilus
[Disguising himself as Andria, Pamphilos has a sexual affair with Glycerium, the sister of a courtesan,]
Grauidaque facta dat fidem, uxorem sibi
Fore hanc;
[and after knocking her up, he proposes to her so as to make her his wife;]
namque aliam pater ei desponderat,
Gnatam Chremetis, atque ut amorem comperit,
Simulat futuras nuptias,
[By this token, his father had already bethroted his daughter of Chremes to this man, and as soon as he finds out the love affair, he pretends to plan a future wedding,]
cupiens suus
Quid haberet animi filius cognoscere.
[since he desires to know what his son had in mind.]
Daui suasu non repugnat Pamphilus.
[Pamphilos does not refuse Davos' advice.]
Sed ex Glycerio natum ut uidit puerulum
Chremes, recusat nuptias, generum abdicat.
[But Cremes, as soon as he sees the young boy born from Glycerium, refuses the marriage, and disowns his son in law.]
Mox Pamphilo, aliam dat Charino coniugem.
[Sooner or later though, he gives her to Pamphilus, and another wife to Charinos.]
Poeta quom primum animum ad scribendum adpulit,
[The poet who first sets his mind to writing,]
id sibi negoti credidit solum dari,
[he believed that it alone should be of importance to him]
populo ut placerent quas fecisset fabulas.
[that he had made stories that were pleasing to the people.]
verum aliter evenire multo intellegit;
[but otherwise he understands by far how it will turn out;]
nam in prologis scribundis operam abutitur, 5
[you see, a man does abuse to his play by writing the prologue]
non qui argumentum narret
[not when he tells the set of his story's events]
sed qui malevoli
veteris poetae maledictis respondeat.
[but when he replies to the criticisms of an old and ill-wishing poet.]
nunc quam rem vitio dent quaeso animum adtendite.
[Now pay attention, I beg you, to the issue that causes their criticism.]
Menander fecit Andriam et Perinthiam.
[Menander wrote the 'Andria' and 'Perinthia']
qui utramvis recte norit ambas noverit: 10
[any one who rightly knows, should know that he wrote both.]
non ita dissimili sunt argumento,
[So they do not have a different plot]
[s]et tamen
dissimili oratione sunt factae ac stilo.
[in any event, they were made in a different mode of speech and style.]
quae convenere in Andriam ex Perinthia
fatetur transtulisse atque usum pro suis.
[The things that happened in the Andria are those he is said to have takenfrom the Perinthia, and so the case remains for his own works.]
id isti vituperant factum
[These are the kinds of fellows who cast spite upon this act]
atque in eo disputant 15
contaminari non decere fabulas.
[and they dispute that it is improper for the stories to be mixed in the one tonight.]
faciuntne intellegendo ut nil intellegant?
[Do they act like they understand, so that they don't?]
qui quom hunc accusant,
[Wherefore they who accuse this man here,]
Naevium Plautum Ennium
[also accuse Naevius, Plautus, and Ennius]
quos hic noster auctores habet,
[who are authors from whom ours takes his cue]
quorum aemulari exoptat neglegentiam 20
[and whose negligence he wishes to emulate]
potius quam istorum obscuram diligentiam.
[more than the hard work of unknown writers.]
de(h)inc ut quiescant porro moneo
[So now I advise that the people here be quiet,]
et desinant
male dicere,
[and stop talking shit]
malefacta ne noscant sua.
[unless they should wish to hear about their own foul deeds.]
[Show us love]
adeste aequo animo
[come with no bias]
et rem cognoscite,
[and understand the situation]
ut pernoscatis ecquid <spei> sit relicuom, 25
[so that you truly know whether
posthac quas faciet de integro comoedias,
[afterwhich, whatever comedies he might make anew,]
spectandae an exigendae sint vobis prius.
[let them be first and foremost watched and played before you all.]
ACTVS I [Act 1]
Simo Sosia
SI. Vos istaec intro auferte:
[You there, bring those things inside.]
[Now go away.]
-- Sosia,
ades dum:
[Come here now.]
paucis te volo.
[I want to you talk to you for a bit.]
SO. dictum puta:
[Think about what you say:]
nempe ut curentur recte haec?
[Do you mean things that things like these have been taken care of?]
SI. immo aliud.
[Why, in fact, something else.]
SO. quid est 30
quod tibi mea ars efficere hoc possit amplius?
[What more can my skills manage to accomplish for you than this?]
SI. nil istac opus est arte ad hanc rem quam paro,
[There's no need for anything more than the matter I'm now preparing,]
sed eis quas semper in te intellexi sitas,
[but only for those that I've come to understand have been put in your hands,]
fide et taciturnitate.
[with loyalty and refusal to blurt out.]
SO. exspecto quid velis.
[I await the thing you wish for.]
SI. ego postquam te emi,
[Well, after I bought you,]
a parvolo ut semper tibi 35
apud me iusta et clemens fuerit servitus
[since the time you were a young squirt, you know that my house's always been just and merciful to you.]
feci ex servo ut esses libertus mihi,
[I turned you from a slave, so that you could my freedman,]
propterea quod servibas liberaliter:
[so that you would freely do service:]
quod habui summum pretium persolvi tibi.
[one of the greatest costs I've had to pay on your behalf.]
SO. in memoria habeo.
[I do remember.]
SI. haud muto factum.
[I've not changed our arrangement.]
SO. gaudeo 40
si tibi quid feci
[I'm glad to hear I've do something for you,]
aut facio quod placeat, Simo,
[or rather, that I do anything that might please you, Simo,]
et id gratum <fui>sse advorsum te habeo gratiam.
[I thank you for having this reason for gratitude, by your account.]
sed hoc mihi molestumst;
[but something like this pisses me off;]
nam istaec commemoratio
quasi exprobratiost inmemoris benefici.
[you see, a reminder like this is kinda like criticism of an unrecognized favor.]
quin tu uno verbo dic quid est quod me velis. 45
[but come now, really you, tell me the deal about what it is you want me to do.]
SI. ita faciam.
[Ok, I do it.]
hoc primum in hac re praedico tibi:
[But first, I'll now say this to you about the matter:]
quas credis esse has non sunt verae nuptiae.
[the marriage that you
SO. quor simulas igitur?
[So why the hell are you pretending so?]
SI. rem omnem a principio audies:
[Just listen to the whole scheme from the beginning:]
<eo> pacto et gnati vitam et consilium meum
[By that token, you will know my son's life, and my decision,]
et quid facere in hac re te velim. 50
[and why I want to involve you in my plot.]
nam is postquam excessit ex ephebis, Sosia,
[you see, Sosia, ever since he grew up from his coming of age,]
~liberius vivendi fuit potestas~
[and and his life became more freely,]
(nam antea
qui scire posses aut ingenium noscere,
[you see, how could you know beforehand, and understand his character,]
dum aetas metus magister prohibebant?
[while his age, his fear, and his teacher stand in the way?]
SO. itast.)
[That's the case.]
SI. quod plerique omnes faciunt adulescentuli, 55
[But very often, all the young teens act,]
ut animum ad aliquod studium adiungant,
[in any way they can join their character and some passion of theirs,]
aut equos
alere aut canes ad venandum aut ad philosophos,
[be it horses, or gambling, or dogs, or going hunting, or following philosophers around,]
horum ille nil egregie praeter cetera
[so he, among them, wasn't feeling any tremendously stranger passion beyond the rest,]
et tamen omnia haec mediocriter.
[and, in fact, all of these kinds are rather moderate.]
[I was glad for him.]
SO. non iniuria;
[That's no offense;]
Sulpicia, Letters (Epistulae)
Sulpicia [aut incerta auctrix aut incertus auctor]
period uncertain
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Republican or Late Imperial period )
(late 1st century B.C.)
Tandem venit amor, qualem texisse pudori
quam nudasse alicui sit mihi fama magis.
[At last, a love affair comes, the type that would give me more fame to have covered, for the sake of modesty, than to have revealed it to somebody.]
Exorata meis illum Cytherea Camenis
adtulit in nostrum deposuitque sinum.
[The Cytherean goddess, prayed for my Camenan poems, carried and dropped down my fellow into my lap.]
Exsolvit promissa Venus:
[Venus has kept her promises completely:]
mea gaudia narret,
dicetur siquis non habuisse sua.
[Let someone report my joy, let someone be said to not experience his own.]
Non ego signatis quicquam mandare tabellis,
ne legat id nemo quam meus ante, velim,
[For my part, I do not wish send anything through the tablets I've signed,]
sed peccasse iuvat, vultus conponere famae
[but I'm happy to have erred, and it makes me sad to have to keep a composed face despite the fame:]
cum digno digna fuisse ferar.
[Let me be seed to have been a girl worthy of a worthy fellow.]
Invisus natalis adest, qui rure molesto
et sine Cerintho tristis agendus erit.
[What a hateful birthday that must be spent in the annoying countryside, a sad maiden and without Cerinthus.]
Dulcius urbe quid est?
[What's sweeter than the city?]
an villa sit apta puellae
atque Arrentino frigidus amnis agro?
[or might a countryside be fit for a girl, and also the freezing river in the land of Arrezzo?]
Iam nimium Messalla mei studiose, quiescas,
[Hey Messalla, already too curious about me, may you fall silent,]
heu tempestivae, saeve propinque, viae!
[Woe's me! the roads are stormy, and cruel nearby!]
Hic animum sensusque meos abducta relinquo,
[In this place, I, now left behind, will lose my wit and senses,]
arbitrio quamvis non sinis esse meo.
[so long as you not allow me my discretion.]
Scis iter ex animo sublatum triste puellae?
[Do you know any path hidden from the sad mind of a girl?]
natali Romae iam licet esse suo.
[She can now be in Rome on her birthday.]
Omnibus ille dies nobis natalis agatur,
qui nec opinanti nunc tibi forte venit.
[May everybody have the kind of birthday, the kind that now comes to you even when you truly don't think it will.]
Gratum est, securus multum quod iam tibi de me
[It pleases me to follow the great amount of things you now allow to me,]
subito ne male inepta cadam.
[let me now suddenly not fall, hopelessly inept as I am.]
Sit tibi cura togae potior pressumque quasillo
scortum quam Servi filia Sulpicia:
[Let the care of a whore's toga be preferable to you, and a slut pressed by a *, more than Sulpicia, daughter of Servus.]
Solliciti sunt pro nobis, quibus illa dolori est,
[People are worrying about me, something of which is a cause for grief,]
ne cedam ignoto, maxima causa, toro.
[let me not yield to an unknown bed, even if I have the greatest of all causes.]
Estne tibi, Cerinthe, tuae pia cura puellae,
[O Cerinthus, is the dutiful concern of your girl,]
quod mea nunc vexat corpora fessa calor?
[what is this heat that now vexes my tired body?]
A ego non aliter tristes evincere morbos
optarim, quam te si quoque velle putem.
[Ah! for my part, I might not otherwise wish to beat back depressing illness, than if I think about you too.]
At mihi quid prosit morbos evincere, si tu
nostra potes lento pectore ferre mala?
[But what good might it do me to beat back illness if it is you who can stand to bear my troubles with a slow heart?]
Ne tibi sim, mea lux, aeque iam fervida cura
[My light of my life, let my blistering worry now not be shared by you]
ac videor paucos ante fuisse dies,
[and I think that it had a few days ago,]
si quicquam tota conmisi stulta iuventa,
[if I lost anything from my entire thoughtless youth,]
cuius me fatear paenituisse magis,
[which I may confess I had grieved over,]
hesterna quam te solum quod nocte reliqui,
[At night I left you what there was in the evening,]
ardorem cupiens dissimulare meum.
[desiring to deceive my own yearning.]
period uncertain
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Republican or Late Imperial period )
(late 1st century B.C.)
Tandem venit amor, qualem texisse pudori
quam nudasse alicui sit mihi fama magis.
[At last, a love affair comes, the type that would give me more fame to have covered, for the sake of modesty, than to have revealed it to somebody.]
Exorata meis illum Cytherea Camenis
adtulit in nostrum deposuitque sinum.
[The Cytherean goddess, prayed for my Camenan poems, carried and dropped down my fellow into my lap.]
Exsolvit promissa Venus:
[Venus has kept her promises completely:]
mea gaudia narret,
dicetur siquis non habuisse sua.
[Let someone report my joy, let someone be said to not experience his own.]
Non ego signatis quicquam mandare tabellis,
ne legat id nemo quam meus ante, velim,
[For my part, I do not wish send anything through the tablets I've signed,]
sed peccasse iuvat, vultus conponere famae
[but I'm happy to have erred, and it makes me sad to have to keep a composed face despite the fame:]
cum digno digna fuisse ferar.
[Let me be seed to have been a girl worthy of a worthy fellow.]
Invisus natalis adest, qui rure molesto
et sine Cerintho tristis agendus erit.
[What a hateful birthday that must be spent in the annoying countryside, a sad maiden and without Cerinthus.]
Dulcius urbe quid est?
[What's sweeter than the city?]
an villa sit apta puellae
atque Arrentino frigidus amnis agro?
[or might a countryside be fit for a girl, and also the freezing river in the land of Arrezzo?]
Iam nimium Messalla mei studiose, quiescas,
[Hey Messalla, already too curious about me, may you fall silent,]
heu tempestivae, saeve propinque, viae!
[Woe's me! the roads are stormy, and cruel nearby!]
Hic animum sensusque meos abducta relinquo,
[In this place, I, now left behind, will lose my wit and senses,]
arbitrio quamvis non sinis esse meo.
[so long as you not allow me my discretion.]
Scis iter ex animo sublatum triste puellae?
[Do you know any path hidden from the sad mind of a girl?]
natali Romae iam licet esse suo.
[She can now be in Rome on her birthday.]
Omnibus ille dies nobis natalis agatur,
qui nec opinanti nunc tibi forte venit.
[May everybody have the kind of birthday, the kind that now comes to you even when you truly don't think it will.]
Gratum est, securus multum quod iam tibi de me
[It pleases me to follow the great amount of things you now allow to me,]
subito ne male inepta cadam.
[let me now suddenly not fall, hopelessly inept as I am.]
Sit tibi cura togae potior pressumque quasillo
scortum quam Servi filia Sulpicia:
[Let the care of a whore's toga be preferable to you, and a slut pressed by a *, more than Sulpicia, daughter of Servus.]
Solliciti sunt pro nobis, quibus illa dolori est,
[People are worrying about me, something of which is a cause for grief,]
ne cedam ignoto, maxima causa, toro.
[let me not yield to an unknown bed, even if I have the greatest of all causes.]
Estne tibi, Cerinthe, tuae pia cura puellae,
[O Cerinthus, is the dutiful concern of your girl,]
quod mea nunc vexat corpora fessa calor?
[what is this heat that now vexes my tired body?]
A ego non aliter tristes evincere morbos
optarim, quam te si quoque velle putem.
[Ah! for my part, I might not otherwise wish to beat back depressing illness, than if I think about you too.]
At mihi quid prosit morbos evincere, si tu
nostra potes lento pectore ferre mala?
[But what good might it do me to beat back illness if it is you who can stand to bear my troubles with a slow heart?]
Ne tibi sim, mea lux, aeque iam fervida cura
[My light of my life, let my blistering worry now not be shared by you]
ac videor paucos ante fuisse dies,
[and I think that it had a few days ago,]
si quicquam tota conmisi stulta iuventa,
[if I lost anything from my entire thoughtless youth,]
cuius me fatear paenituisse magis,
[which I may confess I had grieved over,]
hesterna quam te solum quod nocte reliqui,
[At night I left you what there was in the evening,]
ardorem cupiens dissimulare meum.
[desiring to deceive my own yearning.]
Suetonius, Life of Julius Caesar
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus [Suetonius]
69-130 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
* * * [1] Annum agens sextum decimum patrem amisit;
[When he was 16, he was bereft of his father.]
sequentibusque consulibus flamen Dialis destinatus dimissa Cossutia,
[He was appointed a Flamen Dialis priest by the following consuls, when Cossutia was decommissioned,]
quae familia equestri sed admodum diues praetextato desponsata fuerat,
[he had been related to a distinguished equestrian--albeit a very rich one--]
Corneliam Cinnae quater consulis filiam duxit uxorem, ex qua illi mox Iulia nata est;
[He took Cornelia, the daughter of the 4-time consul Cinna, and from her, Julia was soon born;]
neque ut repudiaret compelli a dictatore Sulla ullo modo potuit.
[nor could he do anything other refuse an order by the dictator Sulla to divorce her.]
quare et sacerdotio et uxoris dote et gentilicis hereditatibus multatus diuersarum partium habebatur,
[Wherefore, the penalty of various, snatching away of both his priesthood, his wife's dowry, and his rights to his family's inheritance,]
ut etiam discedere e medio et quamquam morbo quartanae adgrauante prope per singulas noctes commutare latebras cogeretur
[and eventually he was forced to leave from the community, and even though he fell ill for 4 days, he had to run through the brush at night,]
seque ab inquisitoribus pecunia redimeret,
[And he saved himself from bounty hunters by bribery,]
donec per uirgines Vestales perque Mamercum Aemilium et Aurelium Cottam propinquos et adfines suos ueniam impetrauit.
[until finally he managed to secure a pardon using the Vestal Virgins, his relatives and associates, Mamercus Aemilius and Aurelius Cotta.]
satis constat Sullam, cum deprecantibus amicissimis et ornatissimis uiris aliquamdiu denegasset
[It happens that Sulla, even though initially refused to despite the prayers of his very best friends and most decorated men,]
atque illi pertinaciter contenderent,
[and these contended with him with tenacity,]
expugnatum tandem proclamasse siue diuinitus siue aliqua coniectura:
[until finally he, completely baffled, proclaimed, either out of divine inspiration, or some guess or another]
uincerent ac sibi haberent, dum modo scirent eum,
[that they would win out and hold themselves on his side, only until they finally recognized the man,]
quem incolumem tanto opere cuperent,
[the man whom they so greatly desired to safeguard,]
quandoque optimatium partibus, quas secum simul defendissent, exitio futurum;
[someday he would turn out be the destruction of the ruling classes' party, the very same one that they beforehand defended alongside himself.]
nam Caesari multos Marios inesse.
[said Sulla: "You see, there are many a Marius in that Caesar."]
[2] Stipendia prima in Asia fecit Marci Thermi praetoris contubernio;
[He conducted his very first military service in Asia, under the command of the praetor Marcus Thermus.]
a quo ad accersendam classem in Bithyniam missus desedit apud Nicomeden,
[after which, when he was once sent to Bithynia to summon a fleet, he settled down in the house of Nicomedes,]
non sine rumore prostratae regi pudicitiae;
[and not without the rumor that he had "bent over" his sense of decency to the king."]
quem rumorem auxit intra paucos rursus dies repetita Bithynia per causam exigendae pecuniae,
[and what caused this rumor to grow was that only a few days later, he had to come back to Bithynia because he was short on money,]
quae deberetur cuidam libertino clienti suo.
[which happened to be owned to own of his more libertine clients.]
reliqua militia secundiore fama fuit
[But his reputiation became a more fortunate cause for report[
et a Thermo in expugnatione Mytilenarum corona ciuica donatus est.
[and he was awarded the civic crown by Thermus in the seige at Mytilene.]
[3] Meruit et sub Seruilio Isaurico in Cilicia, sed breui tempore.
[And he gained credit in his service under Servilius Isauricus in Cilicia, but only for a brief period of time.]
nam Sullae morte comperta, simul spe nouae dissensionis,
[You see, after he learned of Sulla's death, and at the same time, in accompaniment with a hope of new dissension,]
quae per Marcum Lepidum mouebatur,
[which began to take motion through Marcus Lepidus,]
Romam propere redit.
[he returned to Roman in haste.]
et Lepidi quidem societate, quamquam magnis condicionibus inuitaretur, abstinuit,
[and although he was invited with great incentives, he stayed away from any association of Lepidus,]
cum ingenio eius diffisus tum occasione,
[because he was more at odds with both his level of intelligence and modus operandi,]
quam minorem opinione offenderat.
[than that he had previously offended the latter in respect to his opinions.]
[4] Ceterum composita seditione ciuili Cornelium Dolabellam consularem et triumphalem repetundarum postulauit;
[On the other hand, when his civil insurrection came to end, he requested that Cornelius Dolabella be denied this triumph and consulship.]
absolutoque Rhodum secedere statuit,
[and when he was absolved, he decided to leave for Rhodes,]
et ad declinandam inuidiam
[both in order to decrease the ill ill]
et ut per otium ac requiem Apollonio Moloni clarissimo tunc dicendi magistro operam daret.
[and so that he, through his leisure and rest time, could devote his time to learning under Apollonios of Molon, the most famous teacher in speaking at the time.]
huc dum hibernis iam mensibus traicit,
[To there while he delayed now for the winter season]
circa Pharmacussam insulam a praedonibus captus est
[he was captured by pirates around the island of Pharmacussa]
mansitque apud eos non sine summa indignatione prope quadraginta dies cum uno medico et cubicularis duobus.
[He remained in their custody, but not without harboring the utmost indignation, for almost 40 days in accompaniment with his doctor and two house slaves.]
nam comites seruosque ceteros initio statim ad expediendas pecunias, quibus redimeretur, dimiserat.
[By that account, he immediately sent away his associates, and the rest of his slaves in the beginning, in order to seek out money by which he could be ransomed back]
numeratis deinde quinquaginta talentis expositus in litore non distulit
[and from there, after 40 talents were totaled up and he was released, he did not leave from the shore]
quin e uestigio classe deducta persequeretur abeuntis ac redactos in potestatem supplicio,
[because he set out, after drawing up a fleet from the itinerary of the gang as it left, and pursued them , whereby they were put to punishment under his authority]
quod saepe illis minatus inter iocum fuerat, adficeret.
[something which he had, through jest, had often previously threatened against them, and performed.]
uastante regiones proximas Mithridate, ne desidere in discrimine sociorum uideretur, ab Rhodo,
[When Mithridates began to destroy the neighboring countries,]
quo pertenderat,
[to the very place he had planned to go,]
transiit in Asiam
[and he travelled to Asia]
auxiliisque contractis et praefecto regis prouincia expulso nutantis
[and with help cut off, and our prefect kicked out of his province by supporters of the king]
ac dubias ciuitates retinuit in fide.
[he kept cities that began to waver on our side.]
[5] Tribunatu militum, qui primus Romam reuerso per suffragia populi honor optigit,
[In his office as commander of the troops, which was the first office in Rome that leads to advancement through the vote of the people,]
actores restituendae tribuniciae potestatis, cuius uim Sulla deminuerat, enixissime iuuit.
[and he most dutifully helped the political actors who devoted themselves to restoring the power of the tribune, whose force Sulla had previously reduced.]
L. etiam Cinnae uxoris fratri, et qui cum eo ciuili discordia Lepidum secuti post necem consulis ad Sertorium confugerant,
[He also helped the brother of Lucius Cinna's wife, and amidst this period of civil strife, they were men who had previously had to the aid of Sertorius in accompaniment with the consuls, after they followed through in killing Lepidus]
reditum in ciuitatem rogatione Plotia confecit
[and he acquired permission to return to the city after an official request by Plotia]
habuitque et ipse super ea re contionem.
[and for his own sake, he made made a public speech upon the matter.]
[6] Quaestor Iuliam amitam uxoremque Corneliam defunctas laudauit e more pro rostris.
[As quaestor, he lavished praise on his aunt Julia, and wife Cornelia, both on account of their moral upstandingness, from the rostra.]
et in amitae quidem laudatione de eius ac patris sui utraque origine sic refert:
[and in fact, when it came to the eulogy of his aunt and both the lineages of his own home country, he said the following:]
'Amitae meae Iuliae maternum genus ab regibus ortum,
[My aunt's family, on her mother's side, was derived from kings,]
paternum cum diis inmortalibus coniunctum est.
[and her father's side was linked to the immortal gods.]
nam ab Anco Marcio sunt Marcii Reges,
[you see, the Marcian kings are related to Ancus Marcius,]
quo nomine fuit mater;
[whose name my mother shared;]
a Venere Iulii, cuius gentis familia est nostra.
[the Julii clan sprung from Venus, from whose stock my family belongs to.]
est ergo in genere et sanctitas regum,
[and thusly through her family lineage, there is also the divine ordainment of kings,]
qui plurimum inter homines pollent,
[men who are much more powerful in the crowd of people,]
et caerimonia deorum, quorum ipsi in potestate sunt reges.'
[and the religious rites of the gods, in whose power kings exist.']
In Corneliae autem locum Pompeiam duxit Quinti Pompei filiam, L. Sullae neptem;
[And yet, in the station fitting of a Cornelia, she took in Pompeia, the daughter of Quintus Pompey, and the niece of Lucius Sulla;]
cum qua deinde diuortium fecit adulteratam opinatus a Publio Clodio,
[with whom, at a later time, she later acquired a divorce from Publius Clodius, after suspecting him of adultery,]
quem inter publicas caerimonias penetrasse ad eam muliebri ueste tam constans fama erat,
[since so consistent is the story that he had snooped into the state's religious ceremonies, dressed in woman's clothing, to see her,]
ut senatus quaestionem de pollutis sacris decreuerit.
[and it turned out the Senate called for an investigation into whether our sacred rites were profaned.']
[7] Quaestori ulterior Hispania obuenit;
[He then served Farther Spain as quaestor;]
69-130 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
* * * [1] Annum agens sextum decimum patrem amisit;
[When he was 16, he was bereft of his father.]
sequentibusque consulibus flamen Dialis destinatus dimissa Cossutia,
[He was appointed a Flamen Dialis priest by the following consuls, when Cossutia was decommissioned,]
quae familia equestri sed admodum diues praetextato desponsata fuerat,
[he had been related to a distinguished equestrian--albeit a very rich one--]
Corneliam Cinnae quater consulis filiam duxit uxorem, ex qua illi mox Iulia nata est;
[He took Cornelia, the daughter of the 4-time consul Cinna, and from her, Julia was soon born;]
neque ut repudiaret compelli a dictatore Sulla ullo modo potuit.
[nor could he do anything other refuse an order by the dictator Sulla to divorce her.]
quare et sacerdotio et uxoris dote et gentilicis hereditatibus multatus diuersarum partium habebatur,
[Wherefore, the penalty of various, snatching away of both his priesthood, his wife's dowry, and his rights to his family's inheritance,]
ut etiam discedere e medio et quamquam morbo quartanae adgrauante prope per singulas noctes commutare latebras cogeretur
[and eventually he was forced to leave from the community, and even though he fell ill for 4 days, he had to run through the brush at night,]
seque ab inquisitoribus pecunia redimeret,
[And he saved himself from bounty hunters by bribery,]
donec per uirgines Vestales perque Mamercum Aemilium et Aurelium Cottam propinquos et adfines suos ueniam impetrauit.
[until finally he managed to secure a pardon using the Vestal Virgins, his relatives and associates, Mamercus Aemilius and Aurelius Cotta.]
satis constat Sullam, cum deprecantibus amicissimis et ornatissimis uiris aliquamdiu denegasset
[It happens that Sulla, even though initially refused to despite the prayers of his very best friends and most decorated men,]
atque illi pertinaciter contenderent,
[and these contended with him with tenacity,]
expugnatum tandem proclamasse siue diuinitus siue aliqua coniectura:
[until finally he, completely baffled, proclaimed, either out of divine inspiration, or some guess or another]
uincerent ac sibi haberent, dum modo scirent eum,
[that they would win out and hold themselves on his side, only until they finally recognized the man,]
quem incolumem tanto opere cuperent,
[the man whom they so greatly desired to safeguard,]
quandoque optimatium partibus, quas secum simul defendissent, exitio futurum;
[someday he would turn out be the destruction of the ruling classes' party, the very same one that they beforehand defended alongside himself.]
nam Caesari multos Marios inesse.
[said Sulla: "You see, there are many a Marius in that Caesar."]
[2] Stipendia prima in Asia fecit Marci Thermi praetoris contubernio;
[He conducted his very first military service in Asia, under the command of the praetor Marcus Thermus.]
a quo ad accersendam classem in Bithyniam missus desedit apud Nicomeden,
[after which, when he was once sent to Bithynia to summon a fleet, he settled down in the house of Nicomedes,]
non sine rumore prostratae regi pudicitiae;
[and not without the rumor that he had "bent over" his sense of decency to the king."]
quem rumorem auxit intra paucos rursus dies repetita Bithynia per causam exigendae pecuniae,
[and what caused this rumor to grow was that only a few days later, he had to come back to Bithynia because he was short on money,]
quae deberetur cuidam libertino clienti suo.
[which happened to be owned to own of his more libertine clients.]
reliqua militia secundiore fama fuit
[But his reputiation became a more fortunate cause for report[
et a Thermo in expugnatione Mytilenarum corona ciuica donatus est.
[and he was awarded the civic crown by Thermus in the seige at Mytilene.]
[3] Meruit et sub Seruilio Isaurico in Cilicia, sed breui tempore.
[And he gained credit in his service under Servilius Isauricus in Cilicia, but only for a brief period of time.]
nam Sullae morte comperta, simul spe nouae dissensionis,
[You see, after he learned of Sulla's death, and at the same time, in accompaniment with a hope of new dissension,]
quae per Marcum Lepidum mouebatur,
[which began to take motion through Marcus Lepidus,]
Romam propere redit.
[he returned to Roman in haste.]
et Lepidi quidem societate, quamquam magnis condicionibus inuitaretur, abstinuit,
[and although he was invited with great incentives, he stayed away from any association of Lepidus,]
cum ingenio eius diffisus tum occasione,
[because he was more at odds with both his level of intelligence and modus operandi,]
quam minorem opinione offenderat.
[than that he had previously offended the latter in respect to his opinions.]
[4] Ceterum composita seditione ciuili Cornelium Dolabellam consularem et triumphalem repetundarum postulauit;
[On the other hand, when his civil insurrection came to end, he requested that Cornelius Dolabella be denied this triumph and consulship.]
absolutoque Rhodum secedere statuit,
[and when he was absolved, he decided to leave for Rhodes,]
et ad declinandam inuidiam
[both in order to decrease the ill ill]
et ut per otium ac requiem Apollonio Moloni clarissimo tunc dicendi magistro operam daret.
[and so that he, through his leisure and rest time, could devote his time to learning under Apollonios of Molon, the most famous teacher in speaking at the time.]
huc dum hibernis iam mensibus traicit,
[To there while he delayed now for the winter season]
circa Pharmacussam insulam a praedonibus captus est
[he was captured by pirates around the island of Pharmacussa]
mansitque apud eos non sine summa indignatione prope quadraginta dies cum uno medico et cubicularis duobus.
[He remained in their custody, but not without harboring the utmost indignation, for almost 40 days in accompaniment with his doctor and two house slaves.]
nam comites seruosque ceteros initio statim ad expediendas pecunias, quibus redimeretur, dimiserat.
[By that account, he immediately sent away his associates, and the rest of his slaves in the beginning, in order to seek out money by which he could be ransomed back]
numeratis deinde quinquaginta talentis expositus in litore non distulit
[and from there, after 40 talents were totaled up and he was released, he did not leave from the shore]
quin e uestigio classe deducta persequeretur abeuntis ac redactos in potestatem supplicio,
[because he set out, after drawing up a fleet from the itinerary of the gang as it left, and pursued them , whereby they were put to punishment under his authority]
quod saepe illis minatus inter iocum fuerat, adficeret.
[something which he had, through jest, had often previously threatened against them, and performed.]
uastante regiones proximas Mithridate, ne desidere in discrimine sociorum uideretur, ab Rhodo,
[When Mithridates began to destroy the neighboring countries,]
quo pertenderat,
[to the very place he had planned to go,]
transiit in Asiam
[and he travelled to Asia]
auxiliisque contractis et praefecto regis prouincia expulso nutantis
[and with help cut off, and our prefect kicked out of his province by supporters of the king]
ac dubias ciuitates retinuit in fide.
[he kept cities that began to waver on our side.]
[5] Tribunatu militum, qui primus Romam reuerso per suffragia populi honor optigit,
[In his office as commander of the troops, which was the first office in Rome that leads to advancement through the vote of the people,]
actores restituendae tribuniciae potestatis, cuius uim Sulla deminuerat, enixissime iuuit.
[and he most dutifully helped the political actors who devoted themselves to restoring the power of the tribune, whose force Sulla had previously reduced.]
L. etiam Cinnae uxoris fratri, et qui cum eo ciuili discordia Lepidum secuti post necem consulis ad Sertorium confugerant,
[He also helped the brother of Lucius Cinna's wife, and amidst this period of civil strife, they were men who had previously had to the aid of Sertorius in accompaniment with the consuls, after they followed through in killing Lepidus]
reditum in ciuitatem rogatione Plotia confecit
[and he acquired permission to return to the city after an official request by Plotia]
habuitque et ipse super ea re contionem.
[and for his own sake, he made made a public speech upon the matter.]
[6] Quaestor Iuliam amitam uxoremque Corneliam defunctas laudauit e more pro rostris.
[As quaestor, he lavished praise on his aunt Julia, and wife Cornelia, both on account of their moral upstandingness, from the rostra.]
et in amitae quidem laudatione de eius ac patris sui utraque origine sic refert:
[and in fact, when it came to the eulogy of his aunt and both the lineages of his own home country, he said the following:]
'Amitae meae Iuliae maternum genus ab regibus ortum,
[My aunt's family, on her mother's side, was derived from kings,]
paternum cum diis inmortalibus coniunctum est.
[and her father's side was linked to the immortal gods.]
nam ab Anco Marcio sunt Marcii Reges,
[you see, the Marcian kings are related to Ancus Marcius,]
quo nomine fuit mater;
[whose name my mother shared;]
a Venere Iulii, cuius gentis familia est nostra.
[the Julii clan sprung from Venus, from whose stock my family belongs to.]
est ergo in genere et sanctitas regum,
[and thusly through her family lineage, there is also the divine ordainment of kings,]
qui plurimum inter homines pollent,
[men who are much more powerful in the crowd of people,]
et caerimonia deorum, quorum ipsi in potestate sunt reges.'
[and the religious rites of the gods, in whose power kings exist.']
In Corneliae autem locum Pompeiam duxit Quinti Pompei filiam, L. Sullae neptem;
[And yet, in the station fitting of a Cornelia, she took in Pompeia, the daughter of Quintus Pompey, and the niece of Lucius Sulla;]
cum qua deinde diuortium fecit adulteratam opinatus a Publio Clodio,
[with whom, at a later time, she later acquired a divorce from Publius Clodius, after suspecting him of adultery,]
quem inter publicas caerimonias penetrasse ad eam muliebri ueste tam constans fama erat,
[since so consistent is the story that he had snooped into the state's religious ceremonies, dressed in woman's clothing, to see her,]
ut senatus quaestionem de pollutis sacris decreuerit.
[and it turned out the Senate called for an investigation into whether our sacred rites were profaned.']
[7] Quaestori ulterior Hispania obuenit;
[He then served Farther Spain as quaestor;]
Tacitus, Annales
Publius Cornelius Tacitus [Tacitus]
56-117 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
[1] Urbem Romam a principio reges habuere; libertatem et consulatum L. Brutus instituit.
[In the beginning, kings ruled the city of Rome; Lucius Brutus was the founder of its liberty and government by the consul.]
dictaturae ad tempus sumebantur;
[Often times, a government ruled by a dictator was formed;]
neque decemviralis potestas ultra biennium, neque tribunorum militum consulare ius diu valuit.
[Neither did the power of the Decemviri last beyond 2 years, nor did the consul-upheld law of the military tribunes.]
non Cinnae, non Sullae longa dominatio;
[Neither Cinna nor Sulla's hegemony lasted long;]
et Pompei Crassique potentia cito in Caesarem, Lepidi atque Antonii arma in Augustum cessere, qui cuncta discordiis civilibus fessa nomine principis sub imperium accepit.
[and quickly did the power of Pompey and Crassus pass to Caesar, and the forces of Lepidus and Antony pass to Augustus, who received them all under his administration, by name of the emperor, because they were tired out from civil war.]
sed veteris populi Romani prospera vel adversa claris scriptoribus memorata sunt;
[but the prosperity of the older Roman generation, or their challenges, have been recorded by distinguished writers;]
temporibusque Augusti dicendis non defuere decora ingenia, donec gliscente adulatione deterrerentur.
[Celebrated minds were not missing from the period called the "Augustan", not untill they were scared out of their mind with fawning adulation.]
Tiberii Gaique et Claudii ac Neronis res florentibus ipsis ob metum falsae,
[The state of Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius and Nero were fake ones to those who began to succeed, because of fear,]
postquam occiderant, recentibus odiis compositae sunt.
[Afterward, they committed massacres, and these affairs have been settled by fresh causes of hatred.]
inde consilium mihi pauca de Augusto et extrema tradere,
[whenceforth I must explain the set-up as it regards Augustus, and the last parts of his government,]
mox Tiberii principatum et cetera,
[and soon after Tiberius' reign as emperor, and his other activities,]]
sine ira et studio, quorum causas procul habeo.
[without anger or bias, the causes of which I hold from afar.]
[2] Postquam Bruto et Cassio caesis nulla iam publica arma,
[After Brutus and Cassius were killed in battle, there were no longer any military belonging to the people]
Pompeius apud Siciliam oppressus exutoque Lepido,
[and <Sextus> Pompey was being pressed in the land of Sicily, and Lepidus had been taken out of the picture,]
interfecto Antonio
[and when Antony was killed off]
ne Iulianis quidem partibus nisi Caesar dux reliquus,
[and there was nobody even left from the Julii party except their general, Caesar,]
posito triumviri nomine consulem se ferens
[promoting himself as a consul, after setting aside the title of triumvir]
et ad tuendam plebem tribunicio iure contentum,
[and positioning himself to look after the common folk through the legal power of the tribune]
ubi militem donis, populum annona, cunctos dulcedine otii pellexit,
[after which he won over the military with rewards, the people with a supply of food, and all the rest through the sweetness of peaceful times]
insurgere paulatim, munia senatus magistratuum legum in se trahere,
[little by litle, he began to rise in power, and take upon himself offices bestowed by the Senate, and the administration over the laws]
nullo adversante,
[with no one opposing]
cum ferocissimi per acies aut proscriptione cecidissent,
[since his most staunchest opponents had already died in battle, or through his hitlist]
ceteri nobilium, quanto quis servitio promptior, opibus et honoribus extollerentur
[and the rest of the noble class--as much as a person could be any more ready for his own submission--were promoted in rank in accompaniment with gifts and positions of power]
ac novis ex rebus aucti
[and having grown in status from these new arrangements]
tuta et praesentia quam vetera et periculosa mallent.
[now they began to prefer the safety of the present state over the dangers of the past one.]
neque provinciae illum rerum statum abnuebant,
[And the provinces did not refuse to accept this state of affairs,]
suspecto senatus populique imperio ob certamina potentium et avaritiam magistratuum,
[and people began to grow weary of the Senate and People's role over the government, on account of the rivalries between its powerbrokers, and the sheer greed of its administrators]
invalido legum auxilio
[and from the weak aid that the laws provided]
quae vi ambitu postremo pecunia turbabantur.
[laws which finally became useless by the force bribe money had over it.]
[3] Ceterum Augustus subsidia dominationi Claudium Marcellum sororis filium admodum adulescentem pontificatu et curuli aedilitate, M. Agrippam ignobilem loco, bonum militia et victoriae socium, geminatis consulatibus extulit,
[Furthermore did Augustus, with the aid of his hegemony over the state, promote Claudius Marcellus, his sister's son and still quite a young man, to the chair of the priesthood and administration of the curule aedile, and Marcus Agrippa, who was low-born in his station, but a valuable man in arms and the partner of his victory--he gave them both the office of consul]
mox defuncto Marcello generum sumpsit;
[and he soon took the latter under his wing as a son-in-law when Marcellus died;]
Tiberium Neronem et Claudium Drusum privignos imperatoriis nominibus auxit,
[And it gained Tiberius Nero, and Claudius Drusus, humble citizens, the titles of emperor,]
integra etiam tum domo sua.
[even at that time was were their affairs secure for their house.]
nam genitos Agrippa Gaium ac Lucium in familiam Caesarum induxerat,
[You see, Agrippa had introduced his sons Gaius and Lucius into the family of Caesar,]
necdum posita puerili praetexta principes iuventutis appellari,
destinari consules specie recusantis flagrantissime cupiverat.
[and he had desired they should be official granted the title of "leaders of the future generations", despite wearing their pueril garb, and most passionately of all, that they should be appointed consuls in the making.]
ut Agrippa vita concessit,
[Something which Agrippa conceded during his lifetime,]
Lucium Caesarem euntem ad Hispaniensis exercitus, Gaium remeantem Armenia et vulnere invalidum mors fato propera vel novercae Liviae dolus abstulit,
[but death, hurried by fate, or otherwise the scheming of their stepmother Livia ripped away Lucius Caesar, as he was going to join the armies in Spain, and Gaius, as he was returning from Armenia and fell ill from an injury.]
Drusoque pridem extincto Nero solus e privignis erat,
[Nero, on the day before, was left alone, with their name Drusus whiddled down from these bereavements,]
illuc cuncta vergere:
[so everything verged there:]
filius, collega imperii, consors tribuniciae potestatis adsumitur
[he a son, a colleague sharing control of the state, and a partner who assumed the tribunician power,]
omnisque per exercitus ostentatur,
[and he was given the opportunity to be showcased among all the armies,]
non obscuris, ut antea, matris artibus, sed palam hortatu.
[no thanks to the secret plans of his mother, as was the case before, but by her encouragement, now out in the open.]
nam senem Augustum devinxerat adeo,
[You see, he had beforehand won over Augustus, now an old man, so much]
uti nepotem unicum Agrippam Postumum, in insulam Planasiam proiecerit,
[that he cast his only grandson Agrippa Postumus in exile to the island Planasia,]
rudem sane bonarum artium et robore corporis stolide ferocem, nullius tamen flagitii conpertum.
[who was quite raw with good talents, and fierce-looking, from the solid physical strength of his body, and yet guilty of no ill deed.]
at hercule Germanicum Druso ortum octo apud Rhenum legionibus inposuit
[But, thank God he groomed and assigned Germanicus over eight legions in the Rhine]
adscirique per adoptionem a Tiberio iussit,
[and he ordered him to be given official recognition through his adoption by Tiberius,]
quamquam esset in domo Tiberii filius iuvenis,
[even though Tiberius had a young son living in his house,]
sed quo pluribus munimentis insisteret.
[but for whom he reserved a great deal of favors.]
bellum ea tempestate nullum nisi adversus Germanos supererat,
[In that period of time, no war got the best of him, except the one against the Germans,]
abolendae magis infamiae ob amissum cum Quintilio Varo exercitum
[more from the fact that he needed to extinguish the infamy that was caused by the army that was destroyed, along with Quintilius Varus]
quam cupidine proferendi imperii aut dignum ob praemium.
[from any desire to expand our empire, or to gain any worthy plunder in war.]
domi res tranquillae, eadem magistratuum vocabula;
[On the home front, things were peaceful, and the case was the same for the turnover of public officials;]
56-117 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
[1] Urbem Romam a principio reges habuere; libertatem et consulatum L. Brutus instituit.
[In the beginning, kings ruled the city of Rome; Lucius Brutus was the founder of its liberty and government by the consul.]
dictaturae ad tempus sumebantur;
[Often times, a government ruled by a dictator was formed;]
neque decemviralis potestas ultra biennium, neque tribunorum militum consulare ius diu valuit.
[Neither did the power of the Decemviri last beyond 2 years, nor did the consul-upheld law of the military tribunes.]
non Cinnae, non Sullae longa dominatio;
[Neither Cinna nor Sulla's hegemony lasted long;]
et Pompei Crassique potentia cito in Caesarem, Lepidi atque Antonii arma in Augustum cessere, qui cuncta discordiis civilibus fessa nomine principis sub imperium accepit.
[and quickly did the power of Pompey and Crassus pass to Caesar, and the forces of Lepidus and Antony pass to Augustus, who received them all under his administration, by name of the emperor, because they were tired out from civil war.]
sed veteris populi Romani prospera vel adversa claris scriptoribus memorata sunt;
[but the prosperity of the older Roman generation, or their challenges, have been recorded by distinguished writers;]
temporibusque Augusti dicendis non defuere decora ingenia, donec gliscente adulatione deterrerentur.
[Celebrated minds were not missing from the period called the "Augustan", not untill they were scared out of their mind with fawning adulation.]
Tiberii Gaique et Claudii ac Neronis res florentibus ipsis ob metum falsae,
[The state of Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius and Nero were fake ones to those who began to succeed, because of fear,]
postquam occiderant, recentibus odiis compositae sunt.
[Afterward, they committed massacres, and these affairs have been settled by fresh causes of hatred.]
inde consilium mihi pauca de Augusto et extrema tradere,
[whenceforth I must explain the set-up as it regards Augustus, and the last parts of his government,]
mox Tiberii principatum et cetera,
[and soon after Tiberius' reign as emperor, and his other activities,]]
sine ira et studio, quorum causas procul habeo.
[without anger or bias, the causes of which I hold from afar.]
[2] Postquam Bruto et Cassio caesis nulla iam publica arma,
[After Brutus and Cassius were killed in battle, there were no longer any military belonging to the people]
Pompeius apud Siciliam oppressus exutoque Lepido,
[and <Sextus> Pompey was being pressed in the land of Sicily, and Lepidus had been taken out of the picture,]
interfecto Antonio
[and when Antony was killed off]
ne Iulianis quidem partibus nisi Caesar dux reliquus,
[and there was nobody even left from the Julii party except their general, Caesar,]
posito triumviri nomine consulem se ferens
[promoting himself as a consul, after setting aside the title of triumvir]
et ad tuendam plebem tribunicio iure contentum,
[and positioning himself to look after the common folk through the legal power of the tribune]
ubi militem donis, populum annona, cunctos dulcedine otii pellexit,
[after which he won over the military with rewards, the people with a supply of food, and all the rest through the sweetness of peaceful times]
insurgere paulatim, munia senatus magistratuum legum in se trahere,
[little by litle, he began to rise in power, and take upon himself offices bestowed by the Senate, and the administration over the laws]
nullo adversante,
[with no one opposing]
cum ferocissimi per acies aut proscriptione cecidissent,
[since his most staunchest opponents had already died in battle, or through his hitlist]
ceteri nobilium, quanto quis servitio promptior, opibus et honoribus extollerentur
[and the rest of the noble class--as much as a person could be any more ready for his own submission--were promoted in rank in accompaniment with gifts and positions of power]
ac novis ex rebus aucti
[and having grown in status from these new arrangements]
tuta et praesentia quam vetera et periculosa mallent.
[now they began to prefer the safety of the present state over the dangers of the past one.]
neque provinciae illum rerum statum abnuebant,
[And the provinces did not refuse to accept this state of affairs,]
suspecto senatus populique imperio ob certamina potentium et avaritiam magistratuum,
[and people began to grow weary of the Senate and People's role over the government, on account of the rivalries between its powerbrokers, and the sheer greed of its administrators]
invalido legum auxilio
[and from the weak aid that the laws provided]
quae vi ambitu postremo pecunia turbabantur.
[laws which finally became useless by the force bribe money had over it.]
[3] Ceterum Augustus subsidia dominationi Claudium Marcellum sororis filium admodum adulescentem pontificatu et curuli aedilitate, M. Agrippam ignobilem loco, bonum militia et victoriae socium, geminatis consulatibus extulit,
[Furthermore did Augustus, with the aid of his hegemony over the state, promote Claudius Marcellus, his sister's son and still quite a young man, to the chair of the priesthood and administration of the curule aedile, and Marcus Agrippa, who was low-born in his station, but a valuable man in arms and the partner of his victory--he gave them both the office of consul]
mox defuncto Marcello generum sumpsit;
[and he soon took the latter under his wing as a son-in-law when Marcellus died;]
Tiberium Neronem et Claudium Drusum privignos imperatoriis nominibus auxit,
[And it gained Tiberius Nero, and Claudius Drusus, humble citizens, the titles of emperor,]
integra etiam tum domo sua.
[even at that time was were their affairs secure for their house.]
nam genitos Agrippa Gaium ac Lucium in familiam Caesarum induxerat,
[You see, Agrippa had introduced his sons Gaius and Lucius into the family of Caesar,]
necdum posita puerili praetexta principes iuventutis appellari,
destinari consules specie recusantis flagrantissime cupiverat.
[and he had desired they should be official granted the title of "leaders of the future generations", despite wearing their pueril garb, and most passionately of all, that they should be appointed consuls in the making.]
ut Agrippa vita concessit,
[Something which Agrippa conceded during his lifetime,]
Lucium Caesarem euntem ad Hispaniensis exercitus, Gaium remeantem Armenia et vulnere invalidum mors fato propera vel novercae Liviae dolus abstulit,
[but death, hurried by fate, or otherwise the scheming of their stepmother Livia ripped away Lucius Caesar, as he was going to join the armies in Spain, and Gaius, as he was returning from Armenia and fell ill from an injury.]
Drusoque pridem extincto Nero solus e privignis erat,
[Nero, on the day before, was left alone, with their name Drusus whiddled down from these bereavements,]
illuc cuncta vergere:
[so everything verged there:]
filius, collega imperii, consors tribuniciae potestatis adsumitur
[he a son, a colleague sharing control of the state, and a partner who assumed the tribunician power,]
omnisque per exercitus ostentatur,
[and he was given the opportunity to be showcased among all the armies,]
non obscuris, ut antea, matris artibus, sed palam hortatu.
[no thanks to the secret plans of his mother, as was the case before, but by her encouragement, now out in the open.]
nam senem Augustum devinxerat adeo,
[You see, he had beforehand won over Augustus, now an old man, so much]
uti nepotem unicum Agrippam Postumum, in insulam Planasiam proiecerit,
[that he cast his only grandson Agrippa Postumus in exile to the island Planasia,]
rudem sane bonarum artium et robore corporis stolide ferocem, nullius tamen flagitii conpertum.
[who was quite raw with good talents, and fierce-looking, from the solid physical strength of his body, and yet guilty of no ill deed.]
at hercule Germanicum Druso ortum octo apud Rhenum legionibus inposuit
[But, thank God he groomed and assigned Germanicus over eight legions in the Rhine]
adscirique per adoptionem a Tiberio iussit,
[and he ordered him to be given official recognition through his adoption by Tiberius,]
quamquam esset in domo Tiberii filius iuvenis,
[even though Tiberius had a young son living in his house,]
sed quo pluribus munimentis insisteret.
[but for whom he reserved a great deal of favors.]
bellum ea tempestate nullum nisi adversus Germanos supererat,
[In that period of time, no war got the best of him, except the one against the Germans,]
abolendae magis infamiae ob amissum cum Quintilio Varo exercitum
[more from the fact that he needed to extinguish the infamy that was caused by the army that was destroyed, along with Quintilius Varus]
quam cupidine proferendi imperii aut dignum ob praemium.
[from any desire to expand our empire, or to gain any worthy plunder in war.]
domi res tranquillae, eadem magistratuum vocabula;
[On the home front, things were peaceful, and the case was the same for the turnover of public officials;]
Chinese-English Dictionary (Pinyin)
hanyu-Chinese [lang.]
waiyu-foreign language
yihuir jian-see you later
yudao-meet, encounter v
yuebing-moon cake
yundongchang-sports field
yundonghui-tournament, match
yunfei-shipping expense
hao yunqi-good luck
peng yunqi-take a chance
you yunqi-lucky
zai adv.-again
zai prep.-in, at (in the process of)
zaihu-care about
wo buzaihu-I don't care
zang yifu-laundry
zao-build, create
waiyu-foreign language
yihuir jian-see you later
yudao-meet, encounter v
yuebing-moon cake
yundongchang-sports field
yundonghui-tournament, match
yunfei-shipping expense
hao yunqi-good luck
peng yunqi-take a chance
you yunqi-lucky
zai adv.-again
zai prep.-in, at (in the process of)
zaihu-care about
wo buzaihu-I don't care
zang yifu-laundry
zao-build, create
German-English Dictionary
Bekannte m-acquaintance
erkennen-recognize, realize
Hindernis n-hindrance
sich erhohlen-get well
hoffen-hope for
Hoffnung f- hope
kennen-lernen-get acquianted with
Klage f-complaint
klagen- complain
klingeln-ring, sound
lassen-let, allow
lachen-laugh v
lacheln-smile v
Rat (Ratschlage)-advice
Ratsel-puzzle, guess
Regen m-rain
Regenbogen m-rainbow
Regenschirm m-umbrella
regieren-rule v
Regierung f-reign
wiederholen-repeat, review, fetch back
Bekannte m-acquaintance
erkennen-recognize, realize
Hindernis n-hindrance
sich erhohlen-get well
hoffen-hope for
Hoffnung f- hope
kennen-lernen-get acquianted with
Klage f-complaint
klagen- complain
klingeln-ring, sound
lassen-let, allow
lachen-laugh v
lacheln-smile v
Rat (Ratschlage)-advice
Ratsel-puzzle, guess
Regen m-rain
Regenbogen m-rainbow
Regenschirm m-umbrella
regieren-rule v
Regierung f-reign
wiederholen-repeat, review, fetch back
Latin Grammar [Under Construction]
Grammatical element Used to describe/entails...
nominative case Subject
genitive case Specification, possession
dative case indirect object
>plural always same as ablative plural
accusative case direct object
ablative case prepositional case
vocative case direct address
>singular always the same as nominative (except for nominative -us- --> -e-)
>plural always same as nominative plural
Grammatical element Used to describe/entails...
1st declination -ae- genitive ending [sg, from nom to voc--a/ae/ae/am/a/a] [pl, from nom to voc--ae/arum/is/as/is/ae]
2nd declination -i- genitive ending
3rd declination -is- genitive ending
4th declination -us- genitive ending
5th declination -ei- genitive ending
nominative case Subject
genitive case Specification, possession
dative case indirect object
>plural always same as ablative plural
accusative case direct object
ablative case prepositional case
vocative case direct address
>singular always the same as nominative (except for nominative -us- --> -e-)
>plural always same as nominative plural
Grammatical element Used to describe/entails...
1st declination -ae- genitive ending [sg, from nom to voc--a/ae/ae/am/a/a] [pl, from nom to voc--ae/arum/is/as/is/ae]
2nd declination -i- genitive ending
3rd declination -is- genitive ending
4th declination -us- genitive ending
5th declination -ei- genitive ending
Statius, The Woods [Silvae]
Publius Papinius Statius [Statius]
45-96 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
Diu multumque dubitavi, Stella iuvenis optime et in studiis nostris eminentissime,
[For a long time, I doubted very much, Stella, you must amazing young man---and most eminent in our field of study]
qua parte evolvisti,
[the place from where you rolled out,]
an hos libellos, qui mihi subito calore et quadam festinandi voluptate fluxerunt,
[or these little books that flowed down to me suddenly with hot passion and obeisance to the man rushing them out,]
cum singuli de sinu meo pro [ . . . . ] congregatos ipse dimitterem.
[when I myself was just putting them down on my lap, having gathered them together.]
quid enim o [ . . . . ] quoque auctoritate editionis onerari, quo adhuc pro Thebaide mea, quamvis me reliquerit, timeo?
[You see, why shall I fear to be burdened by the power of a published work, to whence it yet avails my own work, the Thebaid, however much it has evaded me?]
sed et Culicem legimus et Batrachomachiam etiam agnoscimus,
[but I read the Culex, and also know about the Batrachomachia.]
nec quisquam est inlustrium poetarum
[nor is there any one of the famous poets]
qui non aliquid operibus suis stilo remissiore praeluserit.
[who could've performed anything among their works in a more subdued style.]
45-96 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
Diu multumque dubitavi, Stella iuvenis optime et in studiis nostris eminentissime,
[For a long time, I doubted very much, Stella, you must amazing young man---and most eminent in our field of study]
qua parte evolvisti,
[the place from where you rolled out,]
an hos libellos, qui mihi subito calore et quadam festinandi voluptate fluxerunt,
[or these little books that flowed down to me suddenly with hot passion and obeisance to the man rushing them out,]
cum singuli de sinu meo pro [ . . . . ] congregatos ipse dimitterem.
[when I myself was just putting them down on my lap, having gathered them together.]
quid enim o [ . . . . ] quoque auctoritate editionis onerari, quo adhuc pro Thebaide mea, quamvis me reliquerit, timeo?
[You see, why shall I fear to be burdened by the power of a published work, to whence it yet avails my own work, the Thebaid, however much it has evaded me?]
sed et Culicem legimus et Batrachomachiam etiam agnoscimus,
[but I read the Culex, and also know about the Batrachomachia.]
nec quisquam est inlustrium poetarum
[nor is there any one of the famous poets]
qui non aliquid operibus suis stilo remissiore praeluserit.
[who could've performed anything among their works in a more subdued style.]
Statius, Thebaid
Publius Papinius Statius [Statius]
45-96 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
Fraternas acies alternaque regna profanis
decertata odiis sontesque euoluere Thebas
Pierius menti calor incidit.
[Heat of Pieres' mind has fallen up me to unravel the wars between brothers, the each side's kingdoms contested between their ugly bouts of hatred, and Thebes, an innocent bystander.]
unde iubetis
ire, deae?
[Where do you order me to go, goddesses?]
gentisne canam primordia dirae,
[Shall I sing the beginnings of a sad people,]
Sidonios raptus et inexorabile pactum 5
legis Agenoreae scrutantemque aequora Cadmum?
[the rape of Sidones, and the unwanted agreement enacted by Agenor's law, and Cadmus, who looked to the seas afterward?]
45-96 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
Fraternas acies alternaque regna profanis
decertata odiis sontesque euoluere Thebas
Pierius menti calor incidit.
[Heat of Pieres' mind has fallen up me to unravel the wars between brothers, the each side's kingdoms contested between their ugly bouts of hatred, and Thebes, an innocent bystander.]
unde iubetis
ire, deae?
[Where do you order me to go, goddesses?]
gentisne canam primordia dirae,
[Shall I sing the beginnings of a sad people,]
Sidonios raptus et inexorabile pactum 5
legis Agenoreae scrutantemque aequora Cadmum?
[the rape of Sidones, and the unwanted agreement enacted by Agenor's law, and Cadmus, who looked to the seas afterward?]
Tacitus, Agricola
Publius Cornelius Tacitus [Tacitus]
56-117 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
[1] Clarorum virorum facta moresque posteris tradere, antiquitus usitatum, ne nostris quidem temporibus quamquam incuriosa suorum aetas omisit,
[To tell the deeds and practices to posterity, as it was the tradition in ancient times, lest indeed their time period, however negligent, hold anything from our generations]
quotiens magna aliqua ac nobilis virtus vicit ac supergressa est vitium parvis magnisque civitatibus commune, ignorantiam recti et invidiam.
[as many times as some great and noble virtue prevails, and overcame the vice shared by insignificant and famous city-states, to set ignorance and hatred straight.]
Sed apud priores ut agere digna memoratu pronum magisque in aperto erat,
[But in the presence of men before us, as the action of doing things worthy of record was inclined to become public,]
ita celeberrimus quisque ingenio ad prodendam virtutis memoriam sine gratia aut ambitione bonae tantum conscientiae pretio ducebantur.
[And so, most of all, people inclined to betraying the memory of their virtue, without any desire for favor or ambition, used be inspired by the payoff of only a good conscience.]
Ac plerique suam ipsi vitam narrare fiduciam potius morum quam adrogantiam arbitrati sunt,
[And very many people, for their part, think that telling a story about their own life is more empowering in the belief of morals than arrogance,]
nec id Rutilio et Scauro citra fidem aut obtrectationi fuit:
[nor was this idea belong to Rutilius and Scaurus, aside their faith, or to *obtrection]
adeo virtutes isdem temporibus optime aestimantur,
[to such extent that, during these very same times, strengths of character were most highly esteemed,]
quibus facillime gignuntur.
[through which they grew in the easier fashion possible.]
At nunc narraturo mihi vitam defuncti hominis venia opus fuit,
[But there was cause for excuse for my telling the life of a deceased man,]
quam non petissem incusaturus:
[as I could never had imagined myself launching attacks:]
tam saeva et infesta virtutibus tempora.
[the times were so ruthless and contrary to good qualities.]
Legimus, cum Aruleno Rustico Paetus Thrasea, Herennio Senecioni Priscus Helvidius laudati essent, capitale fuisse,
[I read that there was a capital offense, when Paetus Thrasea was praised by Arulenus Rusticus, and Priscus Helvidius by Herennius Senecio,]
neque in ipsos modo auctores, sed in libros quoque eorum saevitum,
[and that there was a savage attack not only against the authors themselves, but against their books,]
delegato triumviris ministerio ut monumenta clarissimorum ingeniorum in comitio ac foro urerentur.
[such that the monuments of these most distinguished genius around the assembly and forum were burned, as soon as administrative power had been delegated to the triumvirs.]
Scilicet illo igne vocem populi Romani et libertatem senatus et conscientiam generis humani aboleri arbitrabantur,
[So thus, through that fire, people believe that the voice of the Roman people and free will of the senate, and conscience of the human race was destroyed,]
expulsis insuper sapientiae professoribus atque omni bona arte in exilium acta,
[when soon after professional teachers were expelled from their wisdom, and all science and art was driven into exile,]
ne quid usquam honestum occurreret.
[and all so that nothing honorable should come to fruition.]
Dedimus profecto grande patientiae documentum;
[I have given a completely grand example of endurance;]
et sicut vetus aetas vidit quid ultimum in libertate esset,
[and by this token, the old generation witnessed what the very last one could be, in a state of freedom,]
ita nos quid in servitute,
[and thus what we manage in a condition of servitude,]
adempto per inquisitiones etiam loquendi audiendique commercio.
[now that, through our iniquities, the business of speaking and listening has now been erased.]
Memoriam quoque ipsam cum voce perdidissemus,
[We would have previously lost the memory itself, along with its speech,]
si tam in nostra potestate esset oblivisci quam tacere.
[if it could be so forgotten in our capacity, rather than fall silent.]
Nunc demum redit animus;
[Now, finally, the faculty of mind returns;]
et quamquam primo statim beatissimi saeculi ortu Nerva Caesar res olim dissociabilis miscuerit, principatum ac libertatem,
[and although, at first, before the sudden rise of a most blessed generation, emperor Nerva, at one point, tried to mix two opposite concepts, the Principate and democracy,]
augeatque cotidie felicitatem temporum Nerva Traianus,
[and everyday Nerva's son Trajan increases the felicity our times,]
nec spem modo ac votum securitas publica, sed ipsius voti fiduciam ac robur adsumpserit,
[not only did the people's safety gain hope and promise, but its vigor gained confidence in this promise,]
natura tamen infirmitatis humanae tardiora sunt remedia quam mala;
[and still, because of the nature of human frailty, remedies are slower than vices;]
et ut corpora nostra lente augescunt,
[and just as our bodies grow at a slow pace,]
cito extinguuntur,
[they are put down quickly,]
sic ingenia studiaque oppresseris facilius quam revocaveris:
[so too could you oppress ingenuity and progress more easily than redeem:]
subit quippe etiam ipsius inertiae dulcedo,
[why indeed, the sweetness of its inertia subsides even,]
et invisa primo desidia postremo amatur.
[and although first despised, as soon as it is sedated, it is finally esteemed.]
Quid, si per quindecim annos, grande mortalis aevi spatium, multi fortuitis casibus, promptissimus quisque saevitia principis interciderunt,
[Why then, if for fifteen years, a grand space of mortal time, a slew of men perished, by coincidental accidents, each one by the savage nature of an emperor,]
pauci et, ut ita dixerim, non modo aliorum sed etiam nostri superstites sumus,
[and few of us, if I might say,are survivors, not only among other men, but I include myself,]
exemptis e media vita tot annis,
[when so many years had been taken away from the middle of a lifetime,]
quibus iuvenes ad senectutem, senes prope ad ipsos exactae aetatis terminos per silentium venimus?
[after which we, once youths, reach old age, almost old men at the very ends of a life now finished in silence?]
56-117 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
[1] Clarorum virorum facta moresque posteris tradere, antiquitus usitatum, ne nostris quidem temporibus quamquam incuriosa suorum aetas omisit,
[To tell the deeds and practices to posterity, as it was the tradition in ancient times, lest indeed their time period, however negligent, hold anything from our generations]
quotiens magna aliqua ac nobilis virtus vicit ac supergressa est vitium parvis magnisque civitatibus commune, ignorantiam recti et invidiam.
[as many times as some great and noble virtue prevails, and overcame the vice shared by insignificant and famous city-states, to set ignorance and hatred straight.]
Sed apud priores ut agere digna memoratu pronum magisque in aperto erat,
[But in the presence of men before us, as the action of doing things worthy of record was inclined to become public,]
ita celeberrimus quisque ingenio ad prodendam virtutis memoriam sine gratia aut ambitione bonae tantum conscientiae pretio ducebantur.
[And so, most of all, people inclined to betraying the memory of their virtue, without any desire for favor or ambition, used be inspired by the payoff of only a good conscience.]
Ac plerique suam ipsi vitam narrare fiduciam potius morum quam adrogantiam arbitrati sunt,
[And very many people, for their part, think that telling a story about their own life is more empowering in the belief of morals than arrogance,]
nec id Rutilio et Scauro citra fidem aut obtrectationi fuit:
[nor was this idea belong to Rutilius and Scaurus, aside their faith, or to *obtrection]
adeo virtutes isdem temporibus optime aestimantur,
[to such extent that, during these very same times, strengths of character were most highly esteemed,]
quibus facillime gignuntur.
[through which they grew in the easier fashion possible.]
At nunc narraturo mihi vitam defuncti hominis venia opus fuit,
[But there was cause for excuse for my telling the life of a deceased man,]
quam non petissem incusaturus:
[as I could never had imagined myself launching attacks:]
tam saeva et infesta virtutibus tempora.
[the times were so ruthless and contrary to good qualities.]
Legimus, cum Aruleno Rustico Paetus Thrasea, Herennio Senecioni Priscus Helvidius laudati essent, capitale fuisse,
[I read that there was a capital offense, when Paetus Thrasea was praised by Arulenus Rusticus, and Priscus Helvidius by Herennius Senecio,]
neque in ipsos modo auctores, sed in libros quoque eorum saevitum,
[and that there was a savage attack not only against the authors themselves, but against their books,]
delegato triumviris ministerio ut monumenta clarissimorum ingeniorum in comitio ac foro urerentur.
[such that the monuments of these most distinguished genius around the assembly and forum were burned, as soon as administrative power had been delegated to the triumvirs.]
Scilicet illo igne vocem populi Romani et libertatem senatus et conscientiam generis humani aboleri arbitrabantur,
[So thus, through that fire, people believe that the voice of the Roman people and free will of the senate, and conscience of the human race was destroyed,]
expulsis insuper sapientiae professoribus atque omni bona arte in exilium acta,
[when soon after professional teachers were expelled from their wisdom, and all science and art was driven into exile,]
ne quid usquam honestum occurreret.
[and all so that nothing honorable should come to fruition.]
Dedimus profecto grande patientiae documentum;
[I have given a completely grand example of endurance;]
et sicut vetus aetas vidit quid ultimum in libertate esset,
[and by this token, the old generation witnessed what the very last one could be, in a state of freedom,]
ita nos quid in servitute,
[and thus what we manage in a condition of servitude,]
adempto per inquisitiones etiam loquendi audiendique commercio.
[now that, through our iniquities, the business of speaking and listening has now been erased.]
Memoriam quoque ipsam cum voce perdidissemus,
[We would have previously lost the memory itself, along with its speech,]
si tam in nostra potestate esset oblivisci quam tacere.
[if it could be so forgotten in our capacity, rather than fall silent.]
Nunc demum redit animus;
[Now, finally, the faculty of mind returns;]
et quamquam primo statim beatissimi saeculi ortu Nerva Caesar res olim dissociabilis miscuerit, principatum ac libertatem,
[and although, at first, before the sudden rise of a most blessed generation, emperor Nerva, at one point, tried to mix two opposite concepts, the Principate and democracy,]
augeatque cotidie felicitatem temporum Nerva Traianus,
[and everyday Nerva's son Trajan increases the felicity our times,]
nec spem modo ac votum securitas publica, sed ipsius voti fiduciam ac robur adsumpserit,
[not only did the people's safety gain hope and promise, but its vigor gained confidence in this promise,]
natura tamen infirmitatis humanae tardiora sunt remedia quam mala;
[and still, because of the nature of human frailty, remedies are slower than vices;]
et ut corpora nostra lente augescunt,
[and just as our bodies grow at a slow pace,]
cito extinguuntur,
[they are put down quickly,]
sic ingenia studiaque oppresseris facilius quam revocaveris:
[so too could you oppress ingenuity and progress more easily than redeem:]
subit quippe etiam ipsius inertiae dulcedo,
[why indeed, the sweetness of its inertia subsides even,]
et invisa primo desidia postremo amatur.
[and although first despised, as soon as it is sedated, it is finally esteemed.]
Quid, si per quindecim annos, grande mortalis aevi spatium, multi fortuitis casibus, promptissimus quisque saevitia principis interciderunt,
[Why then, if for fifteen years, a grand space of mortal time, a slew of men perished, by coincidental accidents, each one by the savage nature of an emperor,]
pauci et, ut ita dixerim, non modo aliorum sed etiam nostri superstites sumus,
[and few of us, if I might say,are survivors, not only among other men, but I include myself,]
exemptis e media vita tot annis,
[when so many years had been taken away from the middle of a lifetime,]
quibus iuvenes ad senectutem, senes prope ad ipsos exactae aetatis terminos per silentium venimus?
[after which we, once youths, reach old age, almost old men at the very ends of a life now finished in silence?]
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
3.30.2011 Ephemeris: Libyes seditiosi arma poscunt [Libyan rebels demand weapons]
Libyes seditiosi arma poscunt

[Rebels fighting the tyrant are making demands to an alliance of nations to send them weapons.]
Civitates Unitae Americae, quamquam nondum constituerunt, ut voluntati eorum satisfacerent, tamen eam rem consulto Consilii Securitatis, quod ad cives servandos pertinet, non repugnare censent.
[The United States of America, although yet to have made a decision as to whether it would meet their demands, nevertheless believes that it can not avoid the matter and stay in accordance with the Security Council directive that pertains to protecting civilians.]
Contra foedus militare NATO voluntatem seditiosorum vehementer repudiavit:
[On the other hand, the military alliance NATO vehemently opposed the demand of the rebels.]
immo consultum Consilii Securitatis prohibere, ne plura arma in Libyam mitterentur.
[It argued that Security Council directive clearly prohibit any more weapons from being sent into Libya.]
Alain Juppé, minister Francogallus rerum externarum, dixit se esse paratum de ea re cum sociis agere;
[Alain Juppé, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that he was prepared to act on this matter alongside his allies;]
quamquam id consulto Consilii Securitatis non contineretur, tamen de armis seditiosis subsidio mittendis loqui oportere.
[He said that although it was not originally defined in the Security Council order, he said that they need to speak on matters of supplying arms to the rebels.]
Sed William Hague, minister Britannus rerum externarum, dixit ad seditiosos armandos novo consulto Nationum Unitarum opus esse.
[But William Hague, the British Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that a new order by the United Nations would be needed on the matter arming rebels.]
Longe aliter atque Americani et Francogalli Sergius Lawrow, minister Russus rerum externarum, de ea re sentit:
[In stark contrast to the Americans and French, Sergi Lavrov, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, expressed his opinion on the matter:]
in Libya bellum civile geri; at Consilium Securitatis minime id constituisse, ut socii externi alteri parti subsidio venirent.
"A civil war is being waged in Libya; but the Security Council has determined that it most do as little was possible to have external members coming to the aid of either side."
Inter participes conventus Londiniensis convenit, ut tam diu vi militari adhibita in Libya intercederent, dum Gaddafi cives suos non iam aggrederetur.
[A meeting between the participating members convened in London, determining that they would intercede in Libya using military force until Gaddafi no longer attacks his own citizens.]
XL civitates huic conventui interfuerunt Unione Africana absente.
[50 nations came to the meeting, although the African Union did not come.]
Italia discordiis finiendis proposuit, ut indutiis factis legati Unionis Africanae tyranno persuaderent, ut in exilium iret.
[Italy proposed a way to end the conflict by having the members of the African Union persuade the tyrant to depart in exile after proposing a ceasefire]
Alii censebant esse praestandum, ne Gaddafi iudicibus internationalibus traderetur.
[Others were thinking that it would be better if Gaddafi were taking to the international court.]
Scripsit Volfgangus Austriacus - 30/03/2011 14h51, written by Wolfgang Austriac, translated by yours truly
Suetonius, Life of Terence
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus [Suetonius]
69-130 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
I. PUBLIUS TERENTIUS AFER, Carthagine natus, serviit Romae Terentio Lucano senatori,
[Publius Terentius Afer, born in Carthage, was a slave in Rome for Terentius Lucanus the senator,]
a quo ob ingenium et formam non institutus modo liberaliter sed et mature manumissus est.
[from whom, on account of his intelligence and good looks, was not only educated generously but was very early on granted his freedom.]
Quidam captum esse existimant, quod fieri nullo modo potuisse Fenestella docet,
[Certain people think that he was captured, something which Fenestella teaches was no way possible,]
cum inter finem secundi Punici belli et initium tertii natus sit et mortuus;
[since he was born and died between the end of the second Punic war and beginning of the third;]
nec si a Numidis et Gaetulis captus sit, ad ducem Romanum pervenire potuisse, nullo commercio inter Italicos et Afros nisi post deletam Carthaginem coepto.
[nor, if he was captured by Numidians and Gaetulians, could he have made it into the hands of a Roman general, since there was no trade between Italians and Africans except when it began after Carthage was destroyed.]
Hic cum multis nobilibus familiariter vixit, sed maxime cum Scipione Africano et C. Laelio.
[Here in Rome, he not only lived in familiarity with many noblemen, but most of all in the presence of Scipio Africanus and Gaius Laelius.]
Quibus etiam corporis gratia conciliatus existimatur, quod et ipsum Fenestella arguit, contendens utroque maiorem natu fuisse,
[One even thinks that he was welcomed into their circle because his athleticism impressed them, something which even Fenestella argues, as he contends that he would not have been much older than either one of these men,]
quamvis et Nepos aequales omnes fuisse tradat et Porcius suspicionem de consuetudine per haec faciat:
[although Nepos says that they were all the same age, and Porcius draws suspicion about this line of think for the following reasons:]
"Dum lasciviam nobilium et laudes fucosas petit,
["Meanwhile he seeks the lust and swarthy praises of noblemen,]
Dum Africani vocem divinam inhiat avidis auribus,
[Meanhile he breathes a divine voice into the eager ears of the African,]
Dum ad Philum se cenitare et Laelium pulchrum putat,
[Meanwhile he imagines himself dining alongside Philus and handsome Laelius,]
Dum in Albanum crebro rapitur ob florem aetatis suae:
[Meanwhile he was repeatedly snatched to the Alban fellow, because he is in the prime of his youth:]
Post sublatis rebus ad summam inopiam redactus est.
[And after all these affairs are laid aside, he fell into the greatest poverty one can imagine.]
Itaque e conspectu omnium abit Graeciam in terram ultimam.
[And so, he left from the sight of all for the farthest land in Greece.]
Mortuust Stymphali, Arcadiae in oppido.
[He died in Stymphalis, in an Arcadian town.]
Nil Publius
Scipio profuit, nil illi Laelius, nil Furius,
Tres per id tempus qui agitabant nobiles facillime.
[In no way did Publius Scipio, did Laelius, did Furius help him, and these three fellows used to play the roles of nobles most easily of all, in that period of time.]
Eorum ille opera ne domum quidem habuit conducticiam,
[Indeed, he did not own a house, but a temporary residence as a result of these men]
Saltem ut esset quo referret obitum domini servulus."
[And pray tell, what was the result? That a "little slave boy" brought back the news of his master.]
II. Scripsit comoedias sex, ex quibus primam "Andriam" cum aedilibus daret,
iussus ante Caecilio recitare, ad cenantem cum venisset, dictus est initium quidem fabulae,
[He wrote six comedies, the first of which, Andria, he give at the side of aediles, since he was ordered beforehand to recite it to Caecilius, and when he came to him dining, so indeed is it said to be the beginning of the story.]
quod erat contemptiore vestitu, subsellio iuxta lectulum residens legisse, post paucos vero versus invitatus
[Because he was dressed in less distinguished clothing, he read it on a stool next to a small litter, but after only a few lines he was given an invitation]
ut accumberet cenasse una,
[and where? To sit beside there to dine together with him]
dein cetera percucurrisse non sine magna Caecilii admiratione.
[and thenafter his other works never ran their course without Caecilius expressing his great admiration.]
Et hanc autem et quinque reliquas aequaliter populo probavit, quamvis Vulcatius dinumeratione omnium ita scribat:
[In any event, he approved the play I mentioned and five others, with equal discrimination, although Vulcatius writes about the numbering of all his works: ]
"Sumetur Hecyra sexta ex his fabula."
["Hecyra was undertaken folowing his sixth play."]
"Eunuchus" quidem bis die acta est meruitque pretium quantum nulla antea cuiusquam comoedia, id est octo milia nummorum;
[In truth, Eunuch was put on on the 2nd day, and won more prize money than any comedy before, 8000 pieces of money;]
propterea summa quoque titulo ascribitur.
[Wherefore top prize was also granted to its title.]
Nam "Adelphorum" principium Varro etiam praefert principio Menandri.
[To be specific, Varro also preferred his very beginning to the Adelphoi to Menander's beginning.]
III. Non obscura fama est adiutum Terentium in scriptis a Laelio et Scipione,
[Terence's fame in writing was aided by Laelius and Scipio,]
eamque ipse auxit numquam nisi leviter refutare conatus,
[and he himself never added increased this, ever, except when he, in jest, tried to make a refutation]
ut in prologo "Adelphorum":
[as in the prologue of the Adelphoi:]
"Nam quod isti dicunt malevoli,
["You see, whatever ill-wishing fellows like these say.]
homines nobiles
Hunc adiutare assidueque una scribere;
[men of noble rank support this man and write in unanimity, and with enthusiasm;]
Quod illi maledictum vehemens esse existumant,
[which is something those fools think is a violent insult,]
Eam laudem hic ducit maxumam,
[but this man takes this as the greatest praise of all,]
quom illis placet
Qui vobis univorsis et populo placent,
[who takes pleasure in that fact that his works delight all of you in the audience, and the populace,]
Quorum opera in bello, in otio, in negotio
Suo quisque tempore usus est sine superbia."
[who has enjoyed making his pieces of art in times of war, on break, and during work, without a jot of arrogance."]
Videtur autem se levius defendisse,
[And yet, he seems to have defended himself less seriously,]
quia sciebat et Laelio et Scipioni non ingratam esse hanc opinionem;
[because he knew that this mindset was no a matter of delight to both Laelius and Scipio;]
quae tamen magis et usque ad posteriora tempora valuit.
[still, he enjoyed success even more, despite these things, even up to the later generations.]
C. Memmius in oratione pro se ait:
[Gaius Memmius says in a speech on his behalf:]
"P. Africanus, qui a Terentio personam mutuatus, quae domi luserat ipse,
["Publius Africanus, since the time his mind had been influenced by Terence, whatever that very man had previously played in his home,]
nomine illius in scenam detulit."
[he brought the same to the stage under the name of that other fellow."]
Nepos auctore certo comperisse se ait,
[Nepos says that he had discovered himself in the acquaintance of a true author,]
69-130 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
I. PUBLIUS TERENTIUS AFER, Carthagine natus, serviit Romae Terentio Lucano senatori,
[Publius Terentius Afer, born in Carthage, was a slave in Rome for Terentius Lucanus the senator,]
a quo ob ingenium et formam non institutus modo liberaliter sed et mature manumissus est.
[from whom, on account of his intelligence and good looks, was not only educated generously but was very early on granted his freedom.]
Quidam captum esse existimant, quod fieri nullo modo potuisse Fenestella docet,
[Certain people think that he was captured, something which Fenestella teaches was no way possible,]
cum inter finem secundi Punici belli et initium tertii natus sit et mortuus;
[since he was born and died between the end of the second Punic war and beginning of the third;]
nec si a Numidis et Gaetulis captus sit, ad ducem Romanum pervenire potuisse, nullo commercio inter Italicos et Afros nisi post deletam Carthaginem coepto.
[nor, if he was captured by Numidians and Gaetulians, could he have made it into the hands of a Roman general, since there was no trade between Italians and Africans except when it began after Carthage was destroyed.]
Hic cum multis nobilibus familiariter vixit, sed maxime cum Scipione Africano et C. Laelio.
[Here in Rome, he not only lived in familiarity with many noblemen, but most of all in the presence of Scipio Africanus and Gaius Laelius.]
Quibus etiam corporis gratia conciliatus existimatur, quod et ipsum Fenestella arguit, contendens utroque maiorem natu fuisse,
[One even thinks that he was welcomed into their circle because his athleticism impressed them, something which even Fenestella argues, as he contends that he would not have been much older than either one of these men,]
quamvis et Nepos aequales omnes fuisse tradat et Porcius suspicionem de consuetudine per haec faciat:
[although Nepos says that they were all the same age, and Porcius draws suspicion about this line of think for the following reasons:]
"Dum lasciviam nobilium et laudes fucosas petit,
["Meanwhile he seeks the lust and swarthy praises of noblemen,]
Dum Africani vocem divinam inhiat avidis auribus,
[Meanhile he breathes a divine voice into the eager ears of the African,]
Dum ad Philum se cenitare et Laelium pulchrum putat,
[Meanwhile he imagines himself dining alongside Philus and handsome Laelius,]
Dum in Albanum crebro rapitur ob florem aetatis suae:
[Meanwhile he was repeatedly snatched to the Alban fellow, because he is in the prime of his youth:]
Post sublatis rebus ad summam inopiam redactus est.
[And after all these affairs are laid aside, he fell into the greatest poverty one can imagine.]
Itaque e conspectu omnium abit Graeciam in terram ultimam.
[And so, he left from the sight of all for the farthest land in Greece.]
Mortuust Stymphali, Arcadiae in oppido.
[He died in Stymphalis, in an Arcadian town.]
Nil Publius
Scipio profuit, nil illi Laelius, nil Furius,
Tres per id tempus qui agitabant nobiles facillime.
[In no way did Publius Scipio, did Laelius, did Furius help him, and these three fellows used to play the roles of nobles most easily of all, in that period of time.]
Eorum ille opera ne domum quidem habuit conducticiam,
[Indeed, he did not own a house, but a temporary residence as a result of these men]
Saltem ut esset quo referret obitum domini servulus."
[And pray tell, what was the result? That a "little slave boy" brought back the news of his master.]
II. Scripsit comoedias sex, ex quibus primam "Andriam" cum aedilibus daret,
iussus ante Caecilio recitare, ad cenantem cum venisset, dictus est initium quidem fabulae,
[He wrote six comedies, the first of which, Andria, he give at the side of aediles, since he was ordered beforehand to recite it to Caecilius, and when he came to him dining, so indeed is it said to be the beginning of the story.]
quod erat contemptiore vestitu, subsellio iuxta lectulum residens legisse, post paucos vero versus invitatus
[Because he was dressed in less distinguished clothing, he read it on a stool next to a small litter, but after only a few lines he was given an invitation]
ut accumberet cenasse una,
[and where? To sit beside there to dine together with him]
dein cetera percucurrisse non sine magna Caecilii admiratione.
[and thenafter his other works never ran their course without Caecilius expressing his great admiration.]
Et hanc autem et quinque reliquas aequaliter populo probavit, quamvis Vulcatius dinumeratione omnium ita scribat:
[In any event, he approved the play I mentioned and five others, with equal discrimination, although Vulcatius writes about the numbering of all his works: ]
"Sumetur Hecyra sexta ex his fabula."
["Hecyra was undertaken folowing his sixth play."]
"Eunuchus" quidem bis die acta est meruitque pretium quantum nulla antea cuiusquam comoedia, id est octo milia nummorum;
[In truth, Eunuch was put on on the 2nd day, and won more prize money than any comedy before, 8000 pieces of money;]
propterea summa quoque titulo ascribitur.
[Wherefore top prize was also granted to its title.]
Nam "Adelphorum" principium Varro etiam praefert principio Menandri.
[To be specific, Varro also preferred his very beginning to the Adelphoi to Menander's beginning.]
III. Non obscura fama est adiutum Terentium in scriptis a Laelio et Scipione,
[Terence's fame in writing was aided by Laelius and Scipio,]
eamque ipse auxit numquam nisi leviter refutare conatus,
[and he himself never added increased this, ever, except when he, in jest, tried to make a refutation]
ut in prologo "Adelphorum":
[as in the prologue of the Adelphoi:]
"Nam quod isti dicunt malevoli,
["You see, whatever ill-wishing fellows like these say.]
homines nobiles
Hunc adiutare assidueque una scribere;
[men of noble rank support this man and write in unanimity, and with enthusiasm;]
Quod illi maledictum vehemens esse existumant,
[which is something those fools think is a violent insult,]
Eam laudem hic ducit maxumam,
[but this man takes this as the greatest praise of all,]
quom illis placet
Qui vobis univorsis et populo placent,
[who takes pleasure in that fact that his works delight all of you in the audience, and the populace,]
Quorum opera in bello, in otio, in negotio
Suo quisque tempore usus est sine superbia."
[who has enjoyed making his pieces of art in times of war, on break, and during work, without a jot of arrogance."]
Videtur autem se levius defendisse,
[And yet, he seems to have defended himself less seriously,]
quia sciebat et Laelio et Scipioni non ingratam esse hanc opinionem;
[because he knew that this mindset was no a matter of delight to both Laelius and Scipio;]
quae tamen magis et usque ad posteriora tempora valuit.
[still, he enjoyed success even more, despite these things, even up to the later generations.]
C. Memmius in oratione pro se ait:
[Gaius Memmius says in a speech on his behalf:]
"P. Africanus, qui a Terentio personam mutuatus, quae domi luserat ipse,
["Publius Africanus, since the time his mind had been influenced by Terence, whatever that very man had previously played in his home,]
nomine illius in scenam detulit."
[he brought the same to the stage under the name of that other fellow."]
Nepos auctore certo comperisse se ait,
[Nepos says that he had discovered himself in the acquaintance of a true author,]
Statius, Achilleid
Publius Papinius Statius [Statius]
45-96 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
Magnanimum Aeaciden formidatamque Tonanti
progeniem et patrio vetitam succedere caelo,
diva, refer.
[Hail goddess, recall to me the proud-minded son of Aeacis, the fearful son of the thundering god, and how he gained the girl forbidden by the paternal sky.]
quamquam acta viri multum inclita cantu
Maeonio (sed plura vacant), nos ire per omnem—
[even though the fellow's deeds have been made well known by Maeonian song--many things are still missing--it's my taks to describe everything]
sic amor est—heroa velis Scyroque latentem 5
Dulichia proferre tuba nec in Hectore tracto
sistere, sed tota iuvenem deducere Troia.
[such is my passion--to not only describe upon the Dulichian horn the hero lurking among sails and Scyran sword, and how he stood over Hector, dragged about, but how he also killed off the entire youth from all Troy.]
tu modo, si veterem digno deplevimus haustu,
da fontes mihi, Phoebe, novos ac fronde secunda
necte comas:
[only you, Apollo, if we have used up my old dignified fount, grant my new inspiration and bind my hair with a second crown.]
neque enim Aonium nemus advena pulso 10
nec mea nunc primis augescunt tempora vittis.
[you see, neither the Aonian grove, even after its stranger struck down, nor my generations now grow stronger since their first handbands.]
scit Dircaeus ager meque inter prisca parentum
nomina cumque suo numerant Amphione Thebae.
[The field of Dirce knows, and Thebes counts among the ancient titles of its relatives and alongside its native, Amphion.]
At tu, quem longe primum stupet Itala virtus
[But you, whom pride of Italy and Greece admired for the first time from afar,]
cui geminae florent vatumque ducumque 15
certatim laurus—olim dolet altera vinci—,
[for whose sake the twins flourish, and crown of bards and leaders in contest---one grieves when the other is beaten]
da veniam ac trepidum patere hoc sudare parumper
[pardon me and allow a trembling man to sweat bit by bit in this dust:]
te longo necdum fidente paratu
molimur magnusque tibi praeludit Achilles.
[Not yet will I burden you with my long and faithful preparation, and famous Achilles will now play before you.]
Solverat Oebalio classem de litore pastor 20
Dardanus incautas blande populatus Amyclas
[The Trojan shepherd had previously set going his galley from the pleasant Ebalian shore, destroying cautious Amyclae,]
plenaque materni referens praesagia somni
culpatum relegebat iter,
[And fulfilling all the prophecies of her mother's visions, he rendered his journey one of crime,]
qua condita ponto
fluctibus invisis iam Nereis imperat Helle,
[upon which already Nereos' daughter Nelle, sitting upon the sea, makes her commands to unseen waves,]
cum Thetis Idaeos
—heu numquam vana parentum 25
auguria!—expavit vitreo sub gurgite remos.
[alas!, the forebodings of her parents are never useless--when Thetis paddled her Idaean oars under the glassy whirlpool.]
nec mora et undosis turba comitante sororum
prosiluit thalamis:
[With no delay, she left ahead, alongside the crowd of sisters gathering in their wave-filled marriage chambers:]
45-96 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
Magnanimum Aeaciden formidatamque Tonanti
progeniem et patrio vetitam succedere caelo,
diva, refer.
[Hail goddess, recall to me the proud-minded son of Aeacis, the fearful son of the thundering god, and how he gained the girl forbidden by the paternal sky.]
quamquam acta viri multum inclita cantu
Maeonio (sed plura vacant), nos ire per omnem—
[even though the fellow's deeds have been made well known by Maeonian song--many things are still missing--it's my taks to describe everything]
sic amor est—heroa velis Scyroque latentem 5
Dulichia proferre tuba nec in Hectore tracto
sistere, sed tota iuvenem deducere Troia.
[such is my passion--to not only describe upon the Dulichian horn the hero lurking among sails and Scyran sword, and how he stood over Hector, dragged about, but how he also killed off the entire youth from all Troy.]
tu modo, si veterem digno deplevimus haustu,
da fontes mihi, Phoebe, novos ac fronde secunda
necte comas:
[only you, Apollo, if we have used up my old dignified fount, grant my new inspiration and bind my hair with a second crown.]
neque enim Aonium nemus advena pulso 10
nec mea nunc primis augescunt tempora vittis.
[you see, neither the Aonian grove, even after its stranger struck down, nor my generations now grow stronger since their first handbands.]
scit Dircaeus ager meque inter prisca parentum
nomina cumque suo numerant Amphione Thebae.
[The field of Dirce knows, and Thebes counts among the ancient titles of its relatives and alongside its native, Amphion.]
At tu, quem longe primum stupet Itala virtus
[But you, whom pride of Italy and Greece admired for the first time from afar,]
cui geminae florent vatumque ducumque 15
certatim laurus—olim dolet altera vinci—,
[for whose sake the twins flourish, and crown of bards and leaders in contest---one grieves when the other is beaten]
da veniam ac trepidum patere hoc sudare parumper
[pardon me and allow a trembling man to sweat bit by bit in this dust:]
te longo necdum fidente paratu
molimur magnusque tibi praeludit Achilles.
[Not yet will I burden you with my long and faithful preparation, and famous Achilles will now play before you.]
Solverat Oebalio classem de litore pastor 20
Dardanus incautas blande populatus Amyclas
[The Trojan shepherd had previously set going his galley from the pleasant Ebalian shore, destroying cautious Amyclae,]
plenaque materni referens praesagia somni
culpatum relegebat iter,
[And fulfilling all the prophecies of her mother's visions, he rendered his journey one of crime,]
qua condita ponto
fluctibus invisis iam Nereis imperat Helle,
[upon which already Nereos' daughter Nelle, sitting upon the sea, makes her commands to unseen waves,]
cum Thetis Idaeos
—heu numquam vana parentum 25
auguria!—expavit vitreo sub gurgite remos.
[alas!, the forebodings of her parents are never useless--when Thetis paddled her Idaean oars under the glassy whirlpool.]
nec mora et undosis turba comitante sororum
prosiluit thalamis:
[With no delay, she left ahead, alongside the crowd of sisters gathering in their wave-filled marriage chambers:]
Suetonius, Life of Tiberius
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus [Suetonius]
69-130 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
[1] Patricia gens Claudia--fuit enim et alia plebeia, nec potentia minor nec dignitate--orta est ex Regillis oppido Sabinorum.
[The patrician clan of the Claudians--you see, there was a plebeian one with no less power and dignaty--emerged from the Sabine city of Regilli.]
Inde Romam recens conditam cum magna clientium manu conmigrauit auctore Tito Tatio consorte Romuli,
[From the beginning, it moved to Rome, freshly established, with a large following, under their founder Titus Tatius, Romulus' co-ruler,]
uel, quod magis constat, Atta Claudio gentis principe, post reges exactos sexto fere anno;
[or, as it is more accepted, when Atta Claudius was the sire of the clan, after the monarchy had been abolished for six years;]
atque in patricias cooptata agrum insuper trans Anienem clientibus locumque sibi ad sepulturam sub Capitolio publice accepit.
[and the clan was included among the patrician ones over the domain of Anienes' territory, and received a place of burial in public beneath the Capitol.]
Deinceps procedente tempore duodetriginta consulatus, dictaturas quinque, censuras septem, triumphos sex, duas ouationes adepta est.
[After the time passed, he gained the consulship 32 times, 5 dictatorships, the position of censor 7 times, 6 triumphs, and 2 public ovations.]
Cum praenominibus cognominibusque uariis distingueretur, Luci praenomen consensu repudiauit,
[Although he was distinguished by various family names and nicknames, he abhorred the name Lucius,]
postquam e duobus gentilibus praeditis eo alter latrocinii, caedis alter conuictus est.
[after which one Lucius was convicted of robbing two noblemen, and another of homicide.]
Inter cognomina autem et Neronis assumpsit, quo[d] significatur lingua Sabina fortis ac strenuus.
[At any event, he even assumed the name of Nero among his nicknames, which from the Sabine family means strong or strenuous.]
[2] Multa multorum Claudiorum egregia merita, multa etiam sequius admissa in rem p.
[There were many famous and worthy acts made by members of the Claudian family, and many acts committed contributed to the republic.]
quod in conferta multitudine aegre procedente carpento palam optauerat,
[because, in the crowd that was packed together, and in her sedan as it passed by in public, she had wished,]
ut frater suus Pulcher reuiuisceret
[that her brother Pulcher was still alive,]
atque iterum classem amitteret,
[and could once again send a fleet away,]
quo minor turba Romae foret.
[so that there could be less rabble in Rome.]
Praeterea notatissimum est,
[Furthermore, it is undoubtedly famous,]
Claudios omnis,
[that all of the members of the Claudians,]
excepto dum taxat P. Clodio,
[except for the sole example of Publius Clodius,]
qui ob expellendum urbe Ciceronem plebeio homini atque etiam natu minori in adoptionem se dedit,
[who turned himself into a plebeian citizen in order to have Cicero exiled from the city, and so that he could be adopted as a younger son,]
optimates adsertoresque unicos dignitatis ac potentiae patriciorum semper fuisse
[that they were members of the Optimates, the highest class, and unique fosterers of our class structure, and always supportive of the patricians' power,]
atque aduersus plebem adeo uiolentos et contumaces,
[and were so very violent and ill-wishing towards the common people,]
ut ne capitis quidem quisquam reus apud populum mutare uestem aut deprecari sustinuerit;
[that not even one of them deserving of execution would rather bear to change his class garb in support of the people, or seek their help;]
nonnulli in altercatione et iurgio tribunos plebi pulsauerint.
[a great deal of them attacked the tribunes of the plebs, in physical altercations, and quarrels.]
Etiam uirgo Vestalis fratrem iniussu populi triumphantem ascenso simul curru usque in Capitolium prosecuta est,
[One time, a Vestal Virgin had to follow her brother, who was celebrating a triumph in a raised chariot all the way to the Capitol, and not by the order of the people,]
ne uetare aut intercedere fas cuiquam tribunorum esset.
[in order to prevent it from becoming a custom for any of the tribunes to veto or intercede.]
[3] Ex hac stirpe Tiberius Caesar genus trahit,
[Tiberius Caesar took his lineage from this family tree,]
e[t] quidem utrumque:
[and actually, on both sides:]
paternum a Tiberio Nerone, maternum ab Appio Pulchro, qui ambo Appi Caeci filii fuerunt.
[his father's side from Tiberius Nero, and mother's side from Appius Pulcher, both of whom were sons of Appius the Blind.]
Insertus est et Liuiorum familiae adoptato in eam materno auo.
[He was member of the Livian family too, since his maternal grandfather was adopted in this family.]
Quae familia, quanquam plebeia, tamen et ipsa admodum floruit octo consulatibus,
[This family, although of plebeian status, still flourished greatly from its eight consuls,]
censuris duabus, triumphis tribus, dictatura etiam ac magisterio equitum honorata;
[two censors, three triumphs, and even honored by a member who was a dictator and Master of the Horse;]
clara et insignibus uiris ac maxime Salinatore Drusisque.
[it was distinguished both from its famous men, and most of all from Salinator, and the Drusi.]
Salinator uniuersas tribus in censura notauit leuitatis nomine,
[Salinator marked all the tribes with a funny title, during his tenure as censor,]
quod, cum se post Priorem consulatum multa inrogata condemnassent,
[because, even when, after holding a previous consulship, many legal petitions had sought have him condemned,]
consulem iterum censoremque fecissent.
[people still appointed him consul for a second time, and censor too.]
Drusus hostium duce Drauso comminus trucidato sibi posterisque suis cognomen inuenit.
[Drusus gained his nickname from killing, in hand to hand combat, a general named Drausus, which was passed down to his descendents.]
Traditur etiam pro praetore ex prouincia Gallia ret[t]ulisse aurum Senonibus olim in obsidione Capitolii datum nec, ut fama est, extortum a Camillo.
[He's also reputed, in his position as praetor in the province of Gaul, to have brought back the gold that was, once upon a time, granted to the Senones in their seige of our Capitol, and not, as the legend goes, stolen off by Camillus.]
Eius abnepos ob eximiam aduersus Gracchos operam patronus senatus dictus filium reliquit,
[His great grandson, being appointed as head of the senate, abandoned his son's side on account of the latter's opposition against the former's reprisals against the Gracchi,]
quem in simili dissensione multa uarie molientem diuersa factio per fraudem interemit.
[although a different faction ended up imbroiling him in scandal, once he began to be pressed in by similar dissention from various sides.]
[4] Pater Tiberi, Nero, quaestor C. Caesaris Alexandrino bello classi praepositus, plurimum ad uictoriam contulit.
[Tiberius' father, Nero, a quaestor of Gaius Caesar that had been appointed over the fleet during the war in Alexandria, did much to contribute to the victory.]
Quare et pontifex in locum P. Scipionis substitutus et ad deducendas in Galliam colonias, in quis Narbo et Arelate erant, missus est.
[Why in fact, he also replaced Publius Scipio as the pontifex, and he was commissioned to establish settlements in Gaul, in the places Narbonne and Arles lie.]
Tamen Caesare occiso, cunctis turbarum metu abolitionem facti decernentibus, etiam de praemiis tyrannicidarum referendum censuit.
[And yet, after Caesar was assassinated, and when the entire group of men began to perceive the unpopularity of the act from the utter panic of the masses, then he argued for a vote by the people regarding bounties for the capture of assassins.]
Praetura deinde functus, cum exitu anni discordia inter triumuiros orta esset,
[Thenafter, he served as praetor, even while discord had risen between the triumvirs at the very end of that year,]
retentis ultra iustum tempus insignibus L. Antonium consulem triumuiri fratrem ad Perusiam secutus,
[and he chased the consul Lucius Antony, the triumvir's brother, to Perugia, after he had held his office beyond what was the allotted term,]
deditione a ceteris facta, solus permansit in partibus ac primo Praeneste,
[and he alone, even after surrender had been given by the others, in the surrounding regions, and before that, in Praenestum,]
inde Neapolim euasit
[and after that, he escaped to Naples]
seruisque ad pilleum frustra uocatis in Siciliam profugit.
[and he fled to Sicily, after he, in vain, had tried to beckon his servants to his aid.]
Sed indigne ferens nec statim se in conspectum Sexti Pompei admissum et fascium usu prohibitum, ad M. Antonium traiecit in Achaiam.
[But bearing a grudge, and not being immediately allowed in the sight of Sextus Pompey, but instead disallowed of any use of his military power, he joined Mark Antony in Greece.]
Cum quo breui reconciliata inter omnis pace Romam redit
[When, after a brief spell and peace was reconciled among all parties, he returned to Rome,]
uxoremque Liuiam Drusillam et tunc grauidam et ante iam apud se filium enixam petenti Augusto concessit.
[and being requested, he granted Augustus the rights to his wife Livia Drusilla, who at the time was pregnant and had already given birth to a son.]
Nec multo post diem obiit,
[He died not many days after,]
utroque liberorum superstite, Tiberio Drusoque Neronibus.
[and was survived by both of his sons, Tiberius and Drusus Nero.]
[5] Tiberium quidam Fundis natum existimauerunt secuti leuem coniecturam,
[Certain people thought that Tiberius was a son of a man, Fundo, but they follow this disreputable theory]
quod materna eius auia Fundana fuerit
[because his maternal grandmother was Fundana]
et quod mox simulacrum Felicitatis ex s. C. Publicatum ibi sit.
[and because, soon after, there was a statue of Felicity commissioned by decree of the Senate.]
Sed ut plures certioresque tradunt, natus est Romae in Palatio XVI. Kal. Dec. M. Aemilio Lepido iterum L. Munatio Planco conss. Per bellum Philippense.
[But most others say that he was born in Rome, on the Palatine HIll, on the 16th Kalends of December, during the second consul year of Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and that of Lucius Munatius Plancus during our war against Philip.]
Sic enim in fastos actaque in publica relatum est.
[You see, the accounts are thusly verified by the official calender and public records.]
Nec tamen desunt,
[And yet, there is no lack of men]
qui partim antecedente anno, Hirti ac Pansae, partim insequenti, Seruili Isaurici [L.]que Antoni[i] consulatu, genitum eum scribant.
[who write that either he was born on the year before Hirtius and Pansa's consulship, or the one after, during the consulship of Servilius Isauricus and Lucius Antony.]
[6] Infantiam pueritiamque habuit laboriosam et exercitatam,
[He had drudging and rigorous childhood and boyhood,]
comes usque quaque parentum fugae;
[as he was ever the companion of his parents' flight from here and there;]
quos quidem apud Neapolim sub inruptionem hostis nauigium clam petentis uagitu suo paene bis prodidit,
[that is, parents whom he, on two occasions, when under the inspection of their nemesis who had secretly searched their ship in Naples, almost got them captured by his whining,]
semel cum a nutricis ubere,
[the first time when he was breast-feeding from his nursemaid,]
ite[ru]m cum a sinu matris raptim auferretur ab iis,
[and again when he was snatched from his mother's bosom by men]
qui pro necessitate temporis mulierculas leuare onere temptabant.
[who were attempting to lighten the burden from their woman to speed up their escape.]
Per Siciliam quoque et per Achaiam circumductus ac Lacedaemoniis publice,
[After he was led around Sicily and Greece, and publicly in Sparta,]
quod in tutela Claudiorum erant,
[because they took care to protect the members of the Claudian family,]
[he was hunted down,]
digrediens inde itinere nocturno discrimen uitae adiit flamma repente e siluis undique exorta
[and as he making his escape, he immediately had to don a woman's veil in his flight through the night, as he wander aimlessly about the woods]
adeoque omnem comitatum circumplexa,
[and he was so completely hidden by his slew of familiars]
ut Liuiae pars uestis et capilli amburerentur.
[that part of Livia's dress and hair were used to cover him.]
Munera, quibus a Pompeia Sex. Pompei sorore in Sicilia donatus est, chlamys et fibula,
[There were gifts with which he was rewarded from Sextus Pompey's sister, Pompeia, in Sicily, a cloak and clasp,]
item bullae aureae, durant ostendunturque adhuc Bais.
[as well as a locket made of gold, which survive and are still put on display in Baiae.]
Post reditum in urbem a M. Gallio senatore testamento adoptatus hereditate adita mox nomine abstinuit,
[After his return to the big city, he was adopted into the will of Marcus Gallius as his heir, but soon he renounced his title,]
quod Gallius aduersarum Augusto partium fuerat.
[after Gallius had become a member of the rival faction against Augustus.]
Nouem natus annos defunctum patrem pro rostris laudauit.
[Now nine years old, he spoke words of praise on the public rostra for his deceased father.]
Dehinc pubescens Actiaco triumpho currum Augusti comitatus est sinisteriore funali equo,
[From there, as he reached manhood, he accompanied Augustus' chariot in his triumph celebrating the victory of Actium, sitting upon the draped horse on his left side,]
cum Marcellus Octauiae filius dexteriore ueheretur.
[while Marcellus, Octavia's son, was carried on the right side.]
Praesedit et asticis ludis
[He sat in the seat of honor during the Astian Games,]
et Troiam circensibus [lusit] ductor turmae puerorum maiorum.
[and was the leader of the crowd of older chaps who set about a mock battle of Troy in the Circus.]
[7] Virili toga sumpta adulescentiam omnem spatiumque insequentis aetatis usque ad principatus initia per haec fere transegit.
[After he donned the toga of manhood, he nearly passed the entire extent of his young male life between that point and the beginning of his rule as emperor.]
Munus gladiatorium in memoriam patris et alterum in aui Drusi dedit,
[He threw gladiatorial games in memory of his father, and more games in honor of his grandfather Drusus,]
69-130 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
[1] Patricia gens Claudia--fuit enim et alia plebeia, nec potentia minor nec dignitate--orta est ex Regillis oppido Sabinorum.
[The patrician clan of the Claudians--you see, there was a plebeian one with no less power and dignaty--emerged from the Sabine city of Regilli.]
Inde Romam recens conditam cum magna clientium manu conmigrauit auctore Tito Tatio consorte Romuli,
[From the beginning, it moved to Rome, freshly established, with a large following, under their founder Titus Tatius, Romulus' co-ruler,]
uel, quod magis constat, Atta Claudio gentis principe, post reges exactos sexto fere anno;
[or, as it is more accepted, when Atta Claudius was the sire of the clan, after the monarchy had been abolished for six years;]
atque in patricias cooptata agrum insuper trans Anienem clientibus locumque sibi ad sepulturam sub Capitolio publice accepit.
[and the clan was included among the patrician ones over the domain of Anienes' territory, and received a place of burial in public beneath the Capitol.]
Deinceps procedente tempore duodetriginta consulatus, dictaturas quinque, censuras septem, triumphos sex, duas ouationes adepta est.
[After the time passed, he gained the consulship 32 times, 5 dictatorships, the position of censor 7 times, 6 triumphs, and 2 public ovations.]
Cum praenominibus cognominibusque uariis distingueretur, Luci praenomen consensu repudiauit,
[Although he was distinguished by various family names and nicknames, he abhorred the name Lucius,]
postquam e duobus gentilibus praeditis eo alter latrocinii, caedis alter conuictus est.
[after which one Lucius was convicted of robbing two noblemen, and another of homicide.]
Inter cognomina autem et Neronis assumpsit, quo[d] significatur lingua Sabina fortis ac strenuus.
[At any event, he even assumed the name of Nero among his nicknames, which from the Sabine family means strong or strenuous.]
[2] Multa multorum Claudiorum egregia merita, multa etiam sequius admissa in rem p.
[There were many famous and worthy acts made by members of the Claudian family, and many acts committed contributed to the republic.]
quod in conferta multitudine aegre procedente carpento palam optauerat,
[because, in the crowd that was packed together, and in her sedan as it passed by in public, she had wished,]
ut frater suus Pulcher reuiuisceret
[that her brother Pulcher was still alive,]
atque iterum classem amitteret,
[and could once again send a fleet away,]
quo minor turba Romae foret.
[so that there could be less rabble in Rome.]
Praeterea notatissimum est,
[Furthermore, it is undoubtedly famous,]
Claudios omnis,
[that all of the members of the Claudians,]
excepto dum taxat P. Clodio,
[except for the sole example of Publius Clodius,]
qui ob expellendum urbe Ciceronem plebeio homini atque etiam natu minori in adoptionem se dedit,
[who turned himself into a plebeian citizen in order to have Cicero exiled from the city, and so that he could be adopted as a younger son,]
optimates adsertoresque unicos dignitatis ac potentiae patriciorum semper fuisse
[that they were members of the Optimates, the highest class, and unique fosterers of our class structure, and always supportive of the patricians' power,]
atque aduersus plebem adeo uiolentos et contumaces,
[and were so very violent and ill-wishing towards the common people,]
ut ne capitis quidem quisquam reus apud populum mutare uestem aut deprecari sustinuerit;
[that not even one of them deserving of execution would rather bear to change his class garb in support of the people, or seek their help;]
nonnulli in altercatione et iurgio tribunos plebi pulsauerint.
[a great deal of them attacked the tribunes of the plebs, in physical altercations, and quarrels.]
Etiam uirgo Vestalis fratrem iniussu populi triumphantem ascenso simul curru usque in Capitolium prosecuta est,
[One time, a Vestal Virgin had to follow her brother, who was celebrating a triumph in a raised chariot all the way to the Capitol, and not by the order of the people,]
ne uetare aut intercedere fas cuiquam tribunorum esset.
[in order to prevent it from becoming a custom for any of the tribunes to veto or intercede.]
[3] Ex hac stirpe Tiberius Caesar genus trahit,
[Tiberius Caesar took his lineage from this family tree,]
e[t] quidem utrumque:
[and actually, on both sides:]
paternum a Tiberio Nerone, maternum ab Appio Pulchro, qui ambo Appi Caeci filii fuerunt.
[his father's side from Tiberius Nero, and mother's side from Appius Pulcher, both of whom were sons of Appius the Blind.]
Insertus est et Liuiorum familiae adoptato in eam materno auo.
[He was member of the Livian family too, since his maternal grandfather was adopted in this family.]
Quae familia, quanquam plebeia, tamen et ipsa admodum floruit octo consulatibus,
[This family, although of plebeian status, still flourished greatly from its eight consuls,]
censuris duabus, triumphis tribus, dictatura etiam ac magisterio equitum honorata;
[two censors, three triumphs, and even honored by a member who was a dictator and Master of the Horse;]
clara et insignibus uiris ac maxime Salinatore Drusisque.
[it was distinguished both from its famous men, and most of all from Salinator, and the Drusi.]
Salinator uniuersas tribus in censura notauit leuitatis nomine,
[Salinator marked all the tribes with a funny title, during his tenure as censor,]
quod, cum se post Priorem consulatum multa inrogata condemnassent,
[because, even when, after holding a previous consulship, many legal petitions had sought have him condemned,]
consulem iterum censoremque fecissent.
[people still appointed him consul for a second time, and censor too.]
Drusus hostium duce Drauso comminus trucidato sibi posterisque suis cognomen inuenit.
[Drusus gained his nickname from killing, in hand to hand combat, a general named Drausus, which was passed down to his descendents.]
Traditur etiam pro praetore ex prouincia Gallia ret[t]ulisse aurum Senonibus olim in obsidione Capitolii datum nec, ut fama est, extortum a Camillo.
[He's also reputed, in his position as praetor in the province of Gaul, to have brought back the gold that was, once upon a time, granted to the Senones in their seige of our Capitol, and not, as the legend goes, stolen off by Camillus.]
Eius abnepos ob eximiam aduersus Gracchos operam patronus senatus dictus filium reliquit,
[His great grandson, being appointed as head of the senate, abandoned his son's side on account of the latter's opposition against the former's reprisals against the Gracchi,]
quem in simili dissensione multa uarie molientem diuersa factio per fraudem interemit.
[although a different faction ended up imbroiling him in scandal, once he began to be pressed in by similar dissention from various sides.]
[4] Pater Tiberi, Nero, quaestor C. Caesaris Alexandrino bello classi praepositus, plurimum ad uictoriam contulit.
[Tiberius' father, Nero, a quaestor of Gaius Caesar that had been appointed over the fleet during the war in Alexandria, did much to contribute to the victory.]
Quare et pontifex in locum P. Scipionis substitutus et ad deducendas in Galliam colonias, in quis Narbo et Arelate erant, missus est.
[Why in fact, he also replaced Publius Scipio as the pontifex, and he was commissioned to establish settlements in Gaul, in the places Narbonne and Arles lie.]
Tamen Caesare occiso, cunctis turbarum metu abolitionem facti decernentibus, etiam de praemiis tyrannicidarum referendum censuit.
[And yet, after Caesar was assassinated, and when the entire group of men began to perceive the unpopularity of the act from the utter panic of the masses, then he argued for a vote by the people regarding bounties for the capture of assassins.]
Praetura deinde functus, cum exitu anni discordia inter triumuiros orta esset,
[Thenafter, he served as praetor, even while discord had risen between the triumvirs at the very end of that year,]
retentis ultra iustum tempus insignibus L. Antonium consulem triumuiri fratrem ad Perusiam secutus,
[and he chased the consul Lucius Antony, the triumvir's brother, to Perugia, after he had held his office beyond what was the allotted term,]
deditione a ceteris facta, solus permansit in partibus ac primo Praeneste,
[and he alone, even after surrender had been given by the others, in the surrounding regions, and before that, in Praenestum,]
inde Neapolim euasit
[and after that, he escaped to Naples]
seruisque ad pilleum frustra uocatis in Siciliam profugit.
[and he fled to Sicily, after he, in vain, had tried to beckon his servants to his aid.]
Sed indigne ferens nec statim se in conspectum Sexti Pompei admissum et fascium usu prohibitum, ad M. Antonium traiecit in Achaiam.
[But bearing a grudge, and not being immediately allowed in the sight of Sextus Pompey, but instead disallowed of any use of his military power, he joined Mark Antony in Greece.]
Cum quo breui reconciliata inter omnis pace Romam redit
[When, after a brief spell and peace was reconciled among all parties, he returned to Rome,]
uxoremque Liuiam Drusillam et tunc grauidam et ante iam apud se filium enixam petenti Augusto concessit.
[and being requested, he granted Augustus the rights to his wife Livia Drusilla, who at the time was pregnant and had already given birth to a son.]
Nec multo post diem obiit,
[He died not many days after,]
utroque liberorum superstite, Tiberio Drusoque Neronibus.
[and was survived by both of his sons, Tiberius and Drusus Nero.]
[5] Tiberium quidam Fundis natum existimauerunt secuti leuem coniecturam,
[Certain people thought that Tiberius was a son of a man, Fundo, but they follow this disreputable theory]
quod materna eius auia Fundana fuerit
[because his maternal grandmother was Fundana]
et quod mox simulacrum Felicitatis ex s. C. Publicatum ibi sit.
[and because, soon after, there was a statue of Felicity commissioned by decree of the Senate.]
Sed ut plures certioresque tradunt, natus est Romae in Palatio XVI. Kal. Dec. M. Aemilio Lepido iterum L. Munatio Planco conss. Per bellum Philippense.
[But most others say that he was born in Rome, on the Palatine HIll, on the 16th Kalends of December, during the second consul year of Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and that of Lucius Munatius Plancus during our war against Philip.]
Sic enim in fastos actaque in publica relatum est.
[You see, the accounts are thusly verified by the official calender and public records.]
Nec tamen desunt,
[And yet, there is no lack of men]
qui partim antecedente anno, Hirti ac Pansae, partim insequenti, Seruili Isaurici [L.]que Antoni[i] consulatu, genitum eum scribant.
[who write that either he was born on the year before Hirtius and Pansa's consulship, or the one after, during the consulship of Servilius Isauricus and Lucius Antony.]
[6] Infantiam pueritiamque habuit laboriosam et exercitatam,
[He had drudging and rigorous childhood and boyhood,]
comes usque quaque parentum fugae;
[as he was ever the companion of his parents' flight from here and there;]
quos quidem apud Neapolim sub inruptionem hostis nauigium clam petentis uagitu suo paene bis prodidit,
[that is, parents whom he, on two occasions, when under the inspection of their nemesis who had secretly searched their ship in Naples, almost got them captured by his whining,]
semel cum a nutricis ubere,
[the first time when he was breast-feeding from his nursemaid,]
ite[ru]m cum a sinu matris raptim auferretur ab iis,
[and again when he was snatched from his mother's bosom by men]
qui pro necessitate temporis mulierculas leuare onere temptabant.
[who were attempting to lighten the burden from their woman to speed up their escape.]
Per Siciliam quoque et per Achaiam circumductus ac Lacedaemoniis publice,
[After he was led around Sicily and Greece, and publicly in Sparta,]
quod in tutela Claudiorum erant,
[because they took care to protect the members of the Claudian family,]
[he was hunted down,]
digrediens inde itinere nocturno discrimen uitae adiit flamma repente e siluis undique exorta
[and as he making his escape, he immediately had to don a woman's veil in his flight through the night, as he wander aimlessly about the woods]
adeoque omnem comitatum circumplexa,
[and he was so completely hidden by his slew of familiars]
ut Liuiae pars uestis et capilli amburerentur.
[that part of Livia's dress and hair were used to cover him.]
Munera, quibus a Pompeia Sex. Pompei sorore in Sicilia donatus est, chlamys et fibula,
[There were gifts with which he was rewarded from Sextus Pompey's sister, Pompeia, in Sicily, a cloak and clasp,]
item bullae aureae, durant ostendunturque adhuc Bais.
[as well as a locket made of gold, which survive and are still put on display in Baiae.]
Post reditum in urbem a M. Gallio senatore testamento adoptatus hereditate adita mox nomine abstinuit,
[After his return to the big city, he was adopted into the will of Marcus Gallius as his heir, but soon he renounced his title,]
quod Gallius aduersarum Augusto partium fuerat.
[after Gallius had become a member of the rival faction against Augustus.]
Nouem natus annos defunctum patrem pro rostris laudauit.
[Now nine years old, he spoke words of praise on the public rostra for his deceased father.]
Dehinc pubescens Actiaco triumpho currum Augusti comitatus est sinisteriore funali equo,
[From there, as he reached manhood, he accompanied Augustus' chariot in his triumph celebrating the victory of Actium, sitting upon the draped horse on his left side,]
cum Marcellus Octauiae filius dexteriore ueheretur.
[while Marcellus, Octavia's son, was carried on the right side.]
Praesedit et asticis ludis
[He sat in the seat of honor during the Astian Games,]
et Troiam circensibus [lusit] ductor turmae puerorum maiorum.
[and was the leader of the crowd of older chaps who set about a mock battle of Troy in the Circus.]
[7] Virili toga sumpta adulescentiam omnem spatiumque insequentis aetatis usque ad principatus initia per haec fere transegit.
[After he donned the toga of manhood, he nearly passed the entire extent of his young male life between that point and the beginning of his rule as emperor.]
Munus gladiatorium in memoriam patris et alterum in aui Drusi dedit,
[He threw gladiatorial games in memory of his father, and more games in honor of his grandfather Drusus,]
Suetonius, Life of Caligula
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus [Suetonius]
69-130 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
[1] Germanicus, C. Caesaris pater, Drusi et minoris Antoniae filius, a Tiberio patruo adoptatus,
[Germanicus, Gaius Caesar's father, son of Drusus and Antonia the Younger, and adopted by his uncle Tiberius,]
quaesturam quinquennio ante quam per leges liceret
[he was allowed to gain the office of quaestor 5 years before legally possible]
et post eam consulatum statim gessit,
[and he immediately ran the consulship after that,]
missusque ad exercitum in Germaniam,
[and he was sent on an embassy to Germany,]
excessu Augusti nuntiato,
[at the time when Augustus' death was made public,]
legiones universas imperatorem Tiberium pertinacissime recusantis et sibi summam rei p. deferentis incertum pietate an constantia maiore compescuit atque hoste mox devicto triumphavit.
[He defeated all the legions that most violently refused to recognize Tiberius as emperor since they preferred a republic to himself, who was of questionable virtue and inconsistent morality, and later he celebrated a triumph after soon beating the enemy down.]
Consul deinde iterum creatus ac prius quam honorem iniret ad componendum Orientis statum expulsus,
[Then, he was elected consul again, and before he could enter the position, he was sent out to organize the situation of the East,]
cum Armeniae regem devicisset, Cappadociam in provinciae formam redegisset,
[after which he conquered the king of Armenia, and reduced Cappadocia to our province,]
annum agens aetatis quartum et tricensimum diuturno morbo Antiochiae obiit, non sine veneni suspicione.
[and reacher his 34th year of age, he died from a day-long plague in Antioch, not without suspicion of being poisoned.]
Nam praeter livores, qui toto corpore erant, et spumas, quae per os fluebant, cremati quoque cor inter ossa incorruptum repertum est, cuius ea natura existimatur, ut tinctum veneno igne confici nequeat.
[You see, besides the bruises, which were found all over his body, and the spit that dribbed over his face, it was discovered that the heart of his cremated body was intact between its bones, and its nature was observed to be impossible to cremate because it was tainted by poison.]
[2] Obiit autem, ut opinio fuit, fraude Tiberi, ministerio et opera Cn. Pisonis,
[In any event, he died, as the rumor went, on account of Tiberius' deception, and the aid and administration of Gnaeus Piso,]
qui sub idem tempus Syriae praepositus,
[a man who was placed at the time in a position over Syria,]
nec dissimulans offendendum sibi aut patrem aut filium,
[nor did you pretend that he could have caused offense to either his father or his son,]
quasi plane ita necesse esset,
[as if it were clearly so necessary,]
etiam aegrum Germanicum gravissimis verborum ac rerum acerbitatibus nullo adhibito modo adfecit;
[he even slandered the Germanicus, when he was ailing, with the least sympathetic aspect of words and deeds possible, holding back nothing.]
propter quae, ut Romam rediit, paene discerptus a populo, a senatu capitis damnatus est.
[But after these things, as soon as he returned to Rome, and barely before he could be torn apart by the people themselves, he was sentenced to death by the Senate.]
[3] Omnes Germanico corporis animique virtutes, et quantas nemini cuiquam, contigisse satis constat:
[All the virtues of mind and body is said to have been at Germanicus' disposal, and as much amount as every seen for anyone:]
formam et fortitudinem egregiam, ingenium in utroque eloquentiae doctrinaeque genere praecellens, benivolentiam singularem conciliandaeque hominum gratiae ac promerendi amoris mirum et efficax studium.
[he had renowned looks and strength, excelling in intelligence both in his grasp of eloquence and ideology, possessing a unique will to do good and a wonderful, effective ability to gather the good will of people and yearn their love.]
Formae minus congruebat gracilitas crurum,
[He was a somewhat less handsome in respect to his legs,]
sed ea quoque paulatim repleta assidua equi vectatione post cibum.
[but he worked these out too constantly through horse riding after dinner.]
Hostem comminus saepe percussit.
[He also struck down his foe in hand to hand combat.]
Oravit causas etiam triumphalis;
[He also gained the honor of triumphs;]
69-130 AD
Trans RMBullard
Latin (Imperial Era)
[1] Germanicus, C. Caesaris pater, Drusi et minoris Antoniae filius, a Tiberio patruo adoptatus,
[Germanicus, Gaius Caesar's father, son of Drusus and Antonia the Younger, and adopted by his uncle Tiberius,]
quaesturam quinquennio ante quam per leges liceret
[he was allowed to gain the office of quaestor 5 years before legally possible]
et post eam consulatum statim gessit,
[and he immediately ran the consulship after that,]
missusque ad exercitum in Germaniam,
[and he was sent on an embassy to Germany,]
excessu Augusti nuntiato,
[at the time when Augustus' death was made public,]
legiones universas imperatorem Tiberium pertinacissime recusantis et sibi summam rei p. deferentis incertum pietate an constantia maiore compescuit atque hoste mox devicto triumphavit.
[He defeated all the legions that most violently refused to recognize Tiberius as emperor since they preferred a republic to himself, who was of questionable virtue and inconsistent morality, and later he celebrated a triumph after soon beating the enemy down.]
Consul deinde iterum creatus ac prius quam honorem iniret ad componendum Orientis statum expulsus,
[Then, he was elected consul again, and before he could enter the position, he was sent out to organize the situation of the East,]
cum Armeniae regem devicisset, Cappadociam in provinciae formam redegisset,
[after which he conquered the king of Armenia, and reduced Cappadocia to our province,]
annum agens aetatis quartum et tricensimum diuturno morbo Antiochiae obiit, non sine veneni suspicione.
[and reacher his 34th year of age, he died from a day-long plague in Antioch, not without suspicion of being poisoned.]
Nam praeter livores, qui toto corpore erant, et spumas, quae per os fluebant, cremati quoque cor inter ossa incorruptum repertum est, cuius ea natura existimatur, ut tinctum veneno igne confici nequeat.
[You see, besides the bruises, which were found all over his body, and the spit that dribbed over his face, it was discovered that the heart of his cremated body was intact between its bones, and its nature was observed to be impossible to cremate because it was tainted by poison.]
[2] Obiit autem, ut opinio fuit, fraude Tiberi, ministerio et opera Cn. Pisonis,
[In any event, he died, as the rumor went, on account of Tiberius' deception, and the aid and administration of Gnaeus Piso,]
qui sub idem tempus Syriae praepositus,
[a man who was placed at the time in a position over Syria,]
nec dissimulans offendendum sibi aut patrem aut filium,
[nor did you pretend that he could have caused offense to either his father or his son,]
quasi plane ita necesse esset,
[as if it were clearly so necessary,]
etiam aegrum Germanicum gravissimis verborum ac rerum acerbitatibus nullo adhibito modo adfecit;
[he even slandered the Germanicus, when he was ailing, with the least sympathetic aspect of words and deeds possible, holding back nothing.]
propter quae, ut Romam rediit, paene discerptus a populo, a senatu capitis damnatus est.
[But after these things, as soon as he returned to Rome, and barely before he could be torn apart by the people themselves, he was sentenced to death by the Senate.]
[3] Omnes Germanico corporis animique virtutes, et quantas nemini cuiquam, contigisse satis constat:
[All the virtues of mind and body is said to have been at Germanicus' disposal, and as much amount as every seen for anyone:]
formam et fortitudinem egregiam, ingenium in utroque eloquentiae doctrinaeque genere praecellens, benivolentiam singularem conciliandaeque hominum gratiae ac promerendi amoris mirum et efficax studium.
[he had renowned looks and strength, excelling in intelligence both in his grasp of eloquence and ideology, possessing a unique will to do good and a wonderful, effective ability to gather the good will of people and yearn their love.]
Formae minus congruebat gracilitas crurum,
[He was a somewhat less handsome in respect to his legs,]
sed ea quoque paulatim repleta assidua equi vectatione post cibum.
[but he worked these out too constantly through horse riding after dinner.]
Hostem comminus saepe percussit.
[He also struck down his foe in hand to hand combat.]
Oravit causas etiam triumphalis;
[He also gained the honor of triumphs;]
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